In preparation for his EMF Health Summit, Dr. Conners had a great conversation with Lloyd Burrell of They covered some basic info on EMFs, 5G, and then Lloyd offered some practical steps on how to help mitigate exposure to EMFs in 3 main areas.
Recommended Products to Protect You From EMF Radiation
- Faraday Bag for your cell phone
- EMF Blocking Air Tube Headphones (Over-Ear and Earbud)
- Hedron Harmonizer (cell phones and large electronic devices) and pendant
- Smart Meter cover
- Blue Light glasses
- Satic Home Protection (Plug-in unit and hardwired unit)
About Lloyd Burrell
I felt compelled to speak out. One day out of the blue my cell phone rang, I pulled it out of my jacket pocket to answer the call and………BAM………that was how it all started. Within seconds of answering the call my ear started to feel warm from the outside in, this burning sensation then spread to the whole side of my face. I was soon feeling dizzy and confused.
And it didn’t just happen once. From that point on it happened every single time I answered my phone.
It soon got that it was too painful for me to use my cell phone. Then it was my office computer, my TV, the radio in my car , I was even reacting to my landline telephone at one point. I got very sick. If you’d like to hear my full story, including how I’ve experienced complete freedom, click here to discover more…
I now know how dangerous cell phone radiation and electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are. I’ve experienced it first hand.
And yet the cell phone industry and the so-called “mainstream media” say “It’s all harmless. It won’t hurt you. There’s not enough power” and similar nonsense.
But, if you use a cell phone for a few minutes, you feel your ear warming on the side of your head where you use your phone, right? If you use a laptop computer for any length of time on your lap you can feel that too, right?
Should you be worried? It’s not a case of being worried, what’s important is being aware of the dangers and taking action. Because the dangers are real.
People I know have died because of brain tumors caused by cell phone use–there are thousands of studies linking these exposures to a long list of diseases including cancer [“Oh yeah, then how come I never heard about that?” you ask? Well, why didn’t we “know” that cigarettes were harmful until the 1980’s? I’ll just let you think about that.]
Stay tuned for Episode 24 (you can see all episodes on the Conners Clinic Live page!)
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Hello, everybody, this is Dr. Kevin Conners and another podcast. It’s going to be a good one today. I’m here with Lloyd Burrell from ElectricSense.Com. I really recommend that you go to his website. He has a ton of information on the dangers of EMFs. And particularly we’re going to talk about today is 5G, the dangers of 5G that’s coming out. Just a little background in Lloyd’s life, he states this on his website, one day in 2002, he answered his cell phone and soon after developed highly debilitating symptoms when using all types of electromagnetic devices. I’m sure some people listening to that can relate to that with having devices in the home and in the workplace. Lloyd has now made it his life’s mission to raise awareness about the dangers of EMF fields and share the remarkable discoveries that he’s made on his quest to recover his health once he realized that was a major cause for it. For over 10 years, Lloyd has been speaking at online events, podcasts, radio shows and hosts his own by-monthly EMF Health podcast. I highly recommend you listen to that. They are on his website. He’s the author of the E-book, Long Term EMF Protection and creator of the EMF Health Summit and founder of the website that we spoke about, ElectricSense.Com. Lloyd, I’m so happy to have you here and to talk about it. And really, I want to concentrate this interview on 5G. A lot of people don’t really understand it. I certainly don’t fully understand it. There’s a lot being hidden from the general public. I think you would state that. So could you explain what 5G is and why it can be dangerous to the humankind?Lloyd Burrell
The starting point of this conversation, I feel, is that, despite what we might have heard in mainstream media and in accepted medical circles, is that we are essentially electromagnetic beings. We are energy beings. And, when you’ve got a problem with your heart, you go for an ECG measuring electrical activity. When you have a problem with your brain, you go for an EEG, measuring the electrical activity of your brain. Most people know that nerves are communicating by electrical pulses. Some people know that our cell membranes have a potential. And this is actually what is the determining characteristic between life or death is the cell membrane potential. It’s an electrical potential. So we are very clearly electromagnetic beings. This is where 5G, which is the next form of wireless technology, fits into this conversation because we are upping the stakes in terms of our exposure. And we have exposure to these electromagnetic fields, and that’s what we’re really talking about, particularly with 5G. What we’re actually talking about very specifically, which again is not being said, is radio frequency, microwave radiation, and these devices which we’re using. Wireless devices are emitting receiving radio frequency microwave radiation. So that sometimes can come as a surprise to people when they hear that because the industry doesn’t use those terms. Obviously, it just uses wireless. It uses terms like Bluetooth. It uses terms like Smart, really all kinds of terms, except really the terms that best describe it. And already when we use words like radiation, we begin to think.When somebody says radiation to you in connection with your health, then already you’re asking yourself questions. Hang on a minute. So actually, when I’m using these devices that I’m being exposed to radiation? Yes, you are. And what you mean radiation, like nuclear radiation? Like Fukushima? Like Chernobyl? Kind of, but not quite, because that’s slightly different, that’s a different category of radiation. It’s what we call ionizing radiation. And what we’re talking about here is non-ionizing radiation. And there’s a lot of science pointing to the fact that the end result of this non-ionizing radiation, which the telecoms industry, even our governments are saying, is basically safe, that it’s only the thermal effects which count. And I’m sorry, it is a bit technical, bit of a technical subject in here. But what the science is saying is that the results of these exposures from all these devices, which we’re using, the cell phones and the Wi-Fi and the Bluetooth and the smart devices, etc. is the same as this ionizing radiation. And so that’s what’s important. So, 5G is the next evolution, and this is where we’re going, whether we like it or not, into this new world of higher connectivity, of greater download speeds between 10 and 100 times faster than 4G, supposedly. That remains to be seen, whether that is actually because of the hype. There’s a lot of hype around this, but actually, whether that is possible, I’m not entirely sure that that is possible anywhere on the planet yet. So, yes, there is a lot of hype around this. And 5G is quite simply the next evolution.Dr. Conners
So, you’re saying that 5G is equivalent to microwave radiation? Everybody thinks of microwave, you think of your microwave oven in your kitchen that is using a certain type of radiation to heat food much faster than a convection oven or something similar. And those waves are hopefully blocked by the wall of your microwave so that they’re not being exposed to you. One could measure the waves coming out of your microwave with an EMF reader and show that microwave ovens are dangerous. But you only have those on for a minute heating your food, but when you’re near a five 5G tower, you’re being exposed to those 24/7.Lloyd Burrell
So firstly, with regards, when I say microwave, yes, I mean microwave like microwave ovens. So microwave ovens operates at 2.4 gigahertz, and that is actually the same frequency as what most Wi-Fi modem routers operate at. Some high frequencies being used now in the 5 and 10 gigahertz range. But yes, when we say gigahertz, that means billions of cycles a second. So, yes, that’s the first strange thing. Which we can say, well, how can we be using the same frequencies for Wi-Fi that’s being used in a microwave oven? It’s not exactly the same characteristics. There’s more to it than that. It’s more complex, the radiation, which we’re using for communication because it has data laid onto it as well, which is not a point in its favor at all. But yes, so it’s microwave and we’re talking about frequency, and whenever we talk about EMFs, we’re talking about frequency and wavelength. And these are connected and the higher the frequency, the lower the wavelength and vice versa. So, yes, it’s about microwave radiation. Very clearly that’s what 5G means and it’s 5G and the Internet of Things. And just to be clear, there’s a lot of talk about 5G, and in a way, I’m kind of glad that we are talking about it, even if it’s not in the right way. But there is a kind of obsession in some quarters about 5G and about how dangerous it is. But the real dangers are all these EMFS which we are being exposed to. So it’s not just about 5G because 5G is just another layer. 5G is just another layer of electro smog. So we’re surrounded by these manmade frequencies, both wireless and wired. And let’s not forget that either because our homes, offices, schools have electric wiring, which are emitting electric fields, magnetic fields and dirty electricity. And we’re talking about 5G and there are dangers associated with 5G. But, it’s all these electromagnetic fields which are impacting our health. And that’s what the science is saying.
Dr. Conners
Well, I agree. We can actually measure someone’s, what’s called their phase angle, which is a measurement of the electrical impulse of their cell membranes. And if a person’s phase angle decreases, they don’t have that healthy electrical impulse in their cell membrane, they’re in the process of dying. There’s much published data about that. It’s not disputable. It’s not alternative. It is standard medicine. And when you’re talking about EMF fields that are dangerous to the human body, they affect that impulse of your cell membranes and you’re talking about this cumulative effect of dirty electricity, electrical fields that are around us, high wires that are around us. And people will think, well I don’t have a cell phone or I don’t use my cell phone very often, so then I’m protected. But really, you’re not. Unless you’re going to move somewhere where there is, is there any place on the planet where you could move to where you could be protected? Maybe some places that are safer than others, out of the cities, but we’re all being affected by this.
Lloyd Burrell
Yes, we are all being affected by this. And we have being affected by it for quite a long time now, really since the evolution of wireless by Marconi back in the 1930s. If you look back at the studies, then we have certain evidence which is linking these exposures to how it’s affecting the bee population and the bird population. And then when radar was introduced, we have more science on that, also. Such as, how these radar operators were notably getting cataracts on their eyes and so on. And there’s researchers that have worked on that, and notably Milton Zarit back in the 1950s, he started some research on that, and he was told to not dig any deeper if he wants to keep his job, basically. And there’s a number of cases where that’s happened over the years. So, 5G is new, but the EMFs is not new. It’s been around for a long time and it’s been impacting our health for a long time. But what is new with the 5G is that we’re moving into these high frequency bands because the existing frequency bands are saturated.
So most cell phones work in one to two gigahertz range, something like that. And most of the existing consumer bands are sub 6 gigahertz. And now we’re going beyond that, 10 gigahertz, 20 gigahertz, even 80 to 100 gigahertz in different parts of the world. And this technology has been used before, but it’s been used in war zones and for crowd control, these very high frequencies. And so what we’re doing now is, we’re deploying these very high frequencies, which we don’t exactly know what this is going to do for our 24/7 exposure, but we’re beaming down these frequencies from space via satellites. Over 100000 satellites are being put into space by companies like Space X to beam down this 5G so that we can get this, as you say, this 5G anywhere on the planet. And then we’ve got these small cells in urban areas. So these small antennas for the 5G. And what’s also happening with the 5G is we’re having densification of the 4G as well, which is the previous generation, which who knows what’s worse, the 5G or the 4G. The difference between the 5G and the 4G, the 5G technologies is like an on demand technology. So if you don’t have a 5G phone, then you’re not putting it into your home, whereas the 4G cell towers are emitting this radiation 24/7 and it’s at these lower frequencies, which has more penetrative power because the higher we go in the frequency, the less the penetrative power. And so that’s why they’re having to have all these small cells, what the industry calls small cells, these small antennas everywhere, every third or fourth house in certain urban areas.
Dr. Conners
The question people have 5G is that, “OK, so I live in an urban area and I see a 5G tower at the end of my block, but I don’t have a 5G cell phone. So am I protected?”
Lloyd Burrell
So here’s the thing. Is with what we need to focus on is not the 5G, it’s the EMFs, we need to look at all the EMFs, and you’re speaking to a person who got very sick way before 5G came along from using a cell phone, cell phone exposures. And that just came on out of the blue. And this is what I share now, is what I learned from this experience. And it’s about dealing with all these exposures, and I’ve been talking with building biologists, scientists, researchers, etc. for a long time now about these different issues and what we’re finding in particularly from EMF consultants, building biologists are going into people’s homes who are complaining about 5G is that their homes are full of radiation, of EMFs from other devices, nothing to do with the 5G. And the 5G is an additional issue, but for many, it’s not the most important issue.
The most important issue is what’s going on in your home. And there’s a reason for that is because of the way EMFs work. The closer you are to the device, for instance, if you have a cell phone. So I have a cell phone since about three weeks, I have been 19 years without a cell phone. And I’ve got a cell phone now because you can’t do a lot now online without a cell phone, such as bank security and things like that. My cell phone is at the other end of the corridor, switched off. It’s not a problem. But if I bring the cell phone in here and I switch it on, take it off airplane mode, then it’s a problem. So the thing to remember with these EMFs is distance is your friend. And that’s because these EMFs work in an exponential manner. So just by gaining a small distance between you and the device, you’re exponentially reducing your exposure. And so that means, if you think about that in the other way around, that means everything you have in your home that is electrical is a potential source of EMF. And given that we are moving into this smart world, which goes with the 5G. 5G, IOT, Internet of Things. So it’s all this connectivity. Driverless cars, toothbrushes which send out signal when you’ve got to get more toothpaste, fridges that order in the milk when you haven’t got enough for your cereal. This is what we’re moving towards. And all this is done wirelessly, and it’s done with radio frequency microwave radiation. But they don’t call it that. They call it ‘smart.’ And all this is filling your home with this invisible radiation, which again, thousands of studies are linking to a long list of serious diseases, including cancer.
Dr. Conners
So that bridges us to the next step is “what?” People can understand that to a degree, it’s not that they have to become EMF specialists, but the biggest thing is that people are going to say, “well, what do I have to do about it?” You mentioned, you put your smartphone in the other room when you go to bed or turn it off completely, get it out of there, put it in a Faraday case, put a cover on your router, your Wi-Fi, turn it off at night, don’t use the Wi-Fi at home. What are some practical steps that a person can take without having somebody come in their house and check all their EMFs or getting an EMF reader?
Lloyd Burrell
So I’ll give you three things. I’d like to give you three things if I can. First thing is, I’ll talk about the cell phone, then I’ll talk about the Wi-Fi and then I’ll talk about electricity, because those are three areas which are impacting everybody. And these are three things which you can do which don’t really cost any money. A lot of this doesn’t cost money. So there are some higher end solutions, but a lot of what you can do is free. So the first thing is with your cell phone, it’s how you use a cell phone, because for many people, this is a major source of EMF exposure again. “Oh, my God. The 5G is arriving.” But they’re walking around with a cell phone switched on, they’re walking around using their cell phone like this. So that’s the first recommendation. Don’t put your cell phone next to your brain.
You want to talk about cancer? Well, that’s where the research is very strong, linking cell phones to cancer, brain cancer, brain tumors, ipsilateral tumors, tumors on the same side of the head as your cell phone. How curious is that? Tumors where women, putting cell phones in their bras, tumors in exactly the same position as the cell phone in the bra. So with a cell phone, again back to distance is your friend. When you think about EMFs, distance is your friend, putting maximum distance between you and the phone. That’s what you need to do. So how can you do that when you’re using it? Well, either you put it on speakerphone. That’s not always possible, I know. Or you use what’s called an ear tube headset. An ear tube headset, that’s what you’re using, has a little bit of a tube in as it says, as the name suggests, in the wire, which breaks the signal because otherwise that wire can attract the ambient radiation in the room and beam it up to your brain and therefore acts as an antenna basically, and amplify this radiation effect that is already there in the environment. Because, as we keep saying, we’re surrounded, even though we can’t see it, most people can’t feel it, it doesn’t mean you’re not being impacted.
And again, that’s what the science says. Very important point is that these exposures affect everybody. It’s not because you can’t feel it that they’re not impacting you. Your cells can feel it. This is what the science is saying. So using an air tube headset, using speakerphone, using airplane mode as much as possible and avoiding using your cell phone in your car, like a Faraday case, it’s a bit like the microwave oven we’re talking about earlier. These are just some simple steps. Text don’t talk. Don’t go silly on the texting either. We want to be using wired connections, preferably. And cell phones might be sexy and seductive, but they’re dangerous. They’re using radio frequency microwave radiation. That’s why we should not be abusing of them, particularly not our children. So that’s the first thing very, very quickly on cell phones. Second thing is, with regard to Wi-Fi. Everybody’s got Wi-Fi, I know it’s great. I don’t, I never had because I got sick before the Wi-Fi arrived. So for the Wi-Fi, my first recommendation is just switch the Wi-Fi off at night. Who needs Wi-Fi when they’re sleeping? That’s when your body’s most vulnerable. It’s at night when your body heals, it’s when your cells regenerate, rejuvenate, detoxify. So you don’t want to be exposing yourself to that radiation at night, given everything we know about how these exposures impact our health, notably impact the production of this very important hormone called melatonin. A lot of research on that. And if we want to take it further with the Wi-Fi, so just unplugging it, that’s what I recommend. Unplug this modem router, as I say, with my British accent. Unplug the modem router at night. And if you want to go a step further for ten dollars, buy one of those little mechanical timers. The idea came to me about ten years ago, like the Christmas tree timers.
Dr. Conners
Great idea.
Lloyd Burrell
Yeah, like for burglars. Use one of those, which will switch it on and off rather than going in the settings and doing all that, because as soon as there’s an upgrade, then it will go back to default and you get the Wi-Fi again. So just to finish on the Wi-Fi to take this further, then my recommendation is to go hard wired. Okay? So wires aren’t pretty, but wires are really a superior form of communication and they’re safe. And this is why 5G, we can never do nearly as fast wirelessly, despite what industry might be telling us, is that we can if we are wired. Wired and fiber optics is still way, way faster and way safer. Go wired if you can, Ethernet, replace the Wi-Fi with the wired Internet connection. And then thirdly, just to go back to. So there’s one room which is the most important room in your home, and I’m sure you know what that is. That’s your bedroom. And again, we’re back to the bedroom because it’s not just a place where you get some shut eye, it’s just something you have to do.
Now, this is essential, it’s a foundation, it’s a pillar of health. Sleep, quality, sleep. And you cannot get quality sleep if you’re exposed to EMFs 24/7. And there’s all kinds of EMFs in the average bedroom. I can tell you. There’s four kinds. So there’s four kinds of EMFs. There’s a radio frequency radiation, which we’ve been talking about right from the beginning, which is 5G and the wireless and everything else. There’s the electric fields. So as soon as you’ve got wiring, you’ve got electric fields. Whether you have something switched on or not, you can be in total darkness. But you’re in an electric field, you’re sleeping in an electric field. It’s creating electrical tension in your body. And the third kind is magnetic fields. So if everything’s switched off, you shouldn’t be in a magnetic field unless maybe there’s a wiring error, which is very common.
Also, wiring errors extremely common, up to two thirds of homes have wiring errors. And then fourthly is dirty electricity, which boy, I mean, this is going to be a lot for people if they’ve never heard about this. But our homes are now filled with dirty electricity. It sounds evil and nasty. Well it is. And there are links, again, with this dirty electricity to cancer. Just that in itself. I mean, we’ve got studies linking these exposures in schools, with terrible outcomes, with these exposures of dirty electricity, these frequencies which are on the electrical wiring, which shouldn’t be. And you might say, “well, yeah, but if it’s on electrical wiring, that’s OK because it’s on the wires, yeah?” Well, no, it doesn’t stay on the wire because most homes have plastic coated wiring and it does not contain the EMF’s, unless you have special shielded wiring. So most homes, 90 percent of homes have got this ordinary wiring and this dirty electricity permeates out. So where I’m going with this third recommendation is to, for a week, if possible, go to your breaker panel and switch off the electrical circuit for your bedroom. Now, I’m not guaranteeing that this is going to solve all your problems, make you feel better and instantly you’ll sleep like a baby. But try it, because we can have imbalances in electrical system, in your homes, electrical wiring system, which can mean you can create more EMFs and wouldn’t have otherwise been the case. So you try, as always, you listen to your body, and see and try it for seven days. And if you find after seven days that it’s better, than we would look for more longer term solution, which is like what I have, which is an automated shut off at night. And I just go to bed and there’s no magnetic fields, electric fields, all dirty electricity.
Dr. Conners
Your power is completely shut off breaker panel to your bedroom at night?
Lloyd Burrell
It is. So I’m in Europe, and there’s a company called Gigahertz Solutions, which are out of Germany. And all the building biologists and people, the top people are using the Gigahertz solutions meters. And I have a few cheapy ones. But I mean, we’ve got high end meters in the thousands of dollars which they produce. And they also produce these auto cutoffs, which you need to get an electrician to install, but in the US it might be different. So what happens with me is I go to bed, and I switch a light out and it switches the circuit off. And then if I want to go out for a pee in the middle of the night, I can, I just switch the light on and the circuit is reactivated by me switching the light on. And that is what I use with Gigahertz solutions. But it’s a company called EMF Sleep Safe, I believe they called, who manufacture the switches, which kind of plug in. It’s for an electrician to do so you can’t do it yourself, I don’t recommend it. Just get an electrician to do it. But it’s easy to do. Easy to install.
Dr. Conners
Now, you have a plethora of this information on your website. So that data that you just discussed is not available at
Lloyd Burrell
Yes, of course.
Dr. Conners
So I’m going to point everybody to that. We’ll have data so that people can look at your website. You have wonderful interviews I just want to say, and a great source of information out there. Back to where we started this. There’s so many people out there in the world that “poo poo” this until they end up with a serious disease. And then they have to start really looking at causes and realize that they’re affected by this. In a lot of things that we talk about, there’s certain people that are much more negatively affected by EMFs than others. Some of it has to do with a certain family of genes that if you have defects on you’re going to be more affected. A big part of it has to do with if you have any inflammation in the brain and any microglial damage, that’s a certain type of cell in your brain. And that can be caused from concussion. That can be caused from an infection, like Lyme disease, anything that could cause an increase of inflammation in the brain. That person is going to be much more susceptible to the negative effects of EMFs. But what we have said for a long time is that the rise of early dementia and Alzheimer’s disease is certainly tied to toxin exposure, but you cannot eliminate the negative effects and the cumulative effects of toxins, plus EMFs and how that’s affecting our brain. Because these EMFs are going to right through our body. They’re going right through our brain. There’s nothing stopping them. Your skull is not protecting you, and what it’s doing to neural tissue that has very little space for excess inflammation is just downright scary.
Lloyd Burrell
Yes. So just to bounce back on that, one of the things which is very clear from the research and this is research dating back to the 1970s, is that radio frequency microwave exposures as used by cell phones and similar devices have the ability to damage the blood brain barrier. And this is 1970s research, which has been replicated over and over and over again, and the blood brain barrier is very important for keeping toxins out, keeping nutrients in, and once that barrier is damaged, there’s possibly a whole lot of consequences downstream from that in terms of medical outcomes, in terms of symptoms, in terms of what I call diseases and in terms of a little diseases.
So I don’t think we can underestimate just that aspect of it. And again, there is a lot of science behind it. So one of the bits of science, which is particularly clear is that of which has been brought up, which is the work by Dr Martin Paul on these voltage gated calcium channels, which are all over our body in the cells. And it’s where there are concentrations of these voltage gated calcium channels. What we know is that these calcium channels, that the normal operation is is upset by these EMFs exposures and that calcium is leaking into the cells and everything that that means, which is in a nutshell, premature aging and then possibly diseases. And we have a concentration of these calcium channels in our brains. So there’s lots of lots of different avenues, lots of different ways that these EMFs are affecting us, which the literature is showing really very clearly.
Dr. Conners
Yeah. the scary thing is, is like you said. I want to be careful to say this. It was a huge blessing that you got sick. Not only did it move you towards your life’s work here, but most people won’t experience that. They’ll end up with a disease down the road like Alzheimer’s disease in their 60s. Never, never put the two things together that it was because of EMF exposure plus toxic exposure, so they damage the blood brain barrier. Toxins could get into the brain, caused these glial cells damage and tangles, and it led to the disease of Alzheimer’s. Never putting the two things together. And the sad thing is, is that once you go down that road and you have damaged microglial cells, many of those are not fixable. Even if you stop the EMF exposure and you get rid of the toxins, you can maybe slow the disease process at that point, but now you can’t correct it. So being as proactive as possible in taking care of EMF exposure that you are not currently feeling is it going to pay dividends down the road. And that’s really what your site is about, is educating people.
Lloyd Burrell
It is. I’m guessing the people are watching this, perhaps people that have a story with cancer and then they’re just perhaps people that are health conscious. And I see so many people that are supposedly health conscious and they’re working out and they’re eating the right foods and they puttin all these expensive pills and potions into the body. And, yet, they’re all completely overlooking this really basic toxin. It’s a killer. These EMFs are a killer, and they’re slowly killing you. This is what, again, what the science is saying. And it’s not just the EMFs, obviously, it’s the EMFs with the other toxins. And we’ve got studies on this, also, how the EMF’s interact with other toxins, notably with heavy metals which most people’s bodies are saturated with heavy metals unless you’ve done some specific detox. Most people have got metal fillings and the food that we eat, a lot of people eat processed foods and foods, particularly in the US, the soil is particularly heavy in these toxins. So it’s this synergistic effects, the EMFs plus everything else. And also, the viruses. I will not get into that.
Dr. Conners
We won’t talk about the vaccines and the heavy metals in the vaccines.
Lloyd Burrell
But it’s the mental toxins, the emotional toxins, it’s all of this and it’s all working together because when it happens to me, I was living the dream. We just moved to France with my wife and to started my own business, everything was going very well. And then, boom, this came out of the blue, but there were some other things going on, obviously, in the background in my life, which I wasn’t aware of. So it’s always EMFs and something else. It’s never one thing, it’s rarely one toxin in isolation.
Dr. Conners
Sure. Well, thank you so much for being on the podcast. I’d love to have you on again. We could talk about so many of these little pieces of detail. We’re going to be pointing people to your website, ElectricSense. Com. You are physically in France, is that right?
Lloyd Burrell
That is correct.
Dr. Conners
That’s great. It’s so neat how we can connect worldwide. This is not a problem in one part of the world, it’s everywhere. Like you said, satellites are beaming this down at us. It’s something you can run from, but you really cannot hide. There’s certain things you could do to protect. Final note?
Lloyd Burrell
Yes. So if I could, I just wanted to say that I am actually putting on an online event which is free, which is called the EMF House Summit. And it’s from the 12th of July. 12th to the 19th of July with over 40 experts on this question. And we will go deep on the science and solutions. Every single expert, we talk about solutions. So it’s very solutions oriented. So absolutely check that out.
Dr. Conners
We’ll put that information up as well. That’s up on your website as well.
Lloyd Burrell
It’s on my website. And yes, we can send you a link on that, which you can include in the show notes.
Dr. Conners
All right. Well, thank you so much again, Lloyd. Again, this is Dr. Conners. Thanks for being part of our podcast again today.
Lloyd Burrell
Thank you so much, Dr. Conners, Thank you.
Dr. Conners
All right. Bye bye.
Lloyd Burrell
Bye bye.
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Dustin has been passionate about holistic health since he met his wife, Dr Mallory Ranem (Conners) 20 years ago. As the Digital Media Manager, he coordinates content across Conners Clinic’s large online presence, including written, video, and audio.