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Hello everybody. I’m Dr. Kevin Conners. Welcome to another holistic health hour. Hopefully we’re going live on YouTube right now. Live on Facebook and on Instagram. So I hope everybody can see, if you do have questions, please go ahead and put those questions in and we have a bunch of questions from the last week that we have to go over. So we don’t get to yours this week, hopefully we’ll get to them next week. So, one question that came in is will people in the vicinity get any benefit from the Rife. The question actually was when people come to visit my house, we get benefit by running the Rife machine. And the most common question that we get from patients is, is this gonna affect my partner in bed with me? My husband’s sleeping in bed with. Because we typically write programs where people are using them overnight while they sleep. And of course, they’re doing that in their bed. So, the answer to that is yes and no. So it depends on what program you’re running, and it depends also how close they are to the machine itself or how close they are to the bulb. So the bulb is where the treatment, the frequencies, are coming out. And it has some really clinical effectiveness up to a certain distance. Technically you could measure the benefit of the Rife frequency of up to like 12 feet or so, but really realistically you have to be closer to that to really get any clinical benefit to using the Rife machine. So really about three feet is what I say is to be within that distance. Now it depends on the bulb that you’re using too. We have some patients that are using, they have multiple patients in the family with Lyme disease, multiple kids with Lyme disease, we actually have them use a little bit different bulb that will go at a greater distance. And they set that at the kitchen table while all the kids are sitting around the kitchen table doing homeschool or something like that. And they could all get some benefit from the Rife.
So the closeness to the bulb itself makes a big difference. The second thing is what frequencies are you running? So let’s say you have breast cancer, you’re running your breast cancer frequency, and you have your sister come over and visit. And she’s very close to the bulb sitting right next to you. Is she going to get benefit from it? Well, not if she doesn’t have breast cancer. So, the frequencies are everything with the Rife machine, remember. So if I have prostate cancer and I’m running colon cancer frequencies, there’s a good chance that it’s not going to really positively affect my prostate cancer. So, you have to be running the right frequencies. So if you don’t have the condition that you’re running the frequencies for, well then it’s really not going to have any positive effect on you. But remember, the Rife comes programmed with over 2000 different programs that you could use on different things. So if your child has strep throat, you could run some strep frequencies that could be beneficial to them, but they’d have to be fairly close to the bulb to get those benefits.
Same thing with people that visit your house, same thing with your spouse. When we write programs, we don’t just put frequencies for the cancer in the person’s program. We’ll put frequencies that will help detoxification, help with the liver, help with the kidneys, help with the gut as well. So it’s not uncommon that the spouse will say, “boy, what did what’s happening with this Rife machine? I been having more bowel movements or feeling better or whatever this condition is”, it has approved, just because they’re improving their detoxification processes. So that’s not uncommon, even being at a little bit greater distance than three feet away. But it’s all about the frequencies that’s being run, and that goes into the second question, which was, if EMFs are bad for you, how is the Rife good for you?
Well, it’s all about the frequencies. So there are certain frequencies that are harmful to us and can negatively affect cells. And those, are not frequencies that the Rife is using. So when you use an EMF meter and you measure EMFs, those harmful frequencies for you and you put it up to a Rife bulb, you’re not getting anything negatively coming out of it. You can get negative EMF frequencies from the computer itself that you’re running the Rife program with. That’s why we tell people to close the computer, put it to sleep. Once you hit run on the program itself, it puts the program into the machine itself. So you don’t need the computer. You could actually turn it off or disconnect it and put it the other room if you wanted to. But if you put the computer to sleep by closing it effectively the EMF output or the computer goes down to nearly zero in itself. So that’s really the best way to do it. So yeah, EMFs can be measured with with an electrical EMF device. You could measure EMFs and you could buy one and measure your EMFs that are coming from your modem. That’s high EMFs typically. And those are the things that you might want to turn off or discontinue using. Or we have a EMF bag that goes over your modem that could help block EMFs. So EMFs can be a real danger, especially if anybody has any brain issues and glial cell issues as well.
Next question is what are some realistic expectations that a person could have when starting alternative care? And this gets into, I guess, my philosophy of, does alternative care cure cancer? And my philosophy is no. So I do believe that God can cure cancer and you could be completely wiped out of every cancer cell, but that is an act of God. Is alternative care a cure of cancer? Well, first of all, we can’t legally talk about a cure at all because we’re not legally treating cancer. But in reality, I don’t think so anyhow. I don’t think anybody is ever cured of cancer, short of God intervening. Even through the medical profession, they will say, “Oh, you’re cured. You’re completely cancer free because your PET scan is completely clean. And so you have no cancer cells.” Well, honestly, that’s not even true. So a PET scan is not going to pick up cancer cells. It’s not going to light up at all, unless you have at least two to 3 million cells in a specific mass that it will show positive with PET scan, same thing with the CT scan. So just because I have a clean CT scan, just because I have a clean PET scan, does not mean I don’t have any cancer cells in me.
And the truth is, is that we probably all have cancer cells in us at any given time. And our body is knocking them down, or our immune system is killing them off. And therefore I may not ever get a diagnosis of cancer because my immune system is scavenging and your immune cells are looking for pathogens and looking for cells that look abnormal, and they scaveng and destroy those cells. And so that’s what keeps me from getting cancer, but the truth is I have cancer cells all the time. And especially if a person is ever diagnosed with cancer, you have circulating tumor cells that are looking for a place to raise a family somewhere, and they’re going to different organs and try to find an opportunity to start replicating. And even when it starts replicating, your immune system then could scavenge that and kill that.
So, are we ever cured of cancer? Well, I don’t even like to talk that way. We want to get people into remission for 30 years. That would be great. So that’s really the goal. But what are some realistic expectations, when you’re starting alternative care, you’re trying to slow down the growth. And if we could get the replication cycle, because remember what cancer is, cancer is really a cell that is going through rapid replication and that’s what could be dangerous. So if we could slow down that replication cycle and get it to start replicating slower, therefore that would be called, your cancer’s growth is slowing down, that’s a real good thing. If we can have a person that comes into our clinic and they have, let’s say, masses in their lungs, that are four millimeters by nine millimeters, three millimeters by twelve millimeters.
And three months later, we do what another scan, they’re still four millimeters by nine millimeters and three millimeters by twelve millimeters AKA their masses haven’t gotten considerably larger. They’ve stayed the same. Are we winning? The answer is, yes. So, replication has slowed down possibly even ceased. Isn’t that then the ceasing of cancer growth? Yes. I know everybody wants that expectation level. “I have this mass in my breast or my lungs or wherever it is, and I want it to go away. Therefore I’m cured of cancer.” That isn’t always reality. So, sometimes if we could just get it to stop replicating, our body will wall it off and it’ll stay there the rest of our life. But if we live 30 more years when we were expected to live three to six months, are we cured of cancer? Still, no, but we’re in remission. Those cells stopped replicating and that’s really what the goal is. That’s our goal, whether you seek alternative care or whether you seek standards of care or whether you have a combination of both. And that really brings us into the next question too.
If I choose to do alternative care, do I have to stop my standards of care? If I choose to do alternative care, do I have to stop chemotherapy? I know we get a lot of calls where people are like, “I just found out I have cancer, or I just found out my cancer is growing. And my doctor wants me to do X, Y, Z. But I have to decide whether I want to do alternative care or to do what my oncologist wants to do.” That’s that’s not the right way to think. You could do alternative care right along with standards of care all the time. Yes. There’s some things, I think we spoke about this last week, there’s some things you don’t want to do. If you’re going to do chemotherapy, you don’t want to use strong antioxidants at the same time you’re using oxidizing therapy like chemotherapy, but the Rife, other nutritional pieces, other dietary pieces, can be done right alongside standards of care. Matter of fact, it will probably greatly increase your survivability, greatly increase the effectiveness of the standards of care and give you a much better outcome. And you’re going to be much happier with the results. So, personally, I don’t think it should be called alternative care. I think it should be called standard care. This is what you should be doing, changing your lifestyle, changing your diet, because these are the things that got you to the point of the diagnosis. Let’s change some of those things up. And if we have to use standards of care, AKA chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery, then so be it, but let’s get you on a good, healthy, protocol to begin with. That’s going to give you the best outcome possible.
Next question, is it ever too late to start alternative care? No, it’s never too late to change your diet, never too late to start getting some good nutrition in your body. It’s never really too late to start the Rife machine. However, if a person’s body is completely shut down, if a person’s body, they have no immune system left. And, they’re just a few days to live. Is it realistic that these things are going to make a giant swing and turn a person around? Yes or no. So from a standard thought process, you go, well, yeah, it’s probably too late. If you’re in that state you don’t have any immune response left because that’s what the Rife really relies on. You can’t eat or drink, you’re on an IV drip or something like that. How are you going to change your diet? Those things do give us a real difficulties. And in some cases you could say it’s too late. I’ve had patients where their family members have asked me that question and in the past, I’ve said, honestly, well, maybe it is too late. And maybe that’s showing a lack of faith on my part. And it wasn’t until I’ve had numerous patients where in my rational mind, I thought it was too late, but the people, the family members wanted to start anyhow. And we saw this unbelievable one hundred 80 degree flip of the person’s condition and they lived for multiple years after that, that just kind of blew by mind and told me that I need to stop putting limitations on what God could do in a person’s life.
So when we have a person call and maybe the patient can’t even get out of the phone, but I’m talking to family members and they’re asking, is it too late? I’ve learned to say that nobody knows but God and that we’d ask that you’d really pray about your decision in utilize our services. And because it might be too late, it might not be too late. I don’t have the answer to that question. But certainly we get a lot of patients that go, “I have stage four cancer, is it too late?” And I would say to that, well, that doesn’t make any difference. It really depends on the health of your immune system and your ability to be able to recover because most of our patients are stage four when they come to us. Unfortunately, we typically don’t have patients that say, “Hey, I just found out I have cancer and I wanted to do it alternative approach right away.” That’s a wonderful thing. We do get some of those, but most of our patients are, “Hey, I found out I have cancer.” When? “Three years ago, I did chemo and radiation. It worked for a period of time. And now the cancer has come back with a vengence and my oncologist said that they could do chemotherapy, but it’s not curative any more. It’s just going to be to help prolong your life and you got a few months to live.” That’s typically our average patient. And we see great results with that, meaning, the people often live a lot longer, years longer than they were told that they had to live and that’s, to me, a great success.
The next question we get a lot in this last year is how do you treat at a distance? I don’t want to travel. I don’t want to come to Minnestoa. We live in Florida. How can you take care of us where we live in California and you’re in Minnesota? Well, we’ve always had our distance plans because we have always had people that didn’t want to travel. They did like traveling, or they were not healthy enough to travel. So programming a Rife could be done without having the person be here. Now, the benefit of coming to our office is that we could do scanning with a Rife machine to get really tuned in on the frequencies. And that is more important the more rare the cancer is. So if you have a cancer that has really no known frequencies for that cancer, it’s a very rare cancer. It could become more important or a cancer that we’ve never seen before, that could become more important.
But if you have a, a cancer, that’s not as rare; breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, lung cancer, squamous cell cancer, melanomas. These are all very common cancers that has a lot of known frequencies for, we could definitely program the Rife, get you going on that program and utilize a Rife machine. We could do distance testing for nutrition. We could do distance testing, of course, all the genetic testing is simply a saliva sample. So we use saliva as our testing sample on a lot of things for our distance program, we’ve had just as much success over the last 10 years of our distance program. We’ve had a much of higher use of our distance program with our last year with COVID, and we’re having just as good as success with those patients. So we’d never want to discourage anybody from doing the distance program, even if they live across the street from the clinic, they don’t need to come here and do scanning, especially if you have a more common cancer. So, it’s just been a great thing. So, we can see people from distance. Of course, we don’t get the benefit of touch interaction and developing a relationship, that’s a one-on-one relationship with that person. But we do a lot of our work over zoom calls, anyhow. And we do a lot of our work over the phone anyhow. So, and then we regular zoom calls for our patients every Wednesday afternoon that they could call in and ask questions at any time in a group zoom call. And we record those questions as well and post that up on our blog. So look for our blog. I also would encourage you if you’re watching this video to utilize our website, utilize our blog and utilize the search option on our blog, because there’s a lot of information there that you could glean some questions in a lot of videos that will help you answer some of those questions she might have.
And then the last question I want to address today is a question that we get very often, and that is will the Rife work for fill-in-the-blank cancer? I mentioned earlier that there, there that doing the distance program, if you have a relatively common cancer, it’s very easy to do and I have a lot of confidence in it. But I do want to caution you to think that because of, unfortunately, what people have been told commonly, that their cancer is rare. I cannot tell you, it’s at least several times a week that we get a call saying” I have this cancer. And my doctor said it’s very rare, at need to do chemo right away.” And I’m not saying that they should or should not do chemo, but many times they list a cancer that is not very rare.
So, there there’s a lot of different types of cancer out there. And people think that the Rife is going to work better on one type of cancer then it is on another type of cancer, and that is really not true. And we’ve had patients that have called and they have a type of cancer that hasn’t yet been identified, even with multiple biopsies. They haven’t identified the primary organ of the cancer because the biopsy is, they just can’t detect the cells. So, how do you program the Rife for that? So there’s ways to test for that. There’s ways to utilize the Rife using standard, cancer programs that could be still extremely beneficial for those patients. And we have multiple patients that are in that category that are doing phenomenal that have yet to have their type of cancer identified. The reason why they did go any further is because they didn’t do standards of care. So there could be a lot of success with that. So the type of cancer that you have is less important than digging into those four pillars that we dig into when we look at a person’s cancer. So is the person having triple negative breast more at risk that a person having an ER positive cancer? Well from standards of care, meaning from your oncologist point of view, they say yes. And the reason why triple negative it’s a much more aggressive cancer for about an oncologists point of view is really because a whole class of drugs, meaning the estrogen blocking drugs are not available now for that cancer. They only have, let’s say there are a number of drugs that they could use on breast cancer was this big, and now because you have triple negative breast cancer, now the number of drugs that we could use is this big. So it is a much more dangerous cancer. We’re not using drugs from alternative supportive perspective that we take to help that person with cancer. So that doesn’t make it more aggressive or more dangerous from our point of view. So, we’re still using frequencies. We’re still using nutrition. We’re still using nutraceuticals. We’re still looking at genetics. We’re looking at causes, we’re looking at detoxification, we’re looking at all these different factors that encompass our four pillars of care. It’s not so much the type of cancer that we’re concerned with. It is the cause of the cancer. It’s the toxins in the person’s body. It’s the other factors that we’re dealing with to help that person heal, not this limited drug capabilities that standards of care have.
So I don’t ever want a person to think that their type of cancer limits them to alternative care or what the standards of care doctor said on how aggressive their cancer is, limits them to not be able to do alternative care, even if my cancer is very aggressive, meaning that the current state of replication is very rapid. So it’s growing quickly, and I need to do chemotherapy too. Coupling it with alternative care nutrition, nutraceuticals, Rife machine, I think is going to give people a much better outcome. So, it’s always best to look at it as holistically as possible. Take a step back. You may choose to do what your oncologist is asking you to do, which may be exactly right for your case, but adding these other things to it is going to make your outcome, I think, much better. So at least consider that. All right. Well, thank you very much for another holistic health hour. Make sure you get your questions at it. We’ll get those answered our next week, and, enjoy your day.
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Dustin has been passionate about holistic health since he met his wife, Dr Mallory Ranem (Conners) 20 years ago. As the Digital Media Manager, he coordinates content across Conners Clinic’s large online presence, including written, video, and audio.