Much of what most Americans associate with standard cancer treatment could be described with the word invasive: surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy – all of which subject the human body to punctures and poisonous chemicals – could hardly be described as gentle. At Conners Clinic we believe that we can help our patients overcome cancer through non-invasive treatment. Nutraceutical, literally, “food-based” therapies (“nutra-“, meaning “nutrition”, as opposed to “pharma-“, meaning “drug”) can be both effective and gentle. The following are my five favorite nutraceutical therapies, each of which has earned its place on my list time and time again–even in seemingly hopeless cases.
1. Rife Machine – Light Frequency Therapy
Rife machines are light frequency generators. The machine was invented by the microbiologist Dr. Royal Rife in the 1930s. It works on a quantum level to directly attack bacteria, viruses, and cancer cells. Rather than being nutraceutical, or nutrition-based medicine, the Rife machine uses light frequencies to work in harmony with the human body to defeat cancer.
We have seen countless patients turn a corner using the Rife machine, even those who have been given 2 months or even 2 weeks to live by their doctor. While it is certainly not a miracle cure (we have still had patients pass away who use the Rife machine), I have witnessed it help many of our patients make remarkable gains in health that I am tempted to describe as miraculous.
The Rife machine is my favorite therapy modality, hands down. Despite how expensive it can be, a Rife machine is the most powerful tool I have found for treating cancer, and we always encourage our patients to consider investing in their own personal unit. For more information on how Rife machines work, read this article on Rife Frequency Generator Protocols.
2. Medicinal Mushrooms
Many naturally occurring mushrooms have remarkable healing properties. Here at Conners Clinic, we made our own blends, because I couldn’t find everything I wanted in one blend that didn’t cost our patients a fortune. We source only certified organic mushrooms, and we sell the blend to our patients at cost. (I’ve had people come in to our clinic who are taking over $1000 a month’s worth of supplements, which is ridiculous to me. Our goal is to minimize the cost of treatment for our patients.)
We have the majority our cancer patients take these medicinal mushrooms; it comes up more commonly than any other supplement. They are effective not only against cancer, but also h pylori, among other things.
3. Essiac Tea
Essiac tea is named after Rene Marie Caisse, who was a nurse who lived in Canada in the early 1900s. After her mother was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, Rene turned to her friend, an Ojibwe chief, for help. He provided her with an old Ojibwe recipe for a tea that contained a concoction of healing herbs. After administering the tea to her mother, after a time, she was cured of her cancer.
The chief made Rene promise that she would only give the tea away, and not sell the recipe. At the time, there were pharmaceutical companies who were after the recipe. Rene gave away her care in her clinic in Canada for decades before she was shut down. She helped cure thousands of people and helped many more manage their cancer.
4. Laetrile – Vitamin B-12
If you think the word Laetrile would be difficult to pronounce, try pronouncing laevo-mandelonitrile-beta-glucuronoside 😂. This is the name of a chemical compound found in almonds, lima beans, and the seeds and kernels of many fruits (especially apricots). Laetrile refers to the concentrated, purified form of this chemical which found its use in cancer treatment in the 60s and 70s.
Laetrile is believed to aid the body in combatting cancer on two fronts: by both targeting and killing cancer cells, and bolstering the immune system to repel future cancer outbreaks. In his book World Without Cancer, G. Edward Griffin explains how this works. Cancer cells contain an enzyme called beta-glucosidase, whereas healthy cells do not. Beta-glucosidase reacts with key chemical compounds in the Laetrile, turning them into poisons which chemically target and kill the cancer cells. Conversely, the compounds in laetrile also react with the enzyme rhodanese found in healthy cells to produce nutrient compounds, such as thiocyanate. The human body uses thiocyanate to produce vitamin B-12, which is a critical vitamin for the immune system.
Although Laetrile is one of the most effective natural anti-cancer agents, it is also one of the most controversial. Despite its controversy, thousands of people with cancer have extended their life spans using laetrile, and it remains one of my favorite tools in my nutraceutical toolkit. We have seen it work miracles at our clinic.
5. Pancreatic Enzymes
The human body has a built-in defense system against cancer: the immune system. Cancer cells produce a layer of protein that surrounds their growing mass that is like an acidic “slime.” In order to attack the cancer cells effectively, the immune system needs this layer of slime removed. Some pancreatic enzymes have the ability to break down the protein slime. The human pancreas produces these enzymes, but in the case of a malignant cancer, the human pancreas often can’t produce enough enzymes to bring down the tumor’s line of defense.
In the early 1900s, an embryologist by the name of Dr. John Beard discovered the role of pancreatic enzymes against cancer, and began preaching supplementing patients with them as a form of therapy. After his discovery, their use was quickly buried under the rise of chemotherapy. It wasn’t until an orthodontist named Dr. William Kelley was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer that their use came into light again.
William Kelley’s doctor gave him three was months to live. Refusing to accept this prognosis, Kelley began combing the archives of the local medical school, where he happened upon discovered Dr. John Beard’s work. Dr. Kelley began supplementing with high doses of pancreatic enzymes, and to his doctor’s surprise, Dr. Kelley lived, managing his cancer another 20 years. He went on to treat 33,000 patients using this method with a high rate of success.
Today, pancreatic enzymes are usually administered to help the body digest food. High doses of pancreatic enzymes used for cancer therapy can be taken between meals to help the immune system do what it does best: attack the threat.
In Closing
These are my five cancer fav’s because they have stood the test of time, and changed cancer therapy for the better in the past 100 years. Yet, every patient is different, because every body is different, with its own unique story. We never advise that a patient take all of these at once (that would overwhelm their liver), and we always test our patients thoroughly before beginning any therapy protocol. They are tools, and must be used wisely.
NOTE: All of the above statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Dr. Conners graduated with his doctorate from Northwestern Health Sciences University in 1986. He holds AMA Fellowships in Regenerative & Functional Medicine and Integrative Cancer Therapy.
He is the author of numerous books including, Stop Fighting Cancer and Start Treating the Cause, Cancer Can’t Kill You if You’re Already Dead, Help, My Body is Killing Me, Chronic Lyme, 3 Phases of Lyme, 23 Steps to Freedom, and many more you can download for FREE on our books page.