There are many different seasons of life but one of the most difficult is the season of great trials. During this time, our heart is apt to be overwhelmed with fear, hopelessness, faithlessness, pity, and even pride and impatience. Many good people fall guilty of hasty, self-centered, and very sinful conduct in such instances; and all have need to be diligent in our desire to trust God more completely to keep our hearts submissive and patient under great trials:

1. Allow your trial to breed humility.

The sign of humility is patience. Pride is the source of irregular and sinful passion; it drives us to a false-humility, self-loathing, self pity. When we overrate ourselves, we think that we are treated unfairly, that our trials are too severe: “why me?” “God doesn’t love me” It’s not fair” “Why is God not healing me, not saving me from this situation, not giving me what I want?”. Christian, you should NEVER allow yourself to keep such thoughts in your hearts! It is of these murmurings that God is appauld; this is sin.

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2. Cultivate a habit of communion with God.

It is only through such an intimate relationship that you will be prepared for whatever may take place. This will calm your mind and dampen your anxiety as to secure you against surprises. This will produce that inward peace that “passes all understanding” which will make you superior to your trials. Purposeful, habitual communion with God is the evidence of your salvation, therefore, when a Christian is calm and submissive under his afflictions, the filling of the Spirit is evident and the peace, and joy, and love and patience is revealed to all.

3. Persevere with the tenacity of the Spirit of God, focused on both the prize of eternity and your purpose here on earth.

Let there be no room for pity. Let, “Pity is a luxury I cannot afford,” be your motto. It grieves the Spirit of God, and induces His departure. His gracious presence and influence are enjoyed in the heart of one whom allows trials to drive his trust deeper. Let your trials produce perseverence; perseverance, character; and character, hope. (Romans 5:3-4) Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. (James 1:4) Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. (Hebrews 12:1) Stop whining and start serving!