ADHD and Fish Oils
Essential fatty acid supplements may help children who have a certain kind of ADHD, according to a 2014 dissertation at the Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
Between 3-6% of all children are estimated to have ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). Children with ADHD have difficulty sitting still, controlling impulses and temper, or being attentive for prolonged periods at a time.
Often, we see these children being treated with medications; however, these meds have side-effects and they do not work for everyone.
In this particular study, 75 children with ADHD were given either an essential fatty acid supplement or a placebo for three months. After that, all 75 participants were given an essential fatty acid supplement for the next three months. This was a double-blind study, so neither the researchers nor the participants knew whether they received the EFAs until afterwards.While researchers did not see any major improvement as a whole, in 35% of the children with the inattentive subtype of ADHD called ADD, the symptoms improved so much that it was deemed a clinically relevant improvement. ADHD and Fish Oils are just a great mix.
In addition, the children who had a clear improvement in their symptoms also showed a better balance between their levels of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, as shown in blood samples. Our recommendation is that children with any behavioral disorders should be taking fish oils!
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NOTE: All of the above statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Dr. Conners graduated with his doctorate from Northwestern Health Sciences University in 1986. He holds AMA Fellowships in Regenerative & Functional Medicine and Integrative Cancer Therapy.
He is the author of numerous books including, Stop Fighting Cancer and Start Treating the Cause, Cancer Can’t Kill You if You’re Already Dead, Help, My Body is Killing Me, Chronic Lyme, 3 Phases of Lyme, 23 Steps to Freedom, and many more you can download for FREE on our books page.