Astaxanthin 1
Astaxanthin, a nutrient that naturally occurs in seafood like salmon and shrimp, is a new fighter in the anti-aging realm. It is commonly obtained from algae and krill. Numerous studies performed on animals show that Astaxanthin minimizes inflammation as well as damage to the liver and the heart so it is helpful for those going through chemo as well. Astaxanthin even reduces the odds of a stroke and lowers cholesterol levels. Though extensive Astaxanthin research has not been conducted on humans, it is known that the compound decreases triglycerides and inflammation.

About the Latest Research

Every human being has the FOX03 gene that guards against aging. However, one in three individuals has a version of the gene that is tied to longevity. If the gene is activated in all humans, it can function like the longevity version. The above-referenced scientists have found that Astaxanthin activates the gene.

The study was the first of its kind to determine the potential of Astaxanthin to activate FOX03. Some of the study’s mice were fed high and low doses of Astaxanthin CDX-085 while others were fed regular food. Those fed significant amounts of Astaxanthin CDX-085 enjoyed a large bump (90 percent) in the activation of the FOX03 within their heart tissue.

This study is acclaimed as groundbreaking as it lends support to the notion that Astaxanthin can combat the aging process and prolong human lives. It is also interesting to note that the research was performed in unison between a publicly funded academic institution and a private company. This is an example of the type of teamwork between government and private industry that will be necessary to advance the human condition across posterity.