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World-Renowned Natural, Alternative Cancer Education for Breast Cancer
Personalized Ideas for Breast Cancer!
Never the Same Protocol
We use Genetic, and Functional Medicine Testing in order to help YOU:
• Find the Cause of your Cancer
• Address the Cancer with Nutraceuticals, Detox, and Therapies
• Build Rife Frequency Programs to Take Home with your own Rife Machine!
• Create a Personalized Diet and Nutrition Plan
Talk to a Care Coordinator About Your
Alternative Options!
World-Renowned Natural, Alternative Cancer Education for Breast Cancer
Personalized Education for Breast Cancer!
Never the Same Protocol
We use Genetic, and Functional Medicine Testing in order to help YOU:
• Find the Cause of your Cancer
• Address the Cancer with Nutraceuticals, Detox, and Therapies
• Build Rife Frequency Programs to Take Home with your own Rife Machine!
• Create a Personalized Diet and Nutrition Plan
Talk to a Care Coordinator About Your Own
Alternative Options!
Breast Cancers
Breast Cancers are separated into different types based on the type of cells discovered on the biopsy as well as whether the cells have receptors that are responsive to different hormones. These different classifications can help the patient make better decisions about their care and help the practitioner create the most optimal protocol.
On this page, we'll list some of the most common types of Breast Cancer though, understand, regardless of the type and or diagnosis, we test each person and create a unique protocol based on that testing.
Ductal Carcinoma In Situ
Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS) is an early form of Breast Cancer. "In Situ" simply means that it hasn't moved from its original place so often this diagnosis means a less aggressive cancer. However, DCIS is further graded into low, intermediate, or high classifications though some women never progress beyond their original grade.
Often, those diagnosed with DCIS are not treated aggressively with Standards of Care and may be placed on a "watch and wait" type of care. We highly recommend that one always start a natural approach to caring for DCIS regardless of other treatment one chooses.
General Considerations for Ductal Carcinoma In Situ
- Understand detoxification pathways and the importance of whole-body care and helping your liver and kidneys rid toxins. Download Dr. Conners book, The Seven Phases of Detoxification for free.
- Consider utilizing similar nutrition that you'd find in our Breast Cancer Prevention Bundle like medicinal mushrooms, DIM, sulforaphane, and lignans.

Invasive Ductal Carcinoma
Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC) is the most common form of breast cancer making up nearly 75% of all Breast Cancers diagnosed. It is a cancer that begins in the milk ducts and breaks through the ductal lining and invades the surrounding tissue.
IDC may not cause any initial symptoms in many women. Some may find a lump, skin irritation, dimpling, or may see some inversion of their nipple. Others may see discharge from the nipple or even a secondary lump in the armpit as their first sign. IDC is described on a scale from stage I (the earliest stage) through stage IV (the most advanced stage). This is usually done through CT, MRI, and PET scan examinations.
General Considerations for Invasive Ductal Carcinoma:
- Understand detoxification pathways and the importance of whole-body care and helping your liver and kidneys rid toxins. Download Dr. Conners book, The Seven Phases of Detoxification for free.
- Even if your cancer has NOT been described as being ER+, PR+, or HER2+, consider supporting with natural hormone balances/natural aromatase inhibitors such as DIM, Indole-3-Carbinol (I3C), Calcium D-Glucarate, Sulforaphane, and Chrysin.
- As with any diagnosis, find a practitioner that looks for the cause and treats that, tests for cancer balancers, and supports immune function.
- We highly recommend every cancer patient add Rife technology to their protocol and believe this is often the "missing link" in one's care.
Invasive Lobular Carcinoma
Invasive Lobular Carcinoma (ILC) starts in the breast’s lobules and invades surrounding tissue. ILC is the second most common form of invasive breast cancer. ILC doesn’t always form a lump, making it more difficult in early detection in some women. Some women may notice a thick or full area that doesn’t feel like the rest of the breast, but, like IDC, it can invert the nipple and even change the feel of the skin.
Although invasive lobular carcinoma can affect women at any age, about two-thirds of women are 55 or older when they are diagnosed. As with most of the breast cancers, there are also different sub-types of ILC.
General Considerations for Invasive Lobular Carcinoma:
- Understand detoxification pathways and the importance of whole-body care and helping your liver and kidneys rid toxins. Download Dr. Conners' book, The Seven Phases of Detoxification for free on our books page.
- Even if your cancer has NOT been described as being ER+, PR+, or HER2+, consider supporting with natural hormone balances/natural aromatase inhibitors such as DIM, Indole-3-Carbinol (I3C), Calcium D-Glucarate, Sulforaphane, and Chrysin.
- As with any diagnosis, find a practitioner that looks for the cause and treats that, tests for cancer balancers, and supports immune function.
- We highly recommend every cancer patient add Rife technology to their protocol and believe this is often the "missing link" in one's care.
Inflammatory Breast Cancer
Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC) is more rare (less than 1% of all diagnosed Breast Cancers) and considered more aggressive than the other Breast Cancers, possibly because it is often caught later in the disease process.
As its name implies, IBC is inflammatory by nature. It often is not seen as a lump but as an area of redness and swelling of the breast. Some women with IBC also notice thickened or discolored breast skin with tiny dimples, puckers, or ridges that give it an 'orange peel' appearance.

General Considerations for Inflammatory Breast Cancer:
- Understand detoxification pathways and the importance of whole-body care and helping your liver and kidneys rid toxins. Download Dr. Conners' book, The Seven Phases of Detoxification for free on our books page.
- Even if your cancer has NOT been described as being ER+, PR+, or HER2+, consider supporting with natural hormone balances/natural aromatase inhibitors such as DIM, Indole-3-Carbinol (I3C), Calcium D-Glucarate, Sulforaphane, and Chrysin.
- Consider nutrition that will help decrease inflammatory cytokines like Curcumin, Boswellia, White Willow Bark, Pine Bark Extract, Green Tea Extract (EGCg), Larch tree fiber, Ginger, Rosemary, Quercetin, and Resveratrol.
- Consider immune supporting supplements that tend to be immune modulators like medicinal mushrooms and aloe polysaccharides.
- As with any diagnosis, find a practitioner that looks for the cause and treats that, tests for cancer balancers, and supports immune function.
- We highly recommend every cancer patient add Rife technology to their protocol and believe this is often the "missing link" in one's care.
Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
Triple-negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) lack receptors for estrogen, progesterone, and HER2, hence they are ER-, PR-, and HER2-. Typically we hear that patients with TNBC are told that their cancer is more aggressive and harder to treat. However, this is usually because the Oncologist loses an entire class of treatment drugs since TNCB doesn’t respond to drugs that target estrogen, progesterone, or HER2 receptors, and NOT because the cancer is faster growing.
From an alternative perspective, TNBC is not much different that a cancer with ER, PR, or HER2 receptor positives. We still need to test each person individually to find the specific cancer balancer.
Remember, alternative practitioners are not "treating the cancer", but are treating the patient. We are less concerned with the diagnosis than we are with improving the condition of the body, the immune system, and the ability to detoxify, all factors that allowed the cancer to grow.
General Considerations for Triple-Negative Breast Cancer:
- Understand detoxification pathways and the importance of whole-body care and helping your liver and kidneys rid toxins. Download Dr. Conners' book, The Seven Phases of Detoxification for free on our books page.
- Even with TNBC, still consider supporting with natural hormone balances/natural aromatase inhibitors such as DIM, Indole-3-Carbinol (I3C), Calcium D-Glucarate, Sulforaphane, and Chrysin.
- Consider nutrition that will help decrease inflammatory cytokines like Curcumin, Boswellia, White Willow Bark, Pine Bark Extract, Green Tea Extract (EGCg), Larch tree fiber, Ginger, Rosemary, Quercetin, and Resveratrol.
- Consider immune supporting supplements that tend to be immune modulators like medicinal mushrooms and aloe polysaccharides.
- As with any diagnosis, find a practitioner that looks for the cause and treats that, tests for cancer balancers, and supports immune function.
- We highly recommend every cancer patient add Rife technology to their protocol and believe this is often the "missing link" in one's care.
ER+, PR+, HER2+
Hormone-positive cancers have to do with receptors on the cancer cell's membrane that are sensitive to estrogen and/or progesterone. It is not that hormones are a cause of the cancer but that, in these cancers, specific metabolites of these hormones can attach to these receptors and block cell death.
There are drugs that shut down all hormones typically used in these cases but there are also natural products that can help clear "bad" hormones and prevent these hormones from forming and accumulating. These are called natural aromatase inhibitors. Learn more about hormone disrupters here.

What if it has Metastasized?
How do I know if it's working?
How Long Does it Take to Get Better?
Natural, Alternative Cancer Coaching Empowers Members and Offers Hope
The majority of our members come to us in either Stage III or Stage IV cancer, having been sent home with almost no hope. At Conners Clinic, alternative coaching means we care for those with cancer by treating the whole person - not the cancer. We believe in giving hope through natural, alternative ideas. There is a reason for - a cause of - your disease, and we will work to help YOU uncover the why and help YOU treat the cause. If you'd like more information on how our clinic and coaching plans work (pricing, distance plans, etc.) fill out the form below. We look forward to serving you and guiding you on your journey towards health.
In this video Dr. Conners walks you through our clinic processes and the choices you have in working with us.

What Does Natural, Alternative Coaching Look Like?
Natural, Alternative Coaching begins with a completely different way of looking at disease and the body. We don't treat cancer, or any disease, because that won't help in the end. The questions you need to ask are: Why do you have cancer and why is your body responding the way that it is? We believe there's always a reason, a root cause or causes, for why you have ill-health. We’ll help uncover the why and create a personalized care plan to help treat the cause naturally.
Alternative coaching shouldn't be the should be the essential starting point!
Start Your Journey Towards Health Today!
Frequently Asked Questions
We get a lot of questions about our alternative cancer care programs, especially how we compare to other holistic clinics in the US, Mexico, and Germany. Hopefully these will answer some of your questions.
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Conners Clinic - Alternative Cancer Coaching
Customized In-Home, Distance Care Designed Around YOU!
Conners Clinic does not treat cancer. We treat the whole body, allowing you to heal yourself as you are naturally able. This should always be the first step towards healing!