Conners Clinic | Alternative Cancer Coaching


World-Renowned Natural, Alternative Cancer Education for Skin Cancers

Personalized Options for Skin Cancers!
Never the Same Protocol

We use Genetic, and Functional Medicine Testing in order to help YOU:

• Find the Cause of your Cancer
Address the Cancer with Nutraceuticals, Detox, and Therapies
• Build Rife Frequency Programs to Take Home with your own Rife Machine!
• Create a Personalized Diet and Nutrition Plan

Talk to a Care Coordinator About Your

Alternative Options!

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World-Renowned Natural, Alternative Cancer Education for Skin Cancers

Personalized Options for Skin Cancers!
Never the Same Protocol

We use Genetic, and Functional Medicine Testing in order to help YOU:

• Find the Cause of your Cancer
Address the Cancer with Nutraceuticals, Detox, and Therapies
• Build Rife Frequency Programs to Take Home with your own Rife Machine!
• Create a Personalized Diet and Nutrition Plan

Talk to a Care Coordinator About Your Own

Alternative Options!

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Skin Cancers | Conners Clinic - Alternative Cancer Coaching

Skin Cancers

The Skin Cancers begin with cells in the epidermis that have increased their rate of replication. There are several different classifications that all behave very differently and should be treated uniquely. Proper diagnosis can help the patient make better decisions about their care and help the practitioner create the most optimal protocol.

With all skin cancers, there are those who have blamed the sun and tanning booths as cause. Certainly, excess burning of the skin can damage DNA and be the problem, but also consider the toxins in personal care products and sunscreens.

On this page, we'll list some of the most common types of Skin Cancer though, understand, regardless of the type and or diagnosis, we test each person and create a unique protocol based on that testing.

Basal Cell Carcinoma

Basal Cell Carcinomas (BCC) arise out of the same named cells in the skin. Most commonly found on the head and face, these cancers are fairly easy to diagnose through simple observation. Though they can metastasize and become malignant, the vast majority will not do so.

From a natural perspective, use of specific nutraceuticals to help stimulate proper immune attack with concurrent anti-inflammatory nutrients may prove to be a good course.

We believe in specific testing to determine the cancer's fuel source and making as many changes as possible to reduce its ability to grow. We also test for specific, nutraceutical cancer balancers (think, natural chemotherapies) that may help one's immune system better attack the cancer directly.

General Considerations:

  • Consider topical essential oils like a drop of oregano, frankincense, or tea tree oil.
  • Definitely consider anti-inflammatory nutrients like the flavinoids: Curcumin, EGCg from Green Tea Extract, Boswellia, Resveratrol, Nettles, Rosemary, Quercetin and the like. These can also be made into an effective cream.
  • Consider polysaccharides from medicinal mushroom products, Berberine and other immune stimulators. See other sources and product selections in Dr. Conners' book, Stop Fighting Cancer and Start Treating the Cause available as a free download on our books page.
  • Understand detoxification pathways and the importance of whole-body care and helping your liver and kidneys rid toxins. Download Dr. Conners' book, The Seven Phases of Detoxification for free on our books page.
  • As with any diagnosis, find a practitioner that looks for the cause and treats that, tests for your specific cancer balancers, and supports immune function.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Squamous Cell Carcinomas (SCC) look very different from BCC and can behave more aggressively. SCCs can appear as scaly red patches, thickened or wart-like skin, or raised growths with a central depression. They may crust over, itch or bleed and may appear very different in different locations on on different people.

Remember, skin cancers are still fed through one's blood supply and these cells are just as vulnerable to absorbed toxins as other tissues, and therefore, have the same risk of mutations as all cells.

As alternative practitioners, we are not "treating the cancer", but are treating the patient. We are less concerned with the diagnosis than we are with improving the condition of the body, the immune system, and the ability to detoxify, all factors that allowed the cancer to grow.


General Considerations for Squamous Cell Carcinoma:

  • Consider topical essential oils like a drop of oregano, frankincense, or tea tree oil. If you decide to use anything more caustic, like a black salve, do NOT do so without the help of an experienced practitioner.
  • Consider antioxidant nutrition like Alpha Lipoic Acid, Vitamin C, a complete form of Vitamin E, and Selenium.
  • Definitely consider anti-inflammatory nutrients like the flavinoids: Curcumin, EGCg from Green Tea Extract, Boswellia, Resveratrol, Nettles, Rosemary, Quercetin and the like.
  • Consider polysaccharides from medicinal mushroom products, Berberine and other immune stimulators. See other sources and product selections in Dr. Conners' book, Stop Fighting Cancer and Start Treating the Cause available as a free download on our books page.
  • Understand detoxification pathways and the importance of whole-body care and helping your liver and kidneys rid toxins. Download Dr. Conners' book, The Seven Phases of Detoxification for free on our books page.
  • As with any diagnosis, find a practitioner that looks for the cause and treats that, tests for your specific cancer balancers, and supports immune function.


Melanomas are the most serious types of skin cancer, developing out of the melanocytes. They are known to metastasize and typically do not respond well to chemotherapy. Most melanoma cells still make melanin, so melanoma tumors are usually darker in color that the other skin cancers.

Intraocular Melanoma is a subset of this disease. Though not exactly a skin cancer, it develops out of the melanocytes in the eye.

When we test any cancer we look for natural products that may help the body slow the replication rate of the affected cells. Studies exist that show natural herbal therapies may help in numerous ways and we think it wise to consider these.

Remember, alternative practitioners are not "treating the cancer", but are treating the patient. We are less concerned with the diagnosis than we are with improving the condition of the body, the immune system, and the ability to detoxify, all factors that allowed the cancer to grow.


General Considerations for Melanomas:

  • Consider topical essential oils like a drop of oregano, frankincense, or tea tree oil. If you decide to use anything more caustic, like a black salve, do NOT do so without the help of an experienced practitioner.
  • Consider Sulforaphane, as a supplement and naturally in cruciferous vegetables, it has been shown to inhibit several growth pathways
  • Understand detoxification pathways and the importance of whole-body care and helping your liver and kidneys rid toxins. Download Dr. Conners' book, The Seven Phases of Detoxification as well as Stop Fighting Cancer and Start Treating the Cause for free on our books page.
  • Definately consider nutrition that will help decrease inflammatory cytokines like Curcumin, Boswellia, White Willow Bark, Pine Bark Extract, Green Tea Extract (EGCg), Larch tree fiber, Ginger, Rosemary, Quercetin, and Resveratrol.
  • Consider immune supporting supplements that tend to be immune modulators like medicinal mushrooms and aloe polysaccharides.
  • We highly recommend every cancer patient add Rife technology to their protocol and think about the use of PEMF therapy.

Extramammary Paget's Disease

Extramammary Paget's Disease (EMPD) arises from the apocrine glands. It is characterized by a chronic eczema-looking rash of the skin in the armpits and/or around the genital regions of males and females.

It is nearly always misdiagnosed for years, thought to be eczema or a fungal infection of some kind. It is very rare and takes years to decades to worsen and then possibly metastasize. The location of the rash usually indicates to what organs metastasis my occur.

Though this is a rare cancer, we include it here because of Dr. Conners' personal experience with it - see more under My Personal Journey.

General Considerations for Extramammary Paget's Disease:

  • Consider Sulforaphane, as a supplement and naturally in cruciferous vegetables, it has been shown to inhibit several growth pathways
  • Understand detoxification pathways and the importance of whole-body care and helping your liver and kidneys rid toxins. Download Dr. Conners' book, The Seven Phases of Detoxification as well as Stop Fighting Cancer and Start Treating the Cause for free on our books page.
  • Definately consider nutrition that will help decrease inflammatory cytokines like Curcumin, Boswellia, White Willow Bark, Pine Bark Extract, Green Tea Extract (EGCg), Larch tree fiber, Ginger, Rosemary, Quercetin, and Resveratrol.
  • Consider immune supporting supplements that tend to be immune modulators like medicinal mushrooms and aloe polysaccharides.
  • We highly recommend every cancer patient add Rife technology to their protocol and think about the use of PEMF therapy.

What if it has Metastasized?

How do I know if it's working?

How Long Does it Take to Get Better?

Natural, Alternative Cancer Coaching
Empowers Members and Offers Hope


The majority of our members come to us in either Stage III or Stage IV cancer, having been sent home with almost no hope. At Conners Clinic, alternative coaching means we care for those with cancer by treating the whole person - not the cancer. We believe in giving hope through natural, alternative ideas. There is a reason for - a cause of - your disease, and we will work to help YOU uncover the why and help YOU treat the cause. If you'd like more information on how our clinic and coaching plans work (pricing, distance plans, etc.) fill out the form below. We look forward to serving you and guiding you on your journey towards health.



In this video Dr. Conners walks you through our clinic processes and the choices you have in working with us.



What Does Natural, Alternative Cancer Coaching Look Like?

Natural, Alternative Coaching begins with a completely different way of looking at disease and the body. We don't treat cancer, or any disease, because that won't help in the end. The questions you need to ask are: Why do you have cancer and why is your body responding the way that it is? We believe there's always a reason, a root cause or causes, for why you have ill-health. We’ll help uncover the why and create a personalized care plan to help treat the cause naturally.

Alternative coaching shouldn't be the should be the essential starting point!

Genetic Defects Testing

With complete genetic SNP testing, we discover your unique genetic makeup, defects, and variations to better understand your body’s ability to recover from disease.

Cutting Edge Technology

We use a variety of tools to assist in the healing process: Advanced Rife Therapy, Localized Hyperthermia, and various lymphatic therapies.

Personalized Nutrition

We believe that proper testing can allow us to provide the most detailed, specific nutrition protocol that minimizes dosage and increases effectiveness.

Start Your Journey Towards Health Today!

Request information about our Alternative Coaching Plans and Pricing to see if our natural options are right for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

We get a lot of questions about our alternative cancer care programs, especially how we compare to other holistic clinics in the US, Mexico, and Germany. Hopefully these will answer some of your questions.

Customized, Detailed Diet & Nutrition

In-Home Equipment Included

Access to Weekly Live Calls

Distance Care

In-Home Care with Phone & Zoom Consults

Conners Clinic

Start at $11,900

Mexico/Germany Clinics


Traditional Oncology


Call Us Now! (651) 739-1248

Conners Clinic - Alternative Cancer Coaching
Customized In-Home, Distance Care Designed Around YOU!

Conners Clinic does not treat cancer. We treat the whole body, allowing you to heal yourself as you are naturally able. This should always be the first step towards healing!

Have Questions?

That’s okay, we’re here to guide you on your journey.

Download Chapter 1 of Stop Fighting Cancer & Start Treating the Cause now for FREE!

Download Chapter 1 of Stop Fighting Cancer & Start Treating the Cause now for FREE!

Holistic Cancer Education in Your Home 💚

The information on this website, related social media accounts and websites, and email newsletters is for educational purposes only. Any statements therein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Mentioned products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We make no claims that specific nutrition, therapies, diet, or other health-related decisions will cure or mediate any disease or sickness; this includes cancer, lyme disease, autoimmune conditions, or Sars-CoV-2 (COVID-19). It is recommended that you do your own research and consult your physician before making any decisions on what to do for your health and wellbeing.

Please be advised that the coaches and other staff members at Conners Clinic are NOT licensed to practice medicine in Minnesota; DO NOT practice medicine; DO NOT prescribe, give, or administer any drug or medicine; DO NOT offer or undertake to prevent, diagnose, correct, or treat any disease, illness, pain, wound, fracture, infirmity, deformity or defect; and DO NOT offer to undertake to perform any form of surgery or hypnosis.

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