This week Dr. Conners had a great discussion with Brian Vaszily on the terrifying truth about toxins and anti-aging. If you haven’t heard of Brian, you know his work. He is the one with the incredible story behind the blog as well as the upcoming online summit, Younger, Longer. He also notably helped Dr. Mercola build his massive holistic health empire,, The Truth About Cancer and several others.
About “Younger, Longer: The Insider’s Health Summit” Host and Founder Brian Vaszily
Brian Vaszily (Vay-Zlee) is a popular and outspoken advocate, author, and researcher with over 2 decades of experience in natural health who opposes the widespread perception that likens getting older to getting a disease, and who instead supports the truth that your 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond can and should be the best years of your life.
Brian is the founder and host at, where he’s already amassed a following of well over 475,000 supporters for his mission, and where, in his own words…
“We’re changing the very definition of ‘anti-aging’ to mean you’re against all the lies commonly associated with getting older, such as that hitting your 40s and beyond means becoming increasingly undesirable, incapable, and doomed to suffering and disease.”
Instead, so many people have embraced because Brian shares a very positive message – in terms of your physical, mental, and emotional health and wellbeing, your middle-years and Golden years are truly meant to be your “best years.”
And he and his team provide people a wide range of heavily research-based solutions, along with a healthy dose of inspiration, to help ensure your middle and Golden years ARE your best years.
Brian is hosting the worldwide release of his third major online summit – called “Younger, Longer: The Insider’s Health Summit” — that relaunches August 11th 2021, and really is the pinnacle of his mission.
The free online summit features 22 of today’s most renowned and respected anti-aging and longevity doctors and researchers, from a range of different areas of expertise.
Brian is going to ask each of these 22 experts this one MISSION-CRITICAL question to frame each interview…
“From your area of expertise, what are 3 to 5 of the simple and most effective steps people can take to look and feel their best, avoid and possibly even overcome disease, and live long doing it?”
This one promises to be a life-changer and possibly even a life-saver, and it’s free, so I strongly encourage you not to miss it…
Stay tuned for Episode 25 (you can see all episodes on the Conners Clinic Live page!)
Listen to or Watch the Full Podcast Episode
Dr. Conners
Welcome, everybody, this Dr. Kevin Conners for another podcast. My guest today is Brian Vaszily. He’s a very popular and outspoken advocate, author, and researcher with over 20 years experience and natural health. He opposes the widespread perception that life as getting older equals actually being sick and getting a disease and beating a disease. And instead supports the truth that in your 40s, 50s, 60s and even beyond, you can actually have the best years of your life. So Brian is the founder and host of what we’re going to talk about,, where he’s amassed followers of nearly five hundred thousand supporters for his mission. And in his own words, “We are changing the very definition of anti-aging to mean you against all the lies commonly associated with getting older, such as, hitting your forties and beyond means becoming increasingly undesirable, incapable and doomed to suffering and diseases.” I love that. So instead, so many people have embraced because Brian shares a very positive message in terms of your physical, mental and emotional health and well-being in your middle years and golden years that are truly meant to be your best years. Brian is hosting, what we’re going to get into and talk about, a worldwide release of his third major online summit. And we’re going to encourage all of our listeners to join that. It’s called Younger or Longer, the Insiders Health Summit. That’s going to launch August 11th, 2021. And it’s going to be fantastic. Can’t wait for that. It’s a free online summit that features 22 of the most renowned and respected antiaging and longevity doctors, including all their research. We’re going to get a lot of information. So, Brian, thank you for being on the podcast today. I have some questions that I think are going to be very pertinent, and I’m going to stop talking and let you talk. So first question, I’m going to try to lead into this. You’ve done so much work in development for the last 20 years in natural health care, why did you choose to get into antiaging? What brought you down this path?
Brian Vaszily
First of all, thanks for having me on. Hello, everybody. I think we’re edging on over twenty five years now, so I have to update that. It’s been some time now that I’ve been immersed in all of this. Interesting, in our conversation, you brought up Joan Mercola and it was it was really Jo and I, when nobody knew his name, and I’m sure a lot of people now are familiar with his name. I started out 20 some years ago with natural health, with him. But my story predates all of that. And I’m going to try to give you the short version here. Can get a little emotional, actually. So long story short, I’m 51 right now. I cite that because you can roughly say the first half of my life was pretty challenging in many respects. I grew up in a rough inner city neighborhood in Chicago, lost some friends to gangs. Even more impactful, is my own father was a very good man until my age of around nine, and he turned severely alcoholic and abusive to me and my family, my mother and my sister. His story reads like a novel that people wouldn’t believe. He was a spy in World War II. He lost his son from a previous marriage. He lost his first wife while they were in an argument and stepped out of the car, and she got hit by a truck. So there were some tragedies. And in those days, you may well know that people did not embrace dealing with emotional issues in a healthy way. It wasn’t going to counseling or things like that. That was kind of frowned upon. It was said that, you must be a crazy person to do that compared to today. So he didn’t deal in a healthy way of things. Hit the bottle, kind of took it out on us is the short version. And it was rough for a young man, as well as my sister, and now I’m dealing with that. So that was another major challenge in life. And there were still more. And then as I got older, he did go through and kick the habit, but he still retained a lot of anger and he was still very emotionally abusive from that point forward. I tell this story because then he went through about ten years of slow death, starting from emphysema, but a number of different diseases. And we, being my mom, my sister and I especially, especially my mother, of course, were in and out of the medical system with him for a good decade. And I watched this system, we’re talking 80s, 90s now, I watched just how inept the system could be. I saw it from the inside, I saw my mom fighting the medical system for his care, and I saw this man getting carted around from hospital to hospital. And basically, it was just insensitive in other respects. So, I saw it from the inside. Long story short, thank goodness in a way, because he suffered so much, he finally did pass away. So now I was equipped with, frankly, a lot of anger at what I witnessed inside of that medical system and how it mismanaged his care in so many ways and didn’t dwell on some solutions that I was already becoming aware of in the natural orientation. I’m not opposed. Obviously, some prescriptions and drugs do have their place. But even back then, the medical system was kind of this model of “drugs are the answer.” And so I saw that from the inside. Paired with that and all this roughness that I was going through in my life, I had a lot of internal issues. I became a young father in my first marriage myself, and I was so dirt poor, I even had to sell a CD collection to keep the heat on another month for my baby. So I went through some tough times. What saved me, and I mean literally saved my life, the reason I’m sitting here today, thriving today, and able to help so many people, are powerful women like my mother, like my sister, like certain teachers I had actually, who stood by me. Certain friends, they literally held me up and kept me going in life when I could have taken some really dark, terrible turns, doctor. So flash forward multiple years now. I was inspired, by the way, one of the first serious jobs I had was middle management inside of a pharmaceutical benefits management company. I witnessed some things in there that I could not believe happened. I thought it was just stuff from the other side, so to speak, was overdoing how that system works. But it’s not true. When everybody signs up, if they do, for the free, younger, longer health summit that’s coming up that you mentioned, please watch the video right after you sign up, because I share this terrible joke that I heard inside while working from these executives in this company that just said everything. I’m not going to share more on that. I’ll be taken down a different path. But long story short, women saved my life. Older women, carrying women. So flash forward now. I started off, like I said, I helped him build that into the monster that it became, the good monster. I left that and worked with plenty of other doctors and others throughout the years since then. And then I built this organization and I bring that up because I saw natural and some alternative solutions truly helping people, saving lives. And I saw that they have everything to do with the middle and later years of life, indeed being the best years of life. And it did not match, not only this pervasive message out there, which is that getting older equals becoming undesirable, incapable, doomed to suffering and disease. And this is horrible. But look at the media. If an alien came down from outer space and watched our TV shows, they would think that 90 percent of our population is 20 somethings. And getting older is something to laugh about, basically. I mean, that’s just this overriding message. And that indeed, getting older means you’re doomed. Nonsense. That completely contradicted what I was seeing in research and from all of these doctors, like yoursel, who embrace a wider perspective, integrative health, natural health. And then I watched as my own mother and my sister, who’s older than me and others, these people who saved my life were even impacted by this negative messaging about getting older. And I said, wait a minute, I have multiple paths I can go down here to honor these people, these women who help me. I’m going to share this message that getting older equals actually should and can equal, whether you have diseases, whether you’ve suffered through multiple diseases, it can and ought to equal the best years of your life. The 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, and beyond ought to be the best years of your life. That’s the medium length version of the story of why I launched The Art of Anti Aging and why our mission is basically to help people bypass that negative messaging and, most importantly, to provide them with the most effective steps to look and feel their best, avoid and fight disease, live longer and do well.
Dr. Conners
I’ve always said when many people have asked me, “when are you going to retire?” I think the whole idea of retirement and then your life just kind of goes downhill because you’re no longer productive in society, that really began just in the last century. There’s no biblical correspondence to retire. I don’t believe I should ever retire. I need to continue to share what God has given me until I’m taken out of here. Your life should be like a candle, and it should go out, and you’re done with your role here and you move on. So we’ve kind of set that society in the last hundred years, where you’ve finished you’re productive years at age 60 or whatever, and now you just quit and you slide downhill. And that’s really a shame what we’ve done. The wisdom that is in the human race of people in their 70s and 80s that could continue to change the world that we’re losing is very sorrowful.
Brian Vaszily
To me, it’s the biggest barrel of nonsense, frankly, that you hear this expression sometimes. “Hey, move aside. It’s our turn,” from younger generations. Hey, I love all ages. And what anybody can bring to the table is a good thing. But your time is done when, like you said, your life is truly over. As long as you are alive, it’s your time. It’s your time.
Dr. Conners
You need to still be productive.
Brian Vaszily
In politics, business, health, education, no matter what field. And in fact, like you said, it’s only in less than the last hundred years, but throughout eons, throughout all of human history, this age was valued. It was respected in most cultures. And it ought to be, frankly. And in so many ways, in terms of living your life and feeling good, I talked to many people who have embraced, who had bypassed this notion that getting older equals doom, doom, doom. And they are living their best years, whether that means they’re dealing with things, like being hit with disease, cancer or pain, arthritis in their knees, that doesn’t mean these can’t be your best years. And there’s a lot you can even do about those things, as you’ve certainly shared with folks.
Dr. Conners
So what do you see as the biggest challenges that people face as they get into their fifties and sixties and beyond?
Brian Vaszily
There’s two to path answers I can go down there. And one, I could talk about this another day, but there’s certainly the emotional challenges that get in our parcel. This is only one aspect of it that I’m talking about here is your mindset. If you believe that getting older means I’m done, I’m downhill, I’m retired. I’m no longer useful. Well, guess what’s going to happen? You’re going to become sick and not useful. Our mind is a powerful thing. So that’s one avenue I could talk about all day. But there’s also a lack of awareness on some physical side of things. And we can go down this avenue more so. There’s some mighty impactful things in a negative way, things that we do. And we aren’t yet as a society aware of that we’re doing that specifically has to do with toxins. Doctor, it’s all about what we allow into our being, what we allow into our bodies and what we try to keep out. And, I hear a lot of folks say, “hey, I’m eating really well, so I’m not going to worry about toxins because I’m doing everything I can to set my body against it.” And in a time, a hundred years ago, two hundred years ago, when we didn’t have this overwhelming amount of toxins pouring into us, in my view, that would have been OK. But now I say to people, listen, you could do everything in the world to become the healthiest person possible by putting all the right foods in and getting your exercise or your proper sleep. But there are so many toxins we’re burdened with today. I covered emotional. We can go down that avenue another day, but in a physical sense. And I’ll get into one area here that I think people aren’t nearly aware of enough in regards to personal care products and cosmetics and how impactful this is. But there’s just as overburden of toxins today that, we could be as healthy as possible, but if we don’t take steps to reduce these toxins, they’re overwhelming. It’s a tsunami constantly of toxins. We really have to take steps to reduce these in our lives.
Dr. Conners
We are, like you said, I think exposed to things. I mean, the chemical companies are producing, new chemical arays on a weekly basis to do something. To make your deodorant stick to your skin or to whatever could be the downside of capitalism here, whatever they can sell more of to make more desirable. And we buy this stuff because it’s simpler, it’s easier and smells better and feels better. And we’re exposed to things that our ancestors were never exposed to and our detox pathways are completely overwhelmed. We see when we test people for cancer, we test for causes. It’s probably over 80 percent of the time that the cause of the cancer is a toxin that gets into the cell, that disrupts the replication pathways, and now the cell goes into rapid replication, which is the definition of cancer. So let’s continue down that pathway, if you will. Where do you see the greatest, maybe misunderstanding, of toxins? Because, again, like you said, I have patients that go, “are you kidding? It couldn’t it be a toxin? I’ve eaten organic for the last 20 years.”
Brian Vaszily
Well, really, that’s a great place for me to start. Well, the first thing I want to say to everyone listening is, if you believe that you’re eating healthy, remember this. Anything you put on your skin, you’re eating. Subquestion that. Nextstep, go to your bathroom if that’s where you keep your cosmetics and personal care products, as most people do, turn those labels around, read, see if you can decipher what some of those ingredients are in the first place and say, are you really eating healthy? Are you? Because you’re putting that on your skin, would you put that in your mouth and swallow that product? Here’s a statistic for you. A couple of statistics. First, in the European Union, for example, they have banned one thousand three hundred plus chemicals from their personal care products and cosmetics. Here in the United States, because it’s a powerful industry, only 11 chemicals have been banned. Here’s another statistic.
Dr. Conners
So are you saying, Brian, that the thirteen hundred minus 11, all those are approved still in the US and are being used in the U.S.?
Brian Vaszily
Yes, sir. And and there are actually thousands more that are under scrutiny from the E.U. So that number is going to go higher. Meanwhile here, 11 have been banned. I could talk all day also about why this is the case. I’ll cover that briefly in a moment, because I think a lot of people believe, “hey, we’re protected, someone’s watching out for us.” I will say this. I have heard and I’ve seen that in the United States, the most unregulated industry is personal care and cosmetics. Back in nineteen thirty eight, the FDA really laid down the last substantial guidelines for the cosmetic personal care industry. Nineteen thirty eight! Nothing’s changed really since then. And back then, you know what they said? Self regulate. You’re on your own, self regulate. You’re on your own. Well, guess what? That’s turned into a Wild West situation. Before I go in a little more depth on that, I want everyone to remember this when you’re pushing a grocery cart down the cosmetics and personal care products aisle in a store, you are pushing it down a food aisle. Remember that, if nothing else, and treat it the same way that you’re pushing that grocery cart down the produce aisle and everywhere else. Because, again, when you put anti aging creams, typical anti aging creams, typical deodorants under your arm, typical anything on your face that you do, if the molecules are small enough, they penetrate your skin, they penetrate into your body, they can get into your bloodstream and they’re sent around to all the organs of your body. And guess what? These products, as you alluded to, are designed, these ingredients, these chemicals, these toxins, are designed to be small enough to penetrate. That’s why they do whatever they do. But they’re toxic. There are five basic classes of these ingredients: direct carcinogens, cancer causing agents known, allowed hidden carcinogens. Because what that means is, go back to your chemistry class from high school, when you combine two or more chemical, many of these products contain many chemicals. They do what? They can create third chemicals. Other chemicals, in other words. They’re not even required to test that, they don’t know the impact, and that’s only one product. Now, if I put three different products on my face, we’ve got all kinds of stuff going on that we don’t know. Well, there have been independent studies and research done and there’s plenty of hidden carcinogens that are offshoot products from this. Of course, there’s allergens. There’s endocrine disrupting ingredients. By one count, over two hundred were found in our typical cosmetic personal care products, endocrine disrupting, hormone disrupting chemicals. And I say this to people. In many cases I would actually, doctor, rather eat by putting in my mouth and swallowing some of these ingredients, then putting it on my skin. Why? Because at least when you eat something through your mouth, your body has a number of mechanisms, filters we’ll call them, in place. The liver being a key to try to kick some of those toxins out. When you put stuff on your skin, there are few, if any barriers in place. This stuff goes there directly. When it penetrates and gets into the bloodstream, there’s really not much stopping it from doing that.
Dr. Conners
Well, like you said, you do have your gut barrier, you have your blood brain barrier, you have your skin barrier. But when these chemicals are designed to cross the skin barrier to help moisten the deeper layers of your skin or whatever that thing is supposed to do, it’s in your body now. It’s in your bloodstream. If it’s in the subcutaneous tissues, it’s going to be absorbed into the bloodstream and your liver is going to have to deal with it. Those pathways that we speak about, your cytochrome P450 pathways in your liver, your PON1 pathways in your liver are already overwhelmed by the pesticides and herbicides you’re exposed to. So it circulates around again and ends up getting lodged into your fat cells, which have the spiritual gift of accommodation to take those in. And that’s a major piece of cancer. That’s why these are carcinogens. I speak in my book about a subject called Publication Bias. So even when these companies say, “oh, we have these studies that prove that it’s safe,” they said out their product to multiple universities to do a study. If seven of them come back, say, “no, this is a carcinogen” and one of them comes back and says, “we found it to be safe,” That’s the only one that they publish. The rest of the studies are tossed in a bin, probably shredded. And they publish the one that they wanted to publish, that’s the publication Bias. They have full legal rights to do that. So, you don’t find out about what is really dangerous because it’s never published. So you do have to just, listeners please listen to what Brian’s saying, if you can’t read the ingredients on the back, you should not be consuming it.
Brian Vaszily
So, yeah, that is a great point about the studies. Beyond that, what are they studying? They’re not really studying long term impacts. They’re typically in almost all cases, like I mentioned, not studying the effect of multiple of these toxic synthetic ingredients in combination with one another. They’re studying in isolation and in short term, the effect of these ingredients.
Dr. Conners
And in a mouse model or something like that.
Brian Vaszily
In a mouse model, short term effect, not in combination with all the other junk that they throw in these typical products. So, these have been independently study. And all I will say to people is big caution. Again, thirteen hundred chemicals banned elsewhere in the European Union and elsewhere in 40 different countries actually. Only 11 here. So when I get that question, “well, what should we watch out for?” And thirteen hundred chemicals is mighty hard to try to verse, I’m not versed, nobody’s versed on all of these chemicals to watch out for on labels. There are some more common ones. Formaldehyde comes to mind. I mean, this is the same stuff that back in biology class you were preserving frogs with. This is commonly found in many different types of cosmetics, something you really don’t want to be putting on your body. It’s a potential carcinogen for sure. Triclosan, another one, people might remember in 2016, this was banned from antibacterial hand soaps. Well, guess what? What’s odd is, it’s banned from antibacterial soaps because obviously it found to be dangerous enough, but it’s allowed in anti aging skin products and everything else still. Like, wait a minute, that doesn’t even make sense. It’s the power of the industry on this. It really is buyer beware. And you have to take control of your own health. And this is such an unknown topic, again, to people about how impactful this can be. With the industry, yes, they are aware, in my opinion. I’ll preface it that way, and I think everyone’s going to agree, they are well aware of the risks with this stuff. Of course they are watching out for short term negative effects because if they put a product out, and it has a short term negative effect, it can easily be traced to them. They don’t want to do that. They want to sell their stuff. I’m putting it in my words, my view, they don’t care about somewhat longer effects, mid-term effects, certainly not long term effects of what happens. They use these synthetic ingredients because, well, in a word, they’re cheap. And it’s easier to sell more products. These ingredients are added to sell more stuff, sit on the shelf longer, penetrate deeper into your body, which is scary when you think about it. But penetrators are one of the scariest classes of these ingredients that pull other toxins deeper into your body like you already alluded to. It’s just scary what they’re doing with this. So if there’s this minute amount of this ingredient in these products, and I know it, and I was going to use deodorant one day in my life, I’d be like, “OK, it’s such a minute amount. I don’t care, I’ll use this.” But we use deodorant everyday. Here’s a statistic, the average woman uses twelve personal care products a day, which contain an average of one hundred and sixty eight different chemicals. Now add that up, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year. It’s kind of like death by a thousand cuts. It’s going to have a negative effect on you if you’re using these typical products with all these synthetic ingredients.
Dr. Conners
Well, it is cumulative. And you mentioned antiaging things and somebody might say, “well, I don’t use any antiaging things.” Think of lotions, the sunscreen, the makeup that people are using, anything that they’re putting on their skin, thinking that it’s going to be a protective or a moisturizer. Like you gave a statistic of how many care products that women put on their skin, they’re even more particularly exposed than most men. But now you have a beard, there’s beard oils things, and there’s all sorts of hair products and shampoos that people are using. It’s perfumes. We can go on and on. These are all just chemicals slurries that your liver is saying literally, if you could make it a cartoon of it, like “what in the Sam heck are you doing to me? I can’t deal with all the stuff that you’re exposing me to.”
Brian Vaszily
I hate giving issues and problems without giving people general guidelines at least on solutions. Because when you do talk about things like moisturizers, creams, antiaging creams, deodorants, of course, anything, people will say,” what am I supposed to do? What am I supposed to do?” We’re so attached to these and in some cases it makes sense. And there are products out there that can help. So real quick, what you really want to do is take inventory of what you are using on a routine basis. And my kind of ‘Brians log’, as will call it, is the closer you’re putting it onto your skin and the more you’re using it, the more concerned you should be about it. So a deodorant, I keep bringing that up because it’s under your arm all day, every single day in this very sensitive part of your body on the skin. And so that’s an important one. If you do use creams, moisturizers, anything on your face, around your eyes, very sensitive skin, be very wary of those. You should be wary of all the products. But a shampoo you use, whether you wash your hair every other day or three days a week or once a week or whatever, if I’m ranking these, I’d say, yeah, be cautious that too. But the ones that are sitting on your body designed to penetrate all day long, be especially wary of those. Take inventory in your home of these products. And as really powerful health promoting changes go, it’s a pretty easy change to make. And I’m talking in comparison to someone who hasn’t moved much in a long time and has to get exercise or someone who has to completely shift their diet. Those are super important. Those are harder to do. Just to put it in layman’s terms. This is pretty easy, and it can have monumental impacts on your health, including the way you feel. So doctors, the solution and journal, it’s really tough, as I’ve noted to try to reverse yourself on all the potential chemicals to look out for. Because people have turned these products around and it’s hard to decipher what things are sometimes. Instead I say there are some really good guideline independent certifications out there to look for in the United States. Look for USDA certified organic products. That means in the US, it’s not the only one, but it’s a great one to look for on the front of the label, USDA certified, because that means those products, unless the company scamming people and putting that label on and they shouldn’t be. In which case they can get sued. But that means those products have gone through, independent of the company, a strict certification to ensure that at least 95 percent of those ingredients are indeed organic and toxin free. And then it’s a short list of that other five percent are also very particular ingredients that are not going to hurt you. So that’s one guideline. In other countries, if you have listeners here from elsewhere, there are in most countries that I’m aware of, they have similar guidelines. EcoSearch, which is based out of France and covers a lot of Europe and elsewhere in the world is another one. And then there are some states, also in the United States, that have strict certifications. Really look for those certifications and support them. They’re not for profit, whether they’re government sponsored or independent nonprofit organizations. Many people have probably seen the non-GMO thing. Watch for those on the front of the label, because unless the company is scamming you, they’re not supposed to be putting those on, those are independently granted and they have to go through steps. It’s a strong way to choose products that are far less to flat out zero toxins that you can. And then we’ve come a long way, we being a general sense. Ten years ago there was a few organic deodorants and frankly, they were terrible. Now we’re a little further along, and I use these products and they’re pretty darn good now. And they do the job, for example, with deodorants or anti aging creams. I mean, more and more you’re seeing these products out there. It’s kind of like food. Ten to fifteen years ago, people were really just learning about how bad certain types of food could be. And all the organic stuff started. And I know it’s been around forever and now it’s gotten better and better. Some of these food products, we’re about ten years behind with cosmetics and personal care products, but I would advocate people look for that USDA certified organic and other certifications, the more the merrier.
Dr. Conners
Will that be on makeup and other things too? So on cosmetics and other things?
Brian Vaszily
Yes. Makeup is the hardest category, in my opinion. You’re starting to see some USDA certified organic labels out there, but you will see it on creams and anti aging creams more and more. Now, it’s a little easier to find and you certainly will see it on toothpastes. You will certainly see it on many deodorants now. In fact, in your big box stores they’re moving over and you’ll see it for sure in deodorants and things like that. You can Google search USDA certified organic skin cream or anti aging cream, or deodorants. EWG, the Environmental Working Group, they have a list of of products in these different categories as well. But again, a simple Google search and you’ll see it’s a blossoming area where there’s cautious companies well aware of this truly taking steps to improve this. Be careful. Do be careful of what’s called green washing. Don’t listen to what a company says about itself, to put it flatly. If they call themselves all natural or organic or wild crafted. That can mean anything. Again, it’s perhaps the most unregulated industry out there. If they’re calling themselves organic that could mean one single organic ingredients amidst twenty five synthetics, and they can say organic on the label. That’s just messing with people. Look for those independent certifications like USDA certified organic.
Dr. Conners
That’s great. We can’t finish today’s podcast without talking about your summit. So let’s jump into that now, so how people can learn more about this topic and a lot of other topics with other speakers that have specialties in different areas. So give us some information about your summit coming up.
Brian Vaszily
Well, thanks. This is the big once again, as you noted, I’ve hosted multiple of these big free online summits because I’ve been at this for 20 some years. I’ve had the honor of getting to know folks like yourself and other very well known, highly acclaimed doctors who embrace integrative and natural health approaches. Dean Ornish, Dr. Joel Feuhrman. And so in my case, I’m the communicator, the intermediary. I guess because I’ve acquired so much knowledge over these years myself, sometimes the educator as well. But, it’s my honor to be able to bring, as people will see with younger, longer Insiders Health Summit, twenty two of the true really brilliant, wonderful and caring individualys, which is always important to me. Doctors and other health experts who are kind of at the forefront of anti aging or healthy aging and longevity and avoiding and overcoming disease, cancer and heart disease and other diseases of our time. So I’ve pulled them all together. And what I saw out there, being at this for years, one big, big problem that I see people encounter is an overwhelming amount of information. There is so much health and wellness information out there. Now, granted, a lot of it seems to be the same things repeated over and over, but there’s such an overwhelming amount. And I said, OK, you know what? I want to help people in a big way with this particular summit, which is why I call it the big one. I’m clearing the air. And what I do in this younger, longer summit is I ask the doctors this key question. From your area of expertize, doctor, what are the three most essential things people must do to look and feel their best, avoid and overcome disease and live long doing it? Let’s clear the air from your area of expertize, whether you’re a dietary expert, whether your expertize is in sleep. And I pull all the different angles in on these experts I’m bringing in. Give me the three things that are most important that people can do themselves out of everything. So I clear the air. We hit straight to the heart of the matter in this event. So it’s a supremely useful event for people. Practical, useful, and clears the air and all this overwhelming confusion and get right to the key points.
Dr. Conners
Well, you need to have those bullet points because it does get overwhelming for people. Our bullet points for this presentation have to start reading your labels, maybe be more conscious, particularly conscious about what you’re putting on your skin, your liver is going to have to deal with this stuff. You are absorbing what you put on your skin. And just start. It’s not that difficult. Like you said, it’s a start by buying different products. And even if you live in USA, there is organic things that you can purchase. You can order them online, that you can make different purchasing choices. And then, like you said, that strengthens the industry. These companies continue to produce better and better products that work more effectively in personal care as well. So it’s not really that difficult. You’re buying these things anyhow. Yes, you may pay a few extra dollars for a good organic product, but it’s going to affect you in so many ways. You talk about not just cancer, but the onset of early dementia in this country is just staggering. And it has to do with chemicals crossing the blood brain barrier and your micro glial cells activated because of that. So those are the key points, I think, maybe you have anything to add to that.
Brian Vaszily
The one thing I’ll say is look for those certifications like I mentioned and don’t be surprised if you have mystery symptoms. A lot of people don’t know where their fatigue comes from. They’re not sure. Or if you have dizziness or if you have shortness of breath. I’ll just say don’t be surprised if you do take these steps to reduce the toxins, even in this one very key area with products that you’re feeding your skin and you do shift over and feed your body far healthier choices, don’t be surprised if those symptoms diminish. Maybe in some cases disappear. I’ve seen it time and again. Because again, your body’s overwhelmed with toxins. This is one of the key ways they’re overwhelmed. When you reduce back, the body likes that. The body says, thank you. Thanks for feeding me these products instead that have natural safe, organic ingredients that are actually good for me instead of products that contain hydroquinone and phthalates, and like I mentioned, triclosan. Thank you for doing that. And these symptoms may, in fact, reduce symtoms. Not to mention the fact that you’re fighting disease if you have it and you reducing the likelihood of getting disease if you don’t, in a big way, like you mentioned. Whether it is brain diseases and degenerative issues, heart, cancer, so many obviously connected. I mean, pretty much all of our body, if we really want to extend it out to overwhelming our bodies with toxins. Reduce it. This is a big way. You’re going to be pleased with how you feel, relatively quickly, as well as the longer term results of it.
Dr. Conners
Well Brian, thank you again. We’re going to have all sorts of information about your website and the coming summit. We’re going to encourage all our listeners to participate in that. And if you’re listening to this recorded years later, you can download that information on Brian’s website as well. We’re going to have you back again, I hope. We can talk about more things, there’s so many things to speak about. So I appreciate it again. This Dr. Kevin Conners, and we’ll be back with another podcast. Thanks.
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NOTE: All of the above statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This and any product(s) discussed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Dustin has been passionate about holistic health since he met his wife, Dr Mallory Ranem (Conners) 20 years ago. As the Digital Media Manager, he coordinates content across Conners Clinic’s large online presence, including written, video, and audio.