Surgery, though typically part of an intentional, scheduled process, is still a physical trauma or assault which can have far-reaching physiological and mental effects. We believe that surgical resection of a cancer, often called a debulking procedure, can be very helpful in removing a large part of the tumor burden from your immune system.

For those unfamiliar with the surgical process, the combination of stress, drugs, physical invasion, pain, immune suppression and energetic disruption can make it difficult for patients to recover in a timely fashion. This is even more difficult if the patient is actively dealing with a diagnosed dis-ease prior to requiring surgery.

The below supplements and therapies comprise a general protocol, intended to be taken in addition to any supplement or medications currently recommended by a primary health care provider. They are not a replacement.

We recommend starting this protocol 1 week prior to your scheduled surgery. Then continue the regimen for approximately 1 month, or until supplements or symptoms are gone.

Follow manufacturer dosage instructions, or verify dosage changes with your primary care physician.

Oral Supplements:

Rife Therapies:

Nearly all of our members have access to a Rife machine in their homes. We provide each of our members with customized programs for their particular illness. However, inside each Rife Machine are hundreds of programs which can be used for any perceived symptom or ailment.

The following general programs are great for post-surgical support:

  • Accelerated Healing
  • Pain Bio 1, Pain Bio 2, Injury Pain, Pain.Bio Basic
  • Clearline Detoxification
  • Swelling


The diet portion is recommended for the first week following surgery to ease gastrointestinal stress, support regular bowel flow and maximize nutrient intake.

  • Simple foods that are easy to digest
  • Probiotic-rich foods, kefir, non-dairy yogurt, kombucha
  • Cooked vegetables
  • Soups
  • Smoothies
  • Plenty of pure, filtered water

Options for Symptom Management:

It is inevitable that additional symptoms might arise following surgery. If that is the case, the following guide might provide direction on supplements and therapies to support those nuances.



Pain Management



Remember, natural medicine works with the body’s own biological rhythms. Many supplements and therapies will have an immediate effect on alleviating post-surgical symptoms, but that’s not a guarantee. Be patient with this process and know that everything you are doing – naturally speaking – is helping your system recover.

Continue to be aware of your symptoms and stay in close communication with your primary health care provider and/or surgeon, to make sure any persistent symptoms are addressed in an appropriate manner.


Learn and become empowered with Dr. Conners’ self-guided online health courses covering cancer, detoxification, nutrition, genetics, chronic lyme and autoimmune/chronic disease!