Dr. Conners was joined by Dr. Véronique Desaulniers, better known as Dr. V., in this episode where they discussed how to heal from Breast Cancer naturally. After going over some basic information regarding how to look at your cancer diagnosis from a natural, holistic perspective and understanding the importance of taking personal responsibility, they went through Dr. V’s “7 Essentials System” which includes 7 essential steps to consider and work through if you’re looking to heal breast cancer naturally.

About Dr. Véronique Desaulniers – The Breast Cancer Conqueror

Dr. Desaulniers is the founder of Breast Cancer Conqueror® and the 7 Essentials System®, and co-founder of My Breast Friend™. Her signature process has empowered thousands of women in over 56 countries around the world.

Her mission is to “change lives, one breast at a time.”

Dr. V has personally conquered breast cancer twice, which gives her an empathetic perspective to understand other women facing a healing journey.

Her signature book, Heal Breast Cancer Naturally, is a #1 Amazon Best Seller in 10 categories and in 5 countries.

Dr. V has been featured in the world-renowned Truth About Cancer Docu-series and TTAC LIVE stages, as well as many other stages, summits, and podcasts including JJ Virgin, Wendy Meyers, Wellness Mama, NBC News affiliate show Tampa, etc.

She has been a guest contributor to Natural News, Green Med Info, Natural Health 365, Mind Body Green, Wellness.com, and many other sites.

Stay tuned for Episode 27 (you can see all episodes on the Conners Clinic Live page!)

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Dr. Conners
Hello, everybody. This is Dr. Kevin Conners for another episode of Conners Clinic Live, and we have a very special guest. She’s a wonderful colleague who I see eye to eye on in so many ways. She actually interviewed me on her podcast a couple of years ago and now, I hate to say, but we are finally getting around to repaying that favor. Dr. V is a Canadian breast cancer survivor. I’m sure all our patients have heard about her, as we have heavily promoted the podcast that I was on of hers. And she is the author of Heal Breast Cancer Naturally, which is a number one Amazon best seller in ten categories in five different countries. It’s a huge book. We recommend it to all our breast cancer patients and even just other people with other cancers because it just is so beneficial. She’s the founder of Breast Cancer Conqueror, that’s what most people know her for, and RThe Seven Essentials System that she developed. She’s the co founder of My Breast Friend. So that is another trademark that she has. Her signature process has empowered thousands, literally thousands and thousands of women over 56 countries around the world to help them make the best choices with cancer. So Dr. V, welcome. We appreciate you so much.

Dr. V
Thank you for having me and sharing the message of hope to your community.

Dr. Conners
It’s always encouraging to speak to doctors who have ventured into the realm of helping people naturally and becoming more public. I speak to colleagues that think I’m crazy for doing podcasts like this and writing books and having a website with lots of information that we give away on because it sets us up as a target. And maybe it does. But I believe, like you do, that God has us on a mission and we’re here for greater purposes than self preservation. So why don’t you give us your story on what brought you down this pathway to get people understanding some foundational truths about Dr. V.

Dr. V
So I’m a chiropractor by profession. And it was 1983, in practice for three years, so I was just a fledgling, and my father was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. How it goes with traditional medicine, they gave him no hope, six weeks to live, and he bought it to the day. He died a horrible death six weeks later. But throughout that whole period, I knew the body’s ability to heal. And I knew, given the right resources, that potentially the body could heal. Now, of course, his was advanced. So maybe it would not have made a difference. But I think it would have made a difference in the quality of his life. And so I started researching in 1983, no internet back then. So I went to the library, called some Cancer Clinics, which were few and far between back then, and I realized there were things that could be done for people with cancer. So I started applying these principles in my practice and one thing led to another. I was seeing people from literally different countries and just a lot of people from all over the place because of the results that we were getting. And fast forward about 10-11 years later, I’m in the shower. I’m getting ready to get ready for work. And I feel this lump in my breast. And right away I knew, it was that innate gut feeling. I knew it wasn’t just a typical benign cyst. And so that started my journey with breast cancer. And I really was shocked because I was Dr. V, “the wellness warrior,” helping all these people get well. And yet here I was facing this breast cancer in my breast. So I went back to the drawing board and I said, okay, I know what cancer is and what cancer is not. And I had to ask myself, what did I do that allowed the cancer to develop and show up in my body? And so that’s when I started looking at different options and how I would really improve my immune system, improve my health, and we can do things to weaken the cancer. And so from 2004 through 2006, that’s what I did. I really worked heavily, did a lot of research, and there were times that I was frustrated and confused, just like any other woman would be with breast cancer. There were some fears, sometimes in the back of my mind, but I just kept pushing forward. And then I felt like I had this download about The Seven Essentials because I was jumping all over the place. I didn’t feel like I had a structured process. So that’s why I created The Seven Essentials. It is a step by step guide that if you follow, you never have to fear cancer or any disease again. And so that first journey was very successful. It was quite simple, didn’t take too long. It only took a couple of years. But then fast forward to 2015, and by then I had sold my practice. I was now known as the Breast Cancer Conqueror, helping women from all over the world again. I was the Wellness Warrior, working from sun up to sundown, and I did not manage my health very well, and it caught up with me. And I felt another lump in the same place, same area. And I knew that there was something going on in my body. I was tired, I was stressed, I wasn’t sleeping well, and my hormones were off. I ended up finding out I had cavitations or infections in my mouth, and I created the perfect storm for cancer to show up again. So this time, there was a lot more available to me as far as research. And we had learned so much from 2006 to 2015, which was anine years in the cancer world. A lot more information. And so I did all kinds of testing. I did high dose vitamin C, all different kinds of supplements, nutrients, and it took me three years, but since 2018, I’ve been happier and healthier than I’ve ever been.

Dr. Conners
Well, that’s a huge praise God right there. I do want to ask you about your Seven Essentials, but before that, there was something that you said that perked my ear a little bit. When you first were diagnosed with cancer, your first time, you asked yourself the question, what did I do that may have led to this diagnosis. Do you see a big difference between a person being diagnosed with cancer and not taking responsibility for it? Maybe just saying, why did I get this instead of asking the honest question, what did I do that participated in this? Is there a difference between being a victim and taking responsibility for it?

Dr. V
Totally. The patients or clients that say, “Why me? Poor me.” And there’s the patients that say, “okay, this is showing up in my life for a reason. So how did I live my life that allowed this cancer to show up? And why is it showing up?” So they approach it with curiosity, and they approach it with a sense of responsibility, which is a totally different attitude about your healing. And, of course, as you’ve seen I’m sure, the victim versus the victor, there’s a huge difference in the outcome as far as their mortality is concerned.

Dr. Conners
Yeah. I had a patient asked me just yesterday. She said, “Can you explain to me when you say that you have to get to the point to thank God for your cancer? I don’t understand that,” because she said, “cancer is an evil thing.” And yes it is, but there are still things that can shape your life and can change you. And God can use this to His glory if you allow that. Bad things happen all the time, but it’s how we look at them and say, how can God be glorified in this as a Christian? And it’s just a different way of looking at it that I think is healthier. And you’re not taking that victim mentality.

Dr. V
Yes. So we teach our clients to always ask the question, what is the gift? Because it’s not just getting rid of the lump or the bump, but it’s about the transformation that you’re going to go through if you choose to come out on the other side, a happier and healthier person.

Dr. Conners
Now let’s jump into the Seven Essentials that you had downloaded to you that are so important, and I just love them. If you want to walk us through that, that would be great.

Dr. V
Okay, then feel free to jump in or project anytime. So essential number one is let food be your medicine. And I think nutrition is definitely at the front of everybody’s mind. There’s so much information now about eating well and organic, and now we know about food and how it affects our genes. So there are so many amazing things that can happen when we choose the right foods. And there’s no one size fits all when it comes to diet. It really depends on your genetics and on the health of your gut. There’s just so many factors. So people ask me, what’s the perfect way to eat? Well, generally speaking, as a big overview, I would say 80% raw, make sure it’s organic, lots of greens, and lots of veggies. If you choose to eat protein, make sure that it’s clean, hormone free, antibiotic free, all of that. Eat nuts and seeds. Just make sure that you’re getting a lot of trace minerals in your food as well.

Dr. Conners
Yeah. We test with kinesiology. We test for cause on patients. And how it’s changed over the last 20 years with patients, the most common cause in our testing for cancer is pesticides, herbicides, chemicals from our food sources. And it’s even in people that say, “well, I’ve been eating organic for ten years.” There’s so much cross contamination, we are just being poisoned. At least here in America, we are. I don’t know how bad it is in Canada, but it’s just awful.

Dr. V
Yeah, it is. And that brings us right into essential number two: the toxicity. Reduce your toxic exposure. We can’t live in a bubble. But there are things that you can do to actively reduce that exposure. So we mentioned, eating organic as much as you can. Look at what you have in your home. There are hundreds of chemicals that will promote breast cancer. If you’re not careful with the cleaners and the sprays and the artificial candles and all of those things. Look at what you’re putting on your skin. Because again, all these chemicals, so many of them are what we call xenoestrogens or chemical estrogens that will mimic and stimulate estrogen in the body. So just start with one thing at a time. Get rid of the shaving cream for your legs and just use plain soap. Use clean toothpaste. Use clean cosmetics. Use clean things to clean your home. And that makes a huge dent in that toxicity level. And then take active steps to detox your body on a regular basis. So we’re strong advocates of coffee enemas, colonic irrigations, liver cleanses, parasite cleanses, saunas, sweating. Make sure that you sweat. Lymphatic drainage, lymphatic massage, all of that. It’s so important to get those toxins out of your body.

Dr. Conners
Yeah, that’s great. That’s so essential no matter how well you do. And like you said, just start making some wise decisions. You have to buy product anyhow. Just make some better choices.

Dr. V
It’s so easy now, compared to what it was 20 years ago, I used to have to make my stuff back then and now I can go to the local grocery store and you have it right.

Dr. Conners
That’s right. Okay point number three.

Dr. V
Point number three is to balance your energy. So we’re 1 billionth physical matter, right? The rest is all energy. So how do we keep that energy balance? Chiropractic care is going to keep your nerve system balanced. Acupuncture and exercise, you have to move your body, and proper sleep. If we don’t get restorative sleep, then you’re turning on cancer promoting genes. You’re not detoxifying properly. You’re weakening your immune system. And then the biggest thing for me with number three is hormones. Traditional medicine has really vilified women’s hormones and made them afraid that if they have an estrogen positive cancer, then oh no, we have to shut down your hormones. But our hormones don’t cause cancer. We look at every 20 year old on the planet who’s raging hormones. They’re fine. They’re healthy. We need our hormones for brain health and gut health and heart health and bone health, all those things. And if we shut down those hormones with toxic drugs and it opens up the way to create more cancers and more disease in the body. So I always teach our women, first of all, find out what your hormone levels are through saliva testing, find out if you have a problem with methylation or metabolism of your hormones, because if you do and you’re not breaking down your hormones properly, then there’s a possibility that those excessive estrogens could trigger cancer and test to see where you are as far as that methylation. And reduce your toxic exposure to things that stimulate estrogen, like the chemicals you put on your skin and the sunscreens and the phthalates and the plastics, even metals, even the metals in your mouth, which we’ll talk about. Those are known as xenometalogens or estrogens. They stimulate estrogen production when you’re exposed to them.

Dr. Conners
Yeah, that’s where you get into the pesticides and herbicides again. They’re even Xenoestrogen-like and horrible for hormone positive breast cancers. Yeah that is a challenge because that’s the biggest question that we get with breast cancer patients, women that are pushed so hard by the medical profession to do the medical aromatase inhibitors that will just literally shut down all their hormones and everybody hates it. They all hate what it makes them feel like. It just chemically, just puts them into a chemical slurry of dysregulation of all hormone function. It’s just horrible.

Dr. V
Right. If they’re afraid of that whole estrogen story, then do things that can help support balancing those estrogens, like flax or fermented soy or DIM and calcium delucrate all these things that could really help manage those hormone levels in your body properly. Right.

Dr. Conners
Right there’s always ways to help pull out those, quote unquote “bad estrogens” without eliminating all your estrogen or progesterone that is also essential for everything else. We’re really getting into it in point number four, so I’ll let you jump into that.

Dr. V
Okay. Number four is to heal the emotional wounds. And we kind of alluded to that in the beginning of the podcast, when we talked about victim Victor, but really understanding what’s going on in your heart and your soul is so important when it comes to healing. It means learning to love yourself, to really create healthy relationships, create healthy boundaries, nurture that little girl inside of you. Make sure that she feels safe and to forgive yourself. Forgive others. Let go of things in the past and to really dive into that emotional aspect of your life. Because let’s face it, even if we had the best childhood, there’s still different aspects of our life whether it was teenager or young adult, we had challenges in our life. And if we just stuff them and suppress them, then that energy, that emotional energy, is still lingering because that memory stored up in ourselves. And Candice Pert, she was way ahead of her time in the 80s, she wrote the book Molecules of Emotions. And she said, “mind becomes body because every thought you think creates those proteins that talks to every single cell in your body.” Dr. Joe Dispenza, You Are the Placebo. Your mind has such a powerful message to yourself, good or bad, whatever you choose. So really looking at the power of the mind, the power of your belief, because I’m sure you’ve seen this. There are patients who vacillate and say, “Well, I think I can heal. I’m not sure. And I hope this works,” versus “this is going to work, and I’m going to heal. And I’m going to be happy and healthy at the end of this journey.” Makes a huge difference in their response.

Dr. Conners
Sure. Absolutely. Yeah, that is maybe one of the key things, right. Maybe that’s one of the more difficult things to go through. You can make the physical changes of getting rid of all toxic substances in my house, toxic shampoos and such. But what do you have to deal with some inner wounds, it becomes a little bit harder. So that’s one that everybody wants to skip.

Dr. V
If I were to start over, I think I’d put that one at number one because I’ve seen women who traveled the world, done everything, spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on their treatments, but they never addressed what was between here and here. They didn’t make it.

Dr. Conners
We see that time and again to, the more difficult cases are the ones that have just an anxiety that is just relentless. All right, number five. This is the one that you learned this on your second journey, right?

Dr. V
Yes, I did. I had done some work before removing the metals in my mouth. But number five, to embrace biological dentistry, it means to really take a look at, chemically, what’s going on in your mouth and then energetically. So we start with chemically. If we look at metal fillings, we know those are 50% Mercury, and that’s one of the most toxic elements on the planet, and it’s going to cause all kinds of neurodegenerative issues and suppress your immune system. It’s also Metalloestrogen and stimulates estrogen. So we want to make sure that we remove those metals from our mouth properly by using biological dentists that are certified in the smart technique, where they’re certified by different biological organizations. But make sure they’re certified. And then there’s the root canals, right? Root canals are basically dead tooth. It’s a dead appendix or a dead gallbladder. It’s the same thing. It’s full of anaerobic bacteria, no matter how aseptic you try to make it. And that can drip toxins into your body. But recently, though, interestingly talking about root canals, I discovered something called regenerative endodontics, where they take the root canal and they remove the binders and everything that they have in there that are toxic, flush it out with frequencies and sound, make it aseptic, and then they put in a bio ceramic material that is non-toxic, and it fills all the little crevices. And it works really well. I had a client who went to LA to have that done. It was amazing when she pulled out that thing from the old root canal, it was all black and full of mold and bacteria. Pretty fascinating.

Dr. Conners
That’s something new. That’s great.

Dr. V
Yeah. It was for me. Regenerative. Orthodontics. Then the endodontic. The next thing is looking at your mouth energetically. So your teeth are connected to your organs through the acupuncture Meridian system. And if there’s a hunk of metal, or if there’s a root canal that can really affect that Meridian. And there are specific meridians in the top and the bottom on the teeth that are connected to the breast meridians. And we see the connection all the time. Cavitation is another thing, right? A cavitation is an infection in the bone. After you’ve had a tooth pulled. If it wasn’t cleaned out properly, it’ll create an infection, literally eat away at the bone. Cavitation means hole in the bone. And that can cause some issues. And I found out in my case. So I had cavitation up here on number 14, which is left breast Meridian. One down here, I forget the number down there, 20 something, left breast Meridian. So there’s always that connection. And we can see that on thermography too, if they have red spots or their mouth is all red, we know definitely, you need to clean out that mouth.

Dr. Conners
Yeah, we do thermography, we see that all the time. Matter of fact, you can actually just see a tooth and it’ll run right down to that breast. It’s just crazy. Another thing to do to help get better, right? Alright, number six.

Dr. V
So this is all the therapeutic plants and herbs that people want to know about. What do I take to build my immune system up to kill the cancer cells? And there’s a whole plethora. If you get the book, you’ll see, there’s over 700 references to all the different studies that show which products work and why. So, basic things like vitamin D. Just keep your vitamin D levels optimal between 8o and 100. That in itself, will help you to prevent breast cancer, and it’ll really ensure that you can heal properly. Make sure you have all your trace minerals like zinc, selenium, magnesium. Your vitamin A is also very important. Then look at therapeutic plants like curcumin and Wormwood and different formulations like polymba and Aura cell, which are basically different things that are designed to kill cancer cells. Even concentrations of blueberries can really help to turn off those cancer promoting genes. Broccoli sprouts are very important. Sulforaphane turns on over 200 genes. So there’s a whole system that we use to help support nutritionally and then to really target those cancer cells.

Dr. Conners
How important is that. And we get into arguments sometimes when I have a phone consult with a spouse that will say,” if there’s studies on this, why aren’t the regular doctors using it?” It takes you literally 30 seconds to do a Google scholar search on the curcumin or vitamin D, and you’ll see 600 pages of studies. I yet, they are never acknowledged. It’s kind of sad, actually.

Dr. V
And you can’t patent these things, right?

Dr. Conners
So there’s no money in it.

Dr. V
There’s no money to be made.

Dr. Conners
Okay, number seven.

Dr. V
Number seven, the last one. It’s all about keeping a pulse on your health and really embracing early detection. And so we recommend a lot of tasks outside of conventional medicine. When we think of early detection, what do we think of? Mammograms. I mean, the pink month is coming up, right? And so we teach women, you have a lot of other choices. If you choose to do a mammogram, know the consequences, the radiation, the compression, the problems it could cause, and then back it up with something else, like an ultrasound. If you do thermography, thermography is a great tool. It does not give off radiation. It looks at the physiological changes in the tissue of the breath. Back that up with an ultrasound as well, because that’s going to give you a different window to look at. And then there’s breast self exams. So we talked about, you mentioned, My Breast Friend. So my Breast Friend was created originally through the MammaCare Foundation. And maybe you learned on a model similar to this on how to do a proper breast exam. So the Mammacare Foundation has taught thousands of doctors around the world for the last 30 years. And this is the model that they use. So they asked me to take this model to the general public, so women would now have access to this model. So we made it look pretty. Put it in the pretty box, comes with an instructional video, a little booklet, but it teaches you what to look for and what to feel. So you see these lumps here and then how to feel and where to feel. So it’s a whole system that really teaches women the proper way of doing a breast exam. Let me show you the picture here. The average size lump that a woman finds when she’s not trained, properly trained, is the size of a Ping Pong ball. When she’s properly trained, she can find something the size of her pea. So a huge difference.

Dr. Conners
Big difference there. Yeah.

Dr. V
Your survival rate is 15 years over 88%. So it’s just a big game changer if you can find it small. And then there’s all the blood tests that we recommend. Of course, your vitamin D levels, vitamin A magnesium. Look at your inflammatory markers, because if there’s lots of inflammation in the body, then chances are you’re producing cancer cells and we use different tests. I’m sure you’re familiar with RGCC. I’m not sure if you use it or not, but RGCC and there’s other companies now, that filter the blood and look at circulating tumor cells, because if they cut out the tumor, that’s great. But there’s still cancer floating around in your body. You have to address that root cause. It gives us these tools to be able to manage things more effectively.

Dr. Conners
Yeah, that’s great. Well, we just appreciate all your work that you’re doing. Anything current in your life that you’re promoting?

Dr. V
Well, we used to have live retreats, but now we have virtual retreats. We just finished one of those. And actually, in a couple of weeks, we’re doing a small live retreat in Sarasota, where we rent a house on the beach. We bring women together, hang out for four days or so. We bring in IVs different practitioners who do bio energetic testing. We do meditation, we just eat well and just hang out and share our journey. So we’re doing one in a couple of weeks, and we’ll do one again in the spring.

Dr. Conners
That’s fantastic. Well, you are a ginormous encouragement to a lot of people, even those without breast cancer. So I just want to acknowledge you. We’re going to have information about your website so patients and listeners can get to that, see the tools that you have available, and utilize your service. I just want to thank you. I appreciate you.

Dr. V
Thank you. Thank you for all that you do as well, Dr. Conners.

Dr. Conners
Again, thank you very much. I appreciate all our listeners on this episode of Conners Clinic Live with Dr. V. Thank you, again.