Conners Clinic | Alternative Cancer Coaching

The IP6 Cancer Connection

IP-6 cancer care works by increasing your body’s Natural Killer Cell activity.  These NK cells have two primary roles:  They target cells that have made significant change and become cancerous as well as targeting enemy invaders like virus, bacteria, fungus and molds.  The NK cells are a part of the Th1 immune system, which is commonly depressed in cancer patients. Bill Sardi in his article entitled, “The Overlooked Cancer Cure from Japan” writes: (adapted)

IP6 Cancer Treatment - It Works as a Chelator

Nature's most effective iron-chelating molecule is inositol hexaphosphate (IP6), found naturally in seeds and bran. IP6 is a selective agent against cancer cells. Because cancer cells are high in iron content, IP6 directs most of its attention to abnormal cells since IP6 acts as a selective iron chelator. IP6 selectively removes iron from tumors cells (stealing one of its major food sources), which deprives them of their primary growth factor. IP6 does not remove iron from red blood cells which are tightly bound to hemoglobin. Unlike cancer drugs, healthy cells are not affected with IP6, so IP6 has very low toxicity. [Deliliers GL, British J Haematology 117: 577—87, 2002]

Cancer and IP6







There have been numerous lab dish and animal studies that conclusively prove IP6 cancer treatment is an effective and non-toxic, anti-cancer molecule. But the National Cancer Institute has never seen fit to conduct a human trial even though IP6 made it on a list of promising anti-cancer agents. [Fox CH, Complementary Therapy Med 10: 229—34, 2003]

As an alternative to chelating drugs, IP6 has been shown to desirably alter the expression of proteins produced by the p21 and p53 genes (these are cancer suppressing genes) that control cancer growth, but goes unused as a cancer treatment. [Saied IT, Anticancer Research 18: 1479—84, 1998]

IP6 enhances the anti-cancer effects of Adriamycin and Tamoxifen, two commonly used cancer drugs. [Tantivejkul K, Breast Cancer Research Treatment 79: 301—12, 2003] However, it goes ignored by cancer doctors even though it’s known to help chemotherapy!

Cancer and IP6

Double Standard with IP6 Cancer Treatment

While Desferal, an iron-chelating cancer drug, has a modest effect because of its poor ability to get inside tumor cells and remove iron, IP6 is found in every cell in the body and is essential for life. By virtue of its ubiquitous presence in living human cells, it is non-toxic. [Richardson DR, Critical review Oncology Hematology 42: 267—81, 2002]

In 2001 Food and Drug Administration researchers reported that 8 of 12 chelating agents tested were mutagenic (caused gene mutations). Among the four, non-toxic chelators were IP6. [Whittaker P, Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis 38: 347—56, 2001]

Cancer and IP6

The obvious choice among available iron chelators is inositol hexaphosphate (IP6). IP6 meets all the requirements for a safe iron chelator to treat cancer. It penetrates inside cells. It is non-toxic, inexpensive, and very effective. It's just not a drug.

Dr. Paul Eggleton of Oxford University demonstrated the IP6 also assists our immune system in our battle against enemies by increasing the oxidizing agents within neutrophils to aid in destruction of cancer and disease.

Ip6 summary:

  • IP6 inhibits cell proliferation; helps stop cancer growth
  • IP6 inhibits cell progression
  • IP6 inhibits metastasis by interfering with CTC (circulating tumor cell) adhesion, migration, and invasion (it inhibits MMP-9 secretion)
  • IP6 induces apoptosis in many cancer cell lines
  • IP6 inhibits Angiogenesis (new blood vessel growth to cancer) by:
    • Inhibiting growth and differentiation of endothelial cells
    • Inhibits secretion of VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor)
    • Blocking fibroblast growth factor

Studies on IP6 Cancer Treatment and the effects of treating cancer from the US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health

Protection against cancer by dietary IP6 and inositol

Cancer inhibition by inositol hexaphosphate (IP6) and inositol: from laboratory to clinic

Other Studies

Cancer Inhibition by Inositol Hexaphosphate (IP6) and Inositol: From Laboratory to Clinic

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