Conners Modified Gerson – Basic 101

DR. MAX GERSON explains some of his standard physiology below:

“The experimental causation of cancer, first accomplished by Yamagiva and Itchikawa, through rubbing tar substance on the ears of rabbits for about nine months, is of importance insofar as they found that before the cancer started to appear, the liver was damaged and showed pathological changes, together with the kidneys, spleen and the lymphatic apparatus. The long period was required to poison the liver, before the damaged cells could perform the ‘mutation’ into cancer.”—Max Gerson, A Cancer Therapy, p. 40.

Conners Modified Gerson - Basic 101
“Cancer means: (1) Slow intoxication and alter- ation of the whole body, especially the liver. (2) In- vasion of the Na-group [sodium and chloride], loss of the K-group [potassium and iodine], followed by tissue edema. (3) Lower electrical potentials in vital organs, more edema, accumulation of poisons, loss of tension, tonus, reduced reactivation and oxi- dation power, dedifferentiation [lack of differentiation] of some cells. (4) Cancer starts: general poi- soning increases, vital functions and energies de- crease. Cancer increases. (5) Further destruction of the metabolism and liver parenchym [the distinguishing or unique cells of the liver are destroyed]. Cancer rules, is acting, spreading. (6) Loss of last defense [the liver]. Hepatic coma. Death.”—Max Gerson, A Cancer Therapy, p. 102.

“The cancerous body is anergic, which means that it cannot prevent cancerous growth nor re- spond and defend itself against it. The treatment, therefore, has the task of restoring these normal functions, . . and finally, the conditions are restored for production, activation and reactivation of oxidizing enzymes.”—Max Gerson, A Cancer Therapy, p. 124.

“From the beginning, I felt that the tumor had to be killed while some scientists were satisfied to arrest the growths for as long a time as possible. In one of my articles I enumerated eleven points of difference between normal and cancer cells.

“The most important points are: cancer cells have more Na (ionized) [Cancer cells have more ionized sodium], live on fermentation (not on the normal oxidation), are negatively charged electrically, do not have the normal exchange with blood and serum, and grow and spread uncontrolled.

“Studying these, I felt there must be a way to prevent the fermentation, that is, to eliminate the basic facts upon which fermentation is built and can function. The fermentation is vital for the life of the cancer cell. That is the object upon which we could base further tests and explorations. How could this be done? The most Na-free [sodium free] diet has to be applied to extract Na from cancer cells through the blood and lymph stream. Instead of Na, potassium and the oxidizing enzymes have to be brought in with the help of an allergic inflam- mation.”—Max Gerson, A Cancer Therapy, p. 195.