Nick Pineault was our special guest this week discussing the hazards of EMF (from cell phones, WiFi, Bluetooth) as well as 5G. Nick offered some great insights as to what we know and what we don’t know about 5G; as well as what we can and should assume.

Take a look at his #1 bestseller book “The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs” and also register for his brand new EMF Hazards Online Summit (it’s free!) and starts soon!

EMF Hazards Summit with Nick Pineault

Over the next few days you’ll be hearing a lot about the 4-day online virtual EMF Hazards Summit. It’s the only one of its kind, focused on safeguarding your entire household from 5G and electropollution.

When you see the topics being covered by these 26 world-class EMF experts, you’ll understand why the EMF Hazards Summit is going to be an absolute game-changer for those who attend! You’ll discover exactly how to start addressing the fear that you may already be adversely impacted by EMFs and may not realize it yet.

Some of the experts you’ll hear from include:

  • Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
  • Dr. Joseph Mercola
  • Ty Bollinger
  • Ryan Sternagel
  • David ‘Avocado’ Wolfe
  • Josh Del Sol
  • Dr. Véronique Desaulniers
  • Dr. Rachid Buttar

All you have to do is simply follow proven processes to eliminate EMFs and get the truth about fake news telling everyone that 5G is safe and that EMFs are not harmful.

You’re going to learn exactly how to:

  • make your home a healthier place to live in by eliminating EMFs
  • reduce everyday aches and mystery symptoms
  • stop fearing EMFs and instead feel empowered with knowledge to face these new technologies
  • know you’re doing everything you can to avoid the unfortunate fate of half the population living with chronic disease caused by EMFs
  • help other people protect themselves from dangerous electropollution
  • and so much more…

About Nick “The EMF Guy” Pineault

Nick “The EMF Guy” Pineault (*like the wine*) is the #1 bestselling author of The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs and an advocate for safe technologies. Through his unconventional approach blending humor, science, and common sense, he has become a leading voice on the topic of electromagnetic pollution and how it affects our health. For the last few years, Nick has been interviewing some of the best minds on health and technology and facilitating the creation of courses and educational materials to raise awareness on this very important issue. You can find more about Nick at

Stay tuned for Episode 30 (you can see all episodes on the Conners Clinic Live page!)

Listen to or Watch the Full Podcast Episode


Dr. Kevin Conners
Hello, this is Dr. Kevin Conners, and welcome to another edition of Conners Clinic Live. Today we are bringing in a great guest from Canada, up in Montreal, Canada. Nick Pineault is, I know him as an expert in EMF and the dangers of EMF. I subscribed to his newsletter, oh, gosh, maybe it was a year or so ago.

Maybe it was longer than that ago. And just the wealth of knowledge that you have and that you bring to the table regarding the dangers of EMF to our health. And now it should even be a little bit more scary with 5G rolling out. So I’m going to stop talking and I want to gain information from you and have our listeners learn from you. So Nick tell us more about you.

Nick Pineault
Sure. Well, I’m a citizen journalist. I’m from Montreal, and I’ve been writing about health and mainly nutrition was my main topic of interest, how to pick the right foods in the grocery stores and whatnot. When I started getting into health after university, I have a background in communications, and then I did advertising for a few years.

So I’ve always been writing and doing marketing, and this is where I guess I was able to self-publish my book online and actually find audiences for it is part of the reason because I do have a marketing background, so when I stumbled upon the topic of EMFs in around 2015-16, I read several books that inspired me from scientists such as the late Dr. Martin Blank, who was a professor at Columbia University, and he had a background in biology and physics.

And to him, the dangers of EMFs were very, very crystal clear. And I discovered at that point that there were around 240-300 scientists worldwide that are studying EMFs with little funding, and most of them are self-funded or are true philanthropy or non-profits because it’s not a popular topic and almost no one wants to look at it.

And these scientists have tried to warn governments and the U.N. and the W.H.O. that actions need to be taken in the sense that we need to start reducing our exposure to these fields. And I’m talking about the EMFs, the electromagnetic fields emitted by cell phones, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth that are so ubiquitous these days. So that was really my story, was discovering the topic and then trying to make sense of it for me, my friends, my immediate family, and then writing my findings in a book which I published in 2017.

Dr. Kevin Conners
Tell us a little bit about your book. We have to push your book here.

Nick Pineault

Yeah, “The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs” it’s called and that’s kind of a cheeky title. So people who don’t know what this is referring to a lot of, even Justin Trudeau, our incredible Premier talked about tinfoil hatters very recently in a speech talking about conspiracy theorists. And in other words, it’s a deprecating way of talking about people who believe that EMFs is a problem because they were, in certain depictions, like in that movie Signs with Joaquin Phoenix, people wore tinfoil hats to protect themselves from extraterrestrial signals or something like that.

So I wanted to have that in the title because there are some and I must say a lot of information on the internet that is hyperbolic, incorrect, kind of fear mongering around EMFs. And I think it is creating a lot of troubles for scientists that are studying the topic and publishing very legit and credible information.

It’s kind of muddying the waters, if you will. So, there’s a lot of craziness that is said about EMFs. The reality, as I put it in my book, is that this is an environmental toxin, and we need to consider it the same as the toxins we find in our foods such as pesticides or glyphosate and whatnot, or the toxins in water.

And we saw that many people who listen to this or who are interested in health these days after hearing about the amount of glyphosate that is found in everyday foods, or after hearing about different municipal waters that that were tainted with different heavy metals or copper and whatnot, they realize that we need to minimize our exposure to these environmental toxins.

The topic of EMFs is the same. The difference is that for some people it’s a little bit harder to grasp because these are invisible signals. And it’s not like you’re putting something in your body, such as drinking or eating something. But those signals are around us. And when they are closest to our body, this is where they create the most stress. So it is an environmental stressor that we must not overlook.

Dr. Kevin Conners
Well, I really like what you said about we don’t want to be fear mongers and paint a picture that is too far on one side that EMFs are going to kill everybody, because we know from a genetic standpoint that just from a clinical standpoint that different people are affected different ways. Can you talk a little bit about that?

Nick Pineault
Sure. There are many lines of evidence that show certain people have a genetic background. It could be genetic, could be something else. But they just react in a very, very important way when they are faced with EMFs. And these individuals, some researchers would call them electro hypersensitives. Some would say that’s microwave illness in the sense that, oh, it’s not a sensitivity because everyone is impacted.

There are different terms for it. Environmentally-acquired illness is also a category of disease where depending on which attorney or doctor you talk to, they will have different terms for it. But you could have, in a couple, and this happens oftentimes women seem to be more sensitive., so in any given couple that might be in their home using the phone, the Wi-Fi, the Bluetooth earpiece, anything like that, and the man usually doesn’t have a sensitivity or it’s a little bit more rare.

And women have an extreme sensitivity in many situations. So, for example, one of the two partners might be able to get sleep, deep sleep, no problem with a phone under the pillow or near their beds, whereas the sensitive person, so-called sensitive might have problems with sleep. And when they turn off these, sensitive individuals turn off the cell phone, they see a dramatic reduction in or improvement in their sleep, a reduction in how much it impacts their sleep quality.

So it’s really individual and it does not necessarily correlate with the state of health. And that’s a tricky, tricky part. Some people with chronic disease or who already have many environmentally acquired sensitivities, such as chemical sensitivity, are normally or in many situations also EMF sensitive so in those individuals, it’s more like an acquired sensitivity to EMFs. But the fact remains that I still see individuals that have perfect labs, very healthy lifestyles, and they are just sensitive de facto. They seem to have, some researchers think this has to do with certain SNPs, epigenetic switches being impacted, such as the calcium uptake in certain genes that are related to calcium uptake or to nitric oxide production. But there’s no really we don’t have a definitive answer about what makes one person sensitive and the next not sensitive.

Dr. Kevin Conners
Yeah, I would agree with you wholeheartedly there. You know, we get comments from our patients like how do we get rid of all the EMFs? How do we make our house EMF-free? And I try to tell people you can’t. So, the idea is you try to reduce exposure or just like how do you get rid of all the toxins in your environment so you’re not going to swallow any pesticides.

You can’t even if you eat perfectly all organic and you never go out to eat, you’re still going to be exposed to pesticides and herbicides. EMFs are going through us right now, and that’s why we could, you know, put up a radio, turn it on, and we can get, you know, 40 different stations because radio waves are going through us right now.

So it’s impossible to live in a bubble where you’re not going to be exposed to these things. So what are some general things that you recommend? You know, you’re still, we still all have to have cell phones. We still all have to have computers. We’re at a computer right now. What are some things that you can do to reduce exposure?

Nick Pineault
Sure. Well, the number one room that should be mitigating against the EMFs where you should really pay attention is your bedroom. And this is because most of the harms of EMFs seems to be by depriving you of the best sleep you can get, which has itself an impact on your repair mechanism, on your ability to detoxify, on your ability to keep your blood sugar stable and things like that.

So it’s very, very important to reduce EMF exposure when you’re trying to get shut eye. And one of the mechanisms could be that EMFs is something that’s keeping you excited. That is something that is preventing your nervous system from going in that rest mode and that parasympathetic mode. And this is often seen in people that are more sensitive.

I remember that I used to be more sensitive when my state of health wasn’t as good and when a Wi-Fi router was open near me in an apartment I rented in Montreal back in 2017 with my wife when the Wi-Fi router was on at night, mistakenly, because usually we turned it off, but when it was on I woke up sometimes at 3 a.m. with my heart beating so fast.

So a type of adrenaline rush, a stress reaction, and that’s oftentimes what people describe, either that or they cannot, they’re insomniac, they cannot calm down and finally go to sleep. So they toss and turn. So this is really why you want to turn off the cell phone in your room or set it as far away as possible from your pillow, right?

So create that distance from these machines. Turn off the laptop. Turn off if you have Bluetooth alarm clocks or cordless phones, any of these wireless machines, you do not want to set them very close to the pillow as far away as possible or in the other room. So it depends on what setup you have. But generally speaking, nothing under the pillow, nothing on the bed stand on that table. There should not be wireless devices there. So if you only follow that, a lot of people report improvements in their sleep quality. So this is really number one. And I would argue number two is the room where you spend most of your days. And for many people, for me as an entrepreneur these days, I work at home a lot.

So it would be the same room as my bedroom that’s also my office, but it would be that computer. So what do you do with that computer, whether you’re at the office in an outside environment or at home, and what you can do and what you should do is opt for wired technologies rather than wireless. And this is still feasible.

You can hire an IT company and they can have a wire run from your router to your computer, and that’s an Ethernet cable. And many people tell me that they’re surprised to hear that the wired technologies even exist nowadays because we’re all about Wi-Fi, but it is more stable. It is faster than Wi-Fi, much more reliable. It’s un-hackable also on an Internet security standpoint, or much harder to hack.


Laptop Lap Pad – Blocks EMFs and Heat

And then it’s something that is a semi-permanent solution. Where if you’re in an office environment and you do not plan to move your laptop around and work on the sofa and here and there, which is my case in the case of most entrepreneurs, I talk to these days, well, why would you be on Wi-Fi? There’s really no benefit to be on Wi-Fi, it’s just something that people do. But if you can avoid it, it’s going to represent a big chunk of your overall cumulative exposure to EMF that’s going to go down, which is why you want to focus on it. If you work on a computer like me about 40 hours per week.

Dr. Kevin Conners
Yeah, that’s great advice. We tell people to turn their Wi-Fi, just put a little toggle switch where you could flip it off every night and when you’re not using it turn it off. It’s more difficult if you’re in an apartment where you’re, you know, your three neighbors, you know, that are close vicinity of you, they all have their Wi-Fi on.

You’re really bombarded with Wi-Fi. Maybe have a talk with them and maybe try to communicate with them and share the benefits, health benefits of reducing that, at least at certain times of the day.

Nick Pineault
That’s very true. And the fact remains that depending on your setup, your Wi-Fi router might be the one that is closest to your body.

And that’s often the case. Even if it’s not the case, turn it off. It’s not as much the power levels that is harmful as the sheer amount of different devices that we have in our vicinity. The more different devices you have, the more chaos that is being sent through your body. So just as an overall principle, if you turn off your devices at home, you’re doing good. If you try to minimize how exposed you are by your cell phone and you decide to take calls on a corded landline or you decide to take calls on your computer through Skype or Zoom instead of a cell phone on your face, well you’re reducing exposure and you’re doing good.

So again, when it comes to EMFs, there’s a lot of exposures we cannot initially turn off. I cannot at the moment, I cannot tell my neighbor, okay, turn off your router. I might convince my neighbor, which would be good. But again, I cannot go outside Montreal and see a cell tower and say, Oh, I’m going to turn that off tonight to sleep better. It doesn’t work that way at the moment. So you cannot initially shield yourself against all the outside exposures, although there are more advanced strategies that do exist to create a shielded room. For example, some doctors in functional medicine that I’ve been interviewing in the last years are doing that for some patients, especially the electro sensitive ones that live in a city environment or in a highly electrical polluted environment.

And in those cases, this is equivalent to doing mold remediation that is more advanced for these patients if they do not shield the bedroom or dramatically reduce exposure, sometimes they’re unable to cope with that exposure and they just keep getting worse.

Dr. Kevin Conners
Right. We’ve had people use grounding sheets, grounding pillows. We’ve had people put a grounding sheet over the top so they’re enveloped in a ground. If they’re in a environment where the bedroom is adjacent to a wall, of somebody, you know, another person like in an apartment or condo, they hang a grounding sheet on the wall. Doesn’t look very pretty, but it’s a matter of your health that’s important. So there are other and more advanced things. But you brought up the big point of that these are cumulative. So the more that you can do to reduce, the better you’re going to be. It’s not about getting down to ground zero. It’s not really even possible in most environments, but you’re just trying to reduce that exposure. That’s going to be the best thing for health.

Nick Pineault
Completely correct. And I try to show everyday example of what I do when I travel, for example, on my YouTube channel.

And sometimes it’s as simple as entering a hotel room. That’s a good example because that’s a new environment that you don’t know. You don’t know what emits EMFs in that room and you want to get restorative sleep. Maybe you’re in between two flights or sometimes I’m giving a conference in the U.S. So I want to get a good night’s sleep and rest and repair.

But I just look in the environment near to the bed stand, and sometimes there’s a cordless phone, sometimes there’s the Bluetooth alarm clock, and I don’t need these. If I need to call the front desk, I will plug the phone back in and dial zero, and that’s fine. But during the night it keeps emitting at very, very strong intensities, which is downright silly because the rest of the room is set up as these comfy pillows and the room is so comfortable.

But a lot of people report to me that they don’t feel well in hotel rooms. And part of it is might be the chemicals they use for cleaning or whatnot. But also the EMFs are quite high in most rooms that I’ve measured. So it’s just a matter of knowing these things and you don’t see it, but you can have an extra set of eyes through the use of an EMF detector, for example.

So you could go through the room and look at different machines. And does this smart TV emit a signal? If so, I can unplug it and then you get a better night’s sleep and you just try to minimize the levels in that room. And again, elimination is certainly not possible. But if you can only do that over time, over time, you reduce your exposure and the scientific studies have confirmed that the bulk of our exposure still is coming from the Wi-Fi router, from the cordless phone, from the cell phones and from the different machines plugged in Wi-Fi, such as a laptop or desktop computer.

So it’s still true that the bulk of our exposure comes from these things. Of course, we have outside exposures that we can think about. But, for more sensitive patients, it makes more sense to think about the outside environment. For someone not sensitive, just trying to do preventative measures, I think it’s very important to let everyone know that you can control these things and that it does make a difference when you do.

Dr. Kevin Conners
A lot of people are concerned about 5G. Yes. So we need to touch on that, what’s the, you know, the truth about 5G? Well, a lot of it is unknown because it’s just starting. But give us your take on how we could protect ourselves, what is the dangers of it, etc.

Nick Pineault
Yeah, correct. You know, the biggest study about carcinogenicity of these EMFs came out in 2018 and that was the NTP study, the National Toxicology Program.

It studied 2G and 3G technologies. And that’s a project that started at the end of the nineties and it took pretty much 20 years to organize, put together, do the study, do the peer review. And their conclusion was that this is a clear carcinogen in rats and mice in a few cancer, or tumor types. So it tells you that the dangers are there but it also tells you something that is you got to read between the lines.

This was 2G and 3G technology that was being used in that study that just ended four years ago as we’re recording this. So that’s kind of crazy to me that while these technologies are already deprecated, most people do not use 2G and 3G. They are on 4G LTE or 5G now on their phones. So our ability to study the dangers is greatly surpassed by the speed at which we have new technologies coming out.

So, and why I’m giving this background is that, why is 5G considered dangerous de facto by scientists? Well, all the previous technologies were unsafe and we are at the moment still uncovering the dangers of previous technologies. So there’s no reason to think, to quote Joel Moskowitz, Ph.D., who’s in policy and really, really talking about EMFs and trying to make change, because he said in a Scientific American article, he said, “We have no reason to think that 5G is safe.”

Click to tweet this quote:

“We have no reason to think that 5G is safe.” -Joel M. Moskowitz

There’s zero reason it would be safe considering that all previous versions were already harmful to some degree. And we know that there’s effects on fertility, cancer risks, and there’s many different lines of evidence that confirm it. So when we have 5G, new signals that are being used sometimes in the very high millimeter waves, we have more towers closer to people, more intensity.

And we also have scientific confirmation now from one study that is very recent that when 5G is installed in a city, the electro pollution background levels will raise for the entire population. So the unavoidable exposures go up because again, you’re just adding so many towers that you’re adding more to the problem. And really the problem with 5G, to me, it’s not that 5G is that different from previous technologies or are inherently more dangerous, which is what a lot of people online have tried to to depict.

Oh, 5G is so dangerous compared to other technologies. And I don’t agree with that personally. I see that all previous technologies were unsafe and 5G is equally unsafe and potentially even more unsafe because we go in more and more complex signal characteristics, which means that for the same unit of measurement in the amount of radiation you’re measuring on an EMF meter, you might have double the harmful effects.

And that’s still in theory. But this is what we’ve seen from 3G to 4G, where you have the same amount of power level, but even more biological effect. So the more we tamper with the signals and make the signals, modify the signal with electrical engineering in a way that make them better able to connect to the tower and able to send more packets and two ways.

And there’s all sorts of tampering that they do with a signal. These things have one focus in mind: connectivity, and it’s not biological compatibility. Right. So this is not taken into the equation at all. So this is really why scientists are calling for a worldwide moratorium on the installation of new towers or new tech technology. But there is a huge incentive for the industry and even governments to keep going with new technologies, because there’s also other aspects in society that would be upgraded by the 5G networks and beyond.

Or at least that’s the rhetoric at the moment. The reality is many people in technology say, you know, we don’t need 5G to do autonomous cars. We could use infrared or we could used light signals, we could use other things rather than 5G millimeter waves is just that what the industry is selling is, okay, 5G will lead us in the future.

And if we don’t have 5G, we don’t have the future. That’s a cool story, but it looks more of a marketing message rather than really an engineer analysis of where we want to go with technology or where we should go to better society. So it’s something where we could rely still on the lot of fiber optics and wired technology and then minimize the amount that our wireless technologies are emitting rather than increasing the amount that we’re exposing ourselves given the dangers.

Dr. Kevin Conners
So bottom line is, the more things that you could do as a human being to protect yourself, the wiser it is going to be. Ultimately. We just don’t know the effects of EMFs as a whole because the studies are so far behind how fast technology is advancing. So just anything you could do to protect yourself. I know that on a lot of the new phones, you could actually turn off your 5G capability.

So a lot of people are doing that. That’s something to search for. On your browser and figure out how to turn off your 5G capability.

Nick Pineault
I would do that, then in the phone in similar settings, sometimes you can decide, you can force your phone to connect to the 4G network, for example, rather than 5G. Is it a good idea?

Yes. But again, do not be fooled into thinking that 4G is safe, right? Because 3G was not safe. So so it means that the same precautions need to be taken. For example if you put a phone in your pocket all day, every day. It should be on airplane mode or do not keep it in your pocket. If you’re moving around the city, I understand.


Faraday Bag – Blocks all signals! Use in your pocket, purse, or bedside.

But still try to turn it off or have a special case. There are certain specialized products that deflect the radiation off of your body when you’re carrying it in a pocket. But the Cleveland Clinic researchers, even in 2010, 12 years ago, were warning men that the top five reasons that fertility is reduced in men is cell phone radiation.

But that scientific understanding doesn’t make it in policy. At the moment there’s barely any progress towards telling users, do not put a phone in your pocket. Although when it comes to researchers in fertility, there’s no doubt in their mind that it is impairing sperm count or quality. So that’s crazy to me that we know scientifically there is damage, and yet the average person on the street would not know it at all.

Dr. Kevin Conners
Right. Nothing is being done about it. It’s not changing policy. Well, Nicolas, you are a wealth of knowledge. Tell people how they can find you and get on your newsletter list.

Nick Pineault
Sounds good. So at I have a special report on 5G that goes into a lot a bit more detail than what we talked about today.

And if people subscribe to that, they’re going to get on my newsletter right after. I also have a podcast where I explore questions of the safe and unsafe technologies, including healing therapeutic technologies such as red light therapy or even PEMF, the pulsed electromagnetic field therapy and various frequencies we can use to heal. Because there’s also the good side of technological developments that’s for sure.

Dr. Kevin Conners
Yeah. Well, thank you so much. We’ll have your information up on our podcast site. I’d love to have you back. I know our listeners are just excited to hear your knowledge. And I do agree. I think there’s a lot of misinformation out there about EMFs that scares people on one side. And certainly all the cell phone companies are putting out complete malinformation on EMFs. So, the more we can get this out, the better.

So thank you for being on. I appreciate you and I’d love to have you back in the next couple of months.

Nick Pineault
It sounds good. It will be my pleasure. Thank you so much.

Dr. Kevin Conners
All right. Thanks again. Bye bye.

Nick Pineault
Bye bye.