Lead Practitioner and Kinesiologist Michelle Hamburger, CNHP interviews Jim Crawmer of EMFInspection.com – Jim and his wife LaRae run an EMF inspection and consulting business in Minnesota where they are experts at helping homeowners and business owners create a safer environment through EMF and EMR remediation.
Michelle and Jim discuss the basics of EMF and EMR, and Jim has some anecdotes to share that may surprise you!
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Hi and welcome to the Conners Clinic podcast. This is Michelle Hamburger, and I am here with Jim Cromer who is the founder of EMF inspecting alum with his wife Lorray. And EMF inspecting is based out of the St. Paul-Minneapolis area in Minnesota. And they provide testing and consulting both locally and on a national scale. So at a distance to people who are wanting to do work on remediating EMF in their home and businesses. Thank you so much for being with me today, Jim.
Oh, thank you Michelle. And I really appreciate you asking us and inviting us and it’s a honor and a privilege and appreciate what you do. And so I’m excited to be here.
So I wanted Jim to be on our podcast because we have been hearing more and more information about 5G, which is already rolling out and plans to be in full swing. I believe it’s 2020. Am I correct?
Yeah. And in fact, it’s already, it’s already springing out. Verizon chose two cities to start and they were Chicago and Minneapolis. And so during the final four this last time, that’s when they started 5g in Minneapolis, downtown Minneapolis.
Well, so aren’t we lucky, we were the first we were the first trial. Okay. It is here. Well, with all of that, there’s a lot of questions out there of really what are EMF’s and are they safe for us? Are they dangerous for us? So I want to start today with just the basics. So the first question that I think a lot of people actually ask, we like to believe that we’re more educated on this topic than I think we are, is what are EMF’s?
Yeah. And that’s a important question. And really this is new, I mean, they’ve been around, but it’s just exponentially increased with, for example, in 1996 there was only 16% of people who had cell phones and the cell phones were big. They were like a walkie talkie. And, so it wasn’t real convenient and it wasn’t smart, you know? And so people had those. And then, let’s see, about 10 years ago, there was 110 subscriptions to mobile phone carriers. Now, in the United States, there’s 300 million, so it was 110 million and now in 10 years it’s 300 million. And basically everybody has a cell phone or more than one pretty much. And so, because of this increase, EMF’s are very important now, but people wonder what they are or they’ve never heard of it. AndI’ll even ask people in the medical profession or a naturopathic or whatever, and some of them don’t even know. And so basically EMF stands for electromagnetic fields. And so a field is an area and it’s an area of energy and it radiates from electrical things. But another name for EMFs, which I think is important is EMR and the R stands for radiation and radiation, as we know, is dangerous. And so when I go to the dentist or whatever, they put this led thing over me, and just radiate my brain. But, they’re taking precautions because they know this is dangerous. And that’s why it’s so important now. So yeah, basically EMFs are fields of radiation coming from all sorts of electrical things that are all around us all the time.
Are there natural sources of EMFs that are around us?
Yes, there are. Sunlight and there’s a magnetic field from the Earth’s core, but these things are, our bodies are adjusted to it over the course of being human beings, and we’re in tune with those, but the radiation levels now coming from the different things that are going on now are millions and millions of times stronger and higher and different. So our body’s going like, “what in the world is happening? What are these influences that are hitting me?”
So what would you call the difference between a natural EMF and would you call them unnatural EMF’s or synthetic?
A manmade EMF.
Manmade yeah.
Okay. So since manmade EMFs are millions of times stronger than nature’s sources of EMR, I guess you would probably say. What makes manmade EMFs or EMR dangerous to not, just humans, but also animals and plant life?
Yeah, and that’s a good question too. So, what we do for EMF inspecting is, we’re scientific so there are people who get the different meters and so forth and they’re looking for ghosts or whatever. But, what we do as scientific, so we base what we do on levels and not, let’s say national levels or anything like that. But upon building biology and safe of scientists from around the world have discovered, and they’re researching. And so we base in scientific, and our meters are very accurate. And so we can tell what is the real levels of radiation coming off of these things and hitting the people. And then we can say, “okay, these are safe levels.” So, it’s very scientific, but the reason it’s harmful, and this is what people need to understand, is because our bodies are electric, our bodies are electric.
And when a person has heart trouble, a lot of times they’ll give them a pacemaker, which is electric. Our brainwaves are electric and even the little chemical processes taking place in our bodies are electric. So therefore, electricity affects us. It affects us and can actually mess up. And it’s so amazing, right? Our bodies are so amazing, and God made them, and they’re so intricate and beautiful and wonderful and you just have to look around at nature, everything living has DNA, everything living has DNA. And in DNA, in our cells, is like the hard drive of a computer and it has all this information that will replicate cells and keep us going. And if you look at the double helix of DNA, it looks like an antenna and it actually can pick up waves of electricity to come in at us and they’ve even found can break the strands of DNA.
And this is not just from going to get an X-ray at the doctor, but this is from lower level, like a wifi, cell phones, things like that. It can break the DNA. And when that happens, well it can cause diseases and horrible, horrible things. It messes with our immune system. And so I’m just gonna tell you some of the things that can cause, because people need to know. Nervous system problems, fatigue, stress, panic attacks, which is very common, sleep disturbances. Again, a lot of those happening. Insomnia, headaches, heart issues. We talked about the heart, skin issues, pains and aches, eyes, foggy thinking, depression, anxiety. They even link with suicide. Ear, nose, throat, digestive, infertility. That’s a biggie right now. Where many couples cannot have children. There’s damages to the fetus. There’s a rise in autism, leukemia, cancer, which you guys are about cancer because if the cells are not replicating correctly, they can start reproducing cancer cells and then that keep going. And so this is really, like I said, is scientific, is for real and it’s a big deal now with all the electronic things going on
And all of the conditions that were on that list, those are all conditions that you have read about in research that you base your business off of that’s been done around the globe. Am I correct on that?
Absolutely. Yeah. Because, I do not want to give out any false information. Now here’s one thing you have to take in consideration though, because when you Google, you can get both sides of anything kind of, and I think it needs to look at like where is the information coming from? So for us, we look at independent peer reviewed research, so they’re not influenced by big money. No one’s paying them off. It’s not like, “Oh yeah, we hired our own scientists to come up with what we want.” But it’s independent side and there are thousands of studies, awesome studies that are done in an easy to find. Bio Initiative report, it’s great. People can look that up. And these again are independent scientists, researchers and not quacks. I mean their head of clinics and PhDs and they’re very, very intelligent and highly respected people and they are saying, we’ve got to do something. You’ve got to do something. They actually, in 2015, to over 200 scientists and researchers like we’re talking about, went to the world health and United nations and said, “you must do something about this and you have to set some standards, do something, help the world, save us.” But the dragging the feet and political and all that, it’s just so slow that people are not protected.
Yeah. Which is where grassroots businesses or organizations, like yours, are so important because it’s starting instead of a top down effect, which is going to be difficult to change within our governmental structure. We need to go to building from that foundation up in starting with individuals and educating them, which then will begin to influence what happens in the tiers above them. So that being said, can you give me a little background on how you got started in this field and the business that you and your wife Lorray have created?
Sure. So, actually we have been ministers and pastors for many years and now we’re still involved, but we’re more retired from that or semi retired. And so actually, we heard a sermon on dreams. So now, and again, I want to say I’m not a real spooky person. In fact, I don’t get many dreams, but I was kind of in between waking up and sleeping and God put it into my heart. He really did. AndI started to study about EMFs, researched it, and just the more I did, the more I got a passion and burden for it. And, so I took training, and well you have to continually research it, because now, I mean even 5g and everything, they keep coming up with new stuff.
And then we started our business and we’re now on the top of Google for Twin Cities. And, and God has blessed us and people are very, very thankful, very, very happy and grateful and thankful for what we do because there’s not a lot of us to do it. And there’s, like I said, a lot of disinformation. And again, like we were saying, we were talking earlier before we started about how people are addicted to their technology and they love it and they don’t necessarily want to hear that it’s dangerous to them. But sometimes you need to hear what is the truth because the truth can set you free. And I was reading a verse this morning from Proverbs and it says, “understanding is a fountain of life to those who have it.” Isn’t that powerful?
So understanding is a fountain of life. And, what you guys do is so awesome, and what I like with the holistic and everything is that you’re looking at all different facets of a person’s life, right? We’re specialists. So we look at the EMF piece, which of course we consider is very important, but you look at the food and the diet and all the nutrition and all that. And that’s important because we’re a whole person and whole body. And so anyway, we got into it and we’re very excited and very passionate because, for us, it’s not just a business, it’s like we want to help people. We did an inspection on our pastor’s house and I went into his office and I’m getting this really strong reading and I’m thinking, the poor pastor, you getting zapped, you know? So we turned off everything in his office, everything in his office. I tested again, still getting zapped. So I thought, “okay.” So I went around the opposite wall and the other room and here he’s got his wifi routers. I unplugged that. I come back around in his office. I tested again, he’s still getting zapped. I go back around, it was Apple TV, and it wasn’t even on, it was plugged in, but it was not on and it was sending pulsing signals right through the wall and right into his lap, really into him. So I mean, it wasn’t good.
Oh my goodness.
If there was one thing that you could tell a new listener who’s maybe just being introduced to EMFs or has heard some misinformation out there, and so this is really a new opportunity for them to begin to build their foundation of knowledge and understanding. Is there anything that you would love to give them for a tidbit of wisdom or a piece of advice as they began on this journey to understanding EMFs and how it plays a role in their life and in their health?
Yeah. Well, it’s a big subject, but on our research page, on our website, EMFinspecting.com, we have a number of videos, and those are really good and that would get people interested and give them some information. And we have one, and he was a lawyer, his name was Jimmy Gonzales. He got cancer in three places. In his brain, in his hand and by his hip where he kept his cell phone, where he held his cell phone and he’s testifying before this committee about how dangerous it is. And he ended up dying. And I don’t know if the committee did anything, but it’s a very, very powerful testimony. So as far as what they can do, well I guess what we say is get an inspection, because what we do, we can find it and we’ll go to houses where, where people are into it. Because if there’s no awareness, they don’t contact us. But they’ll have some awareness, but we’ll get people who are really into it, saying, “we shut off our wifi at night and we do this and that and the other thing” but we will find issues in their house because here’s why. It’s invisible, odorless, tasteless. Most of us, there are people who have sensitivity, but many people don’t and so they don’t even know.
That’s great information and I will definitely let people know about going to your website. It’s good to have a website that you use as a teaching tool. So as we close this out today, I want to let anybody who is watching know that Jim and his wife Lorray’s EMF inspecting website is www.emfinspecting.com if you have questions, you can email them at help@emfinspecting.com or you can call them directly at (651) 230-9429
Could I share one more thing? Okay, so this is a quote and this is from a 5gspaceappealed.org. This is a website where a person can go and sign up for the 5G appeal, which is appealing to the nations and the United nations in the world and the governments to do something about 5G. It just stopped the rollout to research it and study it. Individuals or organizations can sign up here, and it’s called the 5G space appeal. And the reason it’s called that is because they want to put all these things in outer space too and zap us from there, you know? So the globe is totally covered with EMFs and strong and everything. But anyway, here’s the quote. It says, “the accumulated clinical evidence of sick and injured human beings, experimental evidence of damage to DNA, cells, organ systems in a wide variety of plants and animals and evidence that the major diseases of modern civilization, cancer, heart disease and diabetes, are in large part caused by electromagnetic pollution. That’s EMF. It forms a literature base of well over 10,000 peer reviewed studies. And if the telecommunications industry plans for 5G to come to fruition, no person, no animal, no bird, no insect, and no plant on earth will be able to avoid exposure 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to levels of RF radiation that are tens to hundreds of times greater than what exists today already without any possibility of escape anywhere on the planet.” And then it says this, “these 5G plans threaten to provoke serious, irreversible effects on humans and permanent damage to all of Earth’s ecosystems.”
Wow is right.
Yeah. That is so powerful. And so that’s why we do what we do. And that’s why you do what you do. So thank you for having us.
My pleasure. Thank you so much, Jim.
NOTE: All of the above statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This and any product(s) discussed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Dustin has been passionate about holistic health since he met his wife, Dr Mallory Ranem (Conners) 20 years ago. As the Digital Media Manager, he coordinates content across Conners Clinic’s large online presence, including written, video, and audio.