Father Romano Zago is a Franciscan Friar, born in Brazil in 1932. He was appointed professor of the seminary of Taquari but in 1991 he was sent to Israel where discovered the healing power of the aloe, used by poor people. The aloe vera present in abundance in the region, is the raw material on which he focused all his attention in his free time. “I already knew the plant in Brazil” he declared. “My mother gave it to us as a soothing agent when, as children, we used to get hurt while playing or for other physical problems. However, at that time, I had never suspected that such a small and diffused plant could have such great healing powers”.

Once back in Brazil in 1995, Father Romano Zago further refined his formula and dedicated himself to experimentation; He apparently helped many people with numerous problems including cancer. Convinced by the numerous extraordinary recoveries, he assembled all his experiences in one book, “O Cancer tem cura” (One can recover from cancer, Italian edition, Adle, Padova), in which Fr. Romano exposes in the simplest and clearest of manners, the practice of cure from the “disease of the century ” through his drink based on aloe.

“Since some have cured themselves through the use of this simple and economic method, why not offer this same opportunity to more persons? This is my only objective” explains in his book. He relates also various witness accounts of people who underwent perfect recovery through the use of the above-mentioned mixture. In 1993 Fr. Romano Zago conceded the authorisation to a Brasilian industry to produce his aloe-based mixture under his name. This gave rise to the original drink according to the father’s ingredients which were then commercialized in many countries.

The problem that many have faced in trying to reproduce Father Romano’s results speak to the more recent discoveries on the instability of the healing nutrients in aloe. It has been shown that the immune-stimulating properties contained in the allow plant are the long-chain polysaccharides unique to the plant. Polysaccharides have been long known to benefit immune function. They are also found in various medicinal mushroom varieties used in natural healing. But, like the polysaccharides found in mushrooms, the polysaccharides in aloe are extremely fragile. This instability explains the frequent lack of benefit found by many using over-the-counter preparations.

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Recently, a Texas laboratory discovered and patented a proprietary extraction and stabilization process allowing the polysaccharides to be processed and capsulized for medicinal use. This was a found-breaking benefit to those with immune-deficient disorders. Cancer patients may benefit greatly from adding the stabilized polysaccharide (called acemannan) to their protocol.

There have been numerous, peer-reviewed studies that have proven the anti-cancer effects of aloe polysaccharides. A 2015 study in Anticancer Research concluded that the polysaccharides in aloe extract, “suppresses human IMR-32 neuroblastoma cell proliferation, possibly by suppressing CCND2 transcript levels in vitro.” (1) Neuroblastoma is an aggressive, childhood brain cancer.

Another PubMed study reported, “Aloe is a genus of medicinal plants with a notable history of medical use. Basic research over the past couple of decades has begun to reveal the extent of Aloe’s pharmaceutical potential, particularly against neoplastic disease. This review looks at Aloe, both the genus and the folk medicine, often being called informally “aloes”, and delineates their chemistry and anticancer pharmacognosy. Structures of key compounds are provided, and their pharmacological activities reviewed. Particular attention is given to their free radical scavenging, antiproliferative, and immunostimulatory properties. This review highlights major research directions on aloes, reflecting the enormous potential of natural sources, and of the genus Aloe in particular, in preventing and treating cancer.” (2)

A Suggested Protocol to Consider:

  • Take EvolvImmun (patented, stabilized Acemannan) – 2 capsules, 3 times per day in divided doses
  • Take Coriolus Super Strength (hot water processed Turkey Tail mushroom) – 2 capsules, 3 times per day in divided doses


(1) Anticancer Research, August 2015 vol. 35 no. 8 4479-4485

(2)  2012 Jun;78(9):843-52. doi: 10.1055/s-0031-1298453. Epub 2012 Apr 19. Anticancer potential of aloes: antioxidant, antiproliferative, and immunostimulatory attributes. Harlev E1, Nevo E, Lansky EP, Ofir R, Bishayee A.