Let’s begin by coining a new term: FUNCTIONAL CARDIOLOGY. We’ll define this as a way to look at heart disease through the eyes of functional medicine; it will be a causative approach to coronary heart disease.

I know that there are a few misconceptions regarding heart disease, stroke, blocked arteries, heart attacks, angina, and all that we shall clump into the category of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD). This primer is to be an introduction, not a complete work, aimed at helping you understand just a bit of vascular biology that may give you a better insight on what’s really going on inside you vessels.

Let’s start with what CVD is NOT:

1. It is NOT blocked arteries from excess cholesterol plaques because of a poor diet. Understand, poor diets cause damage to a lot of things, including the cardiovascular system, but eating too much cholesterol does not cause plaques on the arteries that cause heart attacks.

2. Cholesterol is NOT a “bad guy.” Moreover, cholesterol is the precursor to all your hormones including Vitamin D (which is really a hormone.) Lowering cholesterol levels with statin drugs is artificial and at best idiotic! Statins severely damage the liver, block production of CoQ10, clog liver detox pathways and drop cholesterol production. You’ll get lower cholesterol levels but NO added protection against future CVD because high cholesterol isn’t the cause of CVD. Don’t get me wrong, we don’t want cholesterol in the 300+ range but even if it IS that high, don’t you think we should FIND OUT WHY? Helllloooo? Does anybody ask any questions of their doctor??? Lowering cholesterol levels with drugs just causes more problems – like cancer!

3. Measuring HDL and LDL is insufficient in testing out heart health! All HDL isn’t “good” and all LDL isn’t “bad.”

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Ask your doctor for more specific tests that we’ll outline in the this primer that will pinpoint the CAUSE of any possible heart issues both now and in the future. We’ll be talking about hsCRP, Homocysteine, oxidizedLDL, Lipoprotein A, Apolipoproteine A, and other tests that are specific to show you HOW to correct and avert a problem down the road.