Not All Coffee is Created Equal

While your favorite coffee sourced in some remote destination may taste great, be aware that there are hidden dangers in most coffee on the shelves today. Most commercial coffee producers fail to eliminate the toxins & mold that develop in the coffee during the roasting & storing process. Additionally, as a result of smoking or over-roasting coffee beans, we see the cancer-causing compound called Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (or PAHs) develop. Despite the wide range of health benefits we can get from coffee, poor production practices have compromised the medicinal attributes it can contain.

Toxins often found in coffee:

—Ochratoxin A
— Acrylamide
— Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (or PAHs)
— Pesticides
— Herbicides
— Fungicides
— Genetically modified organisms

Other adverse effects with increased caffeine intake may include nervousness, anxiety, jitters & restlessness. Acids in the coffee may irritate the stomach, particularly for those with digestive issues, such as ulcers, IBS, or Crohn’s disease.

Health Benefits of GOOD Coffee

While conventional coffee may have hidden chemicals & toxins, there are benefits to GOOD quality coffee. Coffee is potentially one of the richest sources of antioxidants at its purest form. Coffee may stimulate weight loss, boost metabolic rates, enhance performance in high intensity exercises, improve brain function, memory & mood & may reduce risk of depression.

When purchasing coffee, make sure you are buying organic & non-GMO above all. Organic coffee is not treated with toxins & has been studied to have higher antioxidants, vitamins & minerals. You can even complete some additional research into a company to understand how the coffee beans are sources & processed.