What is Graviola & could it help kill cancer?
Graviola comes from a tree in the rain forests of Africa, South America, and Southeast Asia. It is a common food there. It is commonly known as custard apple, cherimoya, guanabana, soursop and Brazilian paw paw. The active ingredient is a type of plant compound (phytochemical) called annonaceous acetogenins. People use graviola pulp in juices, smoothies and ice cream.
There are laboratory studies that show that graviola extracts can kill some types of liver and breast cancer cells that are resistant to some chemotherapy drugs. A more recent study showed that graviola pulp extract has an effect on prostate cancer cells in mice.
Modern science still discounts any benefits of graviola, as it does anything else they can’t patent, but we have found it very beneficial when coupled in our formulas, giving us the belief there is a synergistic effect among herbs.
What we use for many of our cancer members:
Get your hard-copy of Stop Fighting Cancer & Start Treating the Cause to learn more about how to treat cancer with alternative medicine, and for even more in-depth education and help, check out Dr. Conners’ Stop Fighting Cancer COURSE.
NOTE: All of the above statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Dr. Conners graduated with his doctorate from Northwestern Health Sciences University in 1986. He holds AMA Fellowships in Regenerative & Functional Medicine and Integrative Cancer Therapy.
He is the author of numerous books including, Stop Fighting Cancer and Start Treating the Cause, Cancer Can’t Kill You if You’re Already Dead, Help, My Body is Killing Me, Chronic Lyme, 3 Phases of Lyme, 23 Steps to Freedom, and many more you can download for FREE on our books page.