The History of Heavy Metals

In the late phase of the Roman Empire, it was considered a privilege of the reigning aristocracy to drink out of lead cups & many of the water lines in the city of Rome were made out of lead. It took several hundred years before the physicians of the time established the link between mental illness — affecting mostly the aristocracy — & the contamination of the drinking water with lead. In the 1700s, the use of mercury for the treatment of both acute & chronic infections gained favor & again, it took decades before the toxic effects of mercury were recognized within the medical community. In the time of Mozart, who died of mercury toxicity during a course of treatment for syphilis, any pathologist in Vienna was familiar with the severe grayish discoloration of organs in those who died from mercury toxicity & other organ-related destructive changes caused by mercury.

Unfortunately, we have a long history with the misunderstanding of heavy metals & other dangerous toxins that have put a number of people at risk. Even today, our society tends to ignore the toxins we use on a daily basis & how that interferes with our health. Due to ignorance or sheer money-making tactics, we are exposed to a dangerously high number of heavy metals & other toxins in our lifetime. Whether it be through injection, ingestion, or absorption through our skin, it has become clear that these toxins are nearly impossible to avoid. 

It is difficult for the body to adapt to high doses of anything – toxic metals harm the cells of the body whereas the invading microorganisms can often thrive in a heavy metal environment. Research shows that microorganisms tend to congregate in those body compartments that have the most toxic metals. This is in part because the body’s own immune cells are incapacitated in those areas whereas the microorganisms multiply & thrive in an undisturbed way. Fat cells are the easiest place for your body to shunt excess toxin exposure, since they are the cells that just invite everyone in. Tissue that is most densely vasculated will receive the greatest concentration of toxins. Furthermore, virus, bacteria, molds & fungi settle in those bodily areas are least vasculated, vasoconstricted (the blood vessels are in spasm) & hypoperfused (reduced blood flow) by blood, nutrients & oxygen, which foster the growth of anaerobic germs, fungi & viruses. 

Heavy Metal Toxicity & Protocols

It is difficult for the body to adapt to high doses of anything – toxic metals harm the cells of the body whereas the invading microorganisms can often thrive in a heavy metal environment. Research shows that microorganisms tend to congregate in those body compartments that have the most toxic metals. This is in part because the body’s own immune cells are incapacitated in those areas whereas the microorganisms multiply & thrive in an undisturbed way. Fat cells are the easiest place for your body to shunt excess toxin exposure, since they are the cells that just invite everyone in. Tissue that is most densely vasculated will receive the greatest concentration of toxins. Furthermore, virus, bacteria, molds & fungi settle in those bodily areas are least vasculated, vasoconstricted (the blood vessels are in spasm) & hypoperfused (reduced blood flow) by blood, nutrients & oxygen, which foster the growth of anaerobic germs, fungi & viruses. 

The list of symptoms of mercury toxicity alone, published by DAMS (Dental Amalgam Support Group) includes virtually all illnesses known to humankind. Chronic fatigue, depression & joint pains are the most common on the list. Mercury alone can mimic or cause any illness currently known or at least contribute to it.

Effective therapy of heavy metal toxicity: 

• Diagnosing the site of toxic metal compartmentalization

• Diagnosing the exact type of metal 

• Determining the most appropriate & least toxic metal removal agent

• Determining other appropriate synergistic methods & agents (i.e., kidney drainage remedies, blood protective agents — garlic or vitamin E, agents that increase fecal absorption & excretion of mobilized toxin, exercise, lymphatic drainage, etc.)

• Diagnosing any secondary infection

• Determining an appropriate antibiotic (actually termed anti-microbial to distinguish from antibacterial agents) regimen (medical antibiotics, antifungals, antivirals, ozone therapy, RIFE, etc.) 

• Monitoring the patient carefully form visit to visit to respond quickly to untoward effects most often caused by plugged up exit routes. With this approach, many patients that were chronically ill & did not respond to other approaches will improve or get well.

Learn more about heavy metals, toxicity, & protocols by purchasing Dr. Conners’ book Stop Fighting Cancer & Start Treating the Cause