Helicobacter Pylori – Information and Care
H. pylori is the most common bacterial infection worldwide. Everyone on the planet is exposed to it regularly – even daily. There are several things that keeps one from developing an infection but the most common cause to h. pylori taking root is a deficiency in the stomach’s production of HCL, which is possibly the most common physiologic abnormality among humans. See more about h. pylori by visiting our Blog.
Stage 1
- Remove any dietary allergens. The most common of these would be gluten and dairy but, over time, one can develop antibodies to any food. Getting tested with the Cyrex 2, 3x, 4 and 10 can be very helpful but can get costly as well. If you are uncertain about allergens, start with gluten and dairy elimination.
- Add Clear Digest. Clear Digest or HCL-XYM have both HCL and digestive enzymes. You MUST take this WITH your meals. DO NOT take on an empty stomach. Start by taking one capsule with each meal for the first week and then titrate up to two per meal for a few days. Then add capsules per meal until you get a bit of a discomfort. This is when you back down on the dosage one capsule to find your perfect dosage. Of course, this protocol is for adults, children should do less AND the dosage depends on the size of the meal. Most people do well with 1-3 per meal.
- IF you cannot tolerate ANY HCL: If you get a stomach ache taking the Clear Digest, you will need to use the Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) test by substituting 2 tablespoons of ACV in place of the Clear Digest: For MORE info on Hypochlorhydria, see Dr. C’s video HERE
- If you have BURNING even when you take the ACV, then we need to stop that and spend at least 4-6 weeks healing the GUT lining by DGL or other similar nutrients.
Dietary guidelines for hypochlorhydria
- Consume protein at the beginning of the meal to stimulate HCl production
- Consume fluids separately, at least 30 minutes away from a meal
- Don’t lie down within 2-3 hours of a meal
- Eat smaller meals and chew all foods thoroughly to aid digestion
- Consume fermented and probiotic foods, including miso, sauerkraut, and live-culture yogurt
- Avoid highly processed foods and excess amounts of fatty foods
- Supplement vegetarian diets as needed with protein, vitamin B12, calcium, and iron
Stage 2
- Add Para Clear Complete, Berber Clear or HPLR. Berberine is one of the best killers of h. pylori. Para Clear has ALL the known “killers” of h. pylori as well as killers of other parasites; take 6 per day for at least a month. Taking 3-6 Berber Clear per day for a month or so can be enough to knock down an acute infection. Chronic, long-standing infections will require a more system and long-term approach, but this is a good starting point. HPLR from Apex Energetics (you’ll need to call us to order this one) has Barberry Extract, Golden Seal, Oregano, Oregon Grape Extract, and Chinese Goldthread Extract – all GREAT killers of h. pylori. Take 3-6 H-PLR per day.
- Some good “killers” that you may already have at home: Garlic Supplements, Oregano, and Grapefruit Seed extract can all be good as well. See Para Clear
- Add a good probiotic. I believe in rotating brands of probiotic, so take what you have on hand first. See Probio Clear
Stage 3
- Treat the co-morbidities. H. pylori can systemically effect more than the gut. Issues in the hear and blood vessel, brain inflammation, skin rashes, bloating, and many more complications may have their root in chronic, undiagnosed h/ pylori infections.
Old video – Use the above products instead but glean the information available
Say NO to iron Supplements
Taking iron supplements can enhance the growth of active H. pylori in the gut. During an active bacterial infection like H. pylori, the host (us) and the pathogen (bacteria) actually compete for iron. Wisely, the body shepherds iron from the circulation into storage in the event of an infection. This can result in a decrease in serum iron on a blood test. Iron supplementation can also impair immune cell functioning, potentially contributing to microbial virulence. (Pieracci 2005).
A case-control study of 300 subjects with H. pylori and 300 controls found that the mean serum iron in those infected was significantly lower, and ferritin was significantly higher (as ferritin can be a marker in acute inflammation) in those infected with the pathogen (Kishore 2021).
In addition, excessive iron in the gastrointestinal tract can promote the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria, including methane-producing species, which are significantly iron-dependent. An excess of GI methane can contribute to a slower GI transit, bloating, and constipation. Consuming oral iron beyond what the GI tract can absorb can enhance the growth of pathogenic bacteria while reducing the balance of beneficial bacteria (Bloor 2021). Iron can also feed cancer and we recommend one take artemisinin with iron if supplementation is necessary.
For these reasons, it would be prudent to withhold iron supplementation during an active infection and avoid over-supplementing with iron at any time.
H. Pylori and Rosacea
There are strong connections between many types of skin rashes and H. Pylori but science has tied Rosacea to the bacteria in several studies.
Dr. Conners discusses more here:
NOTE: All of the above statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Dr. Conners graduated with his doctorate from Northwestern Health Sciences University in 1986. He holds AMA Fellowships in Regenerative & Functional Medicine and Integrative Cancer Therapy.
He is the author of numerous books including, Stop Fighting Cancer and Start Treating the Cause, Cancer Can’t Kill You if You’re Already Dead, Help, My Body is Killing Me, Chronic Lyme, 3 Phases of Lyme, 23 Steps to Freedom, and many more you can download for FREE on our books page.