Discover the secrets to exceptional oral health in this compelling podcast episode featuring Will Revak of OraWellness and Dr. Conners. They dive deep into the complex world of the oral microbiome and reveal groundbreaking insights that connect oral health to overall well-being.
Holistic Oral, Dental health is an area that is often overlooked – at least for most people at the start of their health journey. Many of us don’t consider the mouth until we have a serious issue (decay, gum disease, etc.) It’s often when our dentist say the word root canal that we panic and think, “I remember hearing something about these being bad! What do I do now??” that we begin our deep dive into how to handle dental issues naturally. Once we come to the realization that our mouth can be the root of many diseases, we naturally seek out products to help heal.
This conversation is packed with valuable information that will change the way you approach oral care, urging you to become proactive and informed about your health. Moreover, you’ll uncover the profound impact of not just what goes into your mouth, but the words that come out of it. Don’t miss this game-changing discussion that has the potential to transform your oral health and overall wellness. Listen to or watch the full episode below now to unlock the secrets of oral health!
Learn about the revolutionary HealThy Mouth blend and Shine – two powerful, organic products that work together to balance your oral microbiome and protect against gum disease and tooth decay.
We started carrying OraWellness products in our store not long ago, and are very happy we found them. This conversation Dr. Conners had with Will Revak (who started OraWellness with his wife Susan) is a great deep dive into the world of dental health. You will love what you hear, and come away with a zeal to heal your mouth!
OraWellness Special Discount for Conners Clinic Live Listeners
When you buy 1 Shine and 1 HealThy Mouth Blend, we’ll throw in their Tongue Scraper FREE!
Add all 3 products to your cart to see the 100% discount
Shine Remineralizing Tooth Whitening Powder | HealThy Mouth Natural Toothpaste Essential Oil Blend | Tongue Cleaner – The Natural Cure for Bad Breathe |
About Will Revak and OraWellness
Will and Susan Revak are the founders of a holistic oral health brand that helps others navigate to greater oral health. Will and Susan started their journey out of a personal need to address periodontal disease. After successfully reversing advanced gum disease at home without any conventional dental interventions, Will and Susan realized it was their calling to empower others who are seeking holistic solutions. Since launching OraWellness in 2010, Will and Susan are humbled and proud that literally hundreds of thousands of others around the globe have successfully navigated the path to greater oral health by applying the solutions Will and Susan have learned and shared along their journey to optimal oral health.
They are honored to have happy customers in over 105 countries around the world. The mission of OraWellness is to help create more healthy smiles worldwide.
Stay tuned for Episode 36 (you can see all episodes on the Conners Clinic Live page!)
Listen to or Watch the Full Podcast Episode
Dr. Conners
Hello, everybody. This is Dr. Kevin Conners for another episode of Conners Clinic Live. We have some very special guests, we try to bring you the best in the industry and Will Revak is the best in the industry. So when we talk about oral health, this is so important when we talk about cancer and how so many cancers are tied to oral issues and oral gum disease that can spread. We see in a thermography that you see just a line from a tooth, a dead tooth can be a line right down to that breast cancer. It’s so important to deal with oral health. And we do try to push people to biological dentists and things, but this is stuff that you can do at home. We just started carrying these products just a few months ago, and they are a huge hit. I’m going to read your bio here, Will. Your wife is also a part of your company that you have that’s growing by leaps and bounds. Will and Susan Revak are the founders of We’re going to point you to their website. We sell your products on our website, too, and we have a special offer for our listeners today of their products.
You’re a holistic oral health brand. That’s really key because that has been a niche, I think, that you guys fill alone. There are some other toothpastes out there that don’t have fluoride and different things like that, but that are really helping heal disease. You guys are really unique in that space. And that’s why we wanted to carry your brand. What brought you to where you are right now?
Will Revak
Yeah. Well, thank you. First of all, thanks for having us. So our journey started. This is going back many, many years. Susan went to a new dentist. She’d been going to dentistry her whole life. Went to a new dentist. We moved to a new town. And the dentist did what we now know as a periodontal depth probe, which is going around and counting. And if you’ve ever been in a dental chair and the dentist or the hygienist is poking around your mouth and you’re hearing numbers like two, three, three, three, two, four. They’re measuring the pockets around the teeth and the gum pockets. And so Susan was getting this periodontal depth exam. She had a wisdom tooth that she had that the dentist was not able to measure. It was greater than 10mm. So that’s almost half an inch, a little over half an inch. And it got very sober in the room and the dentist was like, Oh, okay. And went and got this pamphlet and handed it to my wife. And it’s talking about periodontal surgery and gum surgery and that whole route. My wife being very alternatively minded didn’t want to go that route.
She woke up many years ago from the myth that just because somebody in a position of power like a dentist or a doctor says to do something that it’s the only route. She woke up from that and she’s like, I’m going to go look into it myself and researched it herself, went home, applied some at home strategies and went back to that same dentist a year later. And the same dentist measured again and was really confounded and was like, I must have mismeasured last year because it says here that’s a 10 plus millimeter pocket and it’s only measuring three millimeters. She said, let me tell you what I’ve done. And the dentist more or less said, no I’ve got to go see another patient. And that put a fire in Susan that this was outside the understanding of conventional dentistry and still is, honestly. And she was so frustrated that the dentist wasn’t willing to hear what she had done to create this dental miracle. And then in 2007, I think, we basically said, okay, what’s a home-based business that does no harm, that really helps people, that’s going to be very fulfilling to do?
And we turned to each other and said, maybe we should be talking about what you did in your mouth. So in 2010, we launched our site, and now we’re proud that we have happy customers in over 105 countries and growing. The first product we came up with was our healthy mouth system, really, which was essentially the system that Susan applied in her own mouth to effectively address advancing gum disease. Now, we’ve added more products to that as we’ve come up with new products. Our HealThy Mouth blend, I’m sure we’ll talk products at some point and go into the detail. And then Shine, our remineralizing tooth white powder came along many years later, essentially as an answer to the question of wouldn’t it be great if we could offer something that didn’t have chloride in it that would help protect against future decay and help address existing decay?
Dr. Conners
Well, you look at the issues with gum disease in America, just stick to our country here, and it is like ubiquitous. It’s just like, when are you going to get gum disease? That’s basically it. It’s become normalized.
Will Revak
So I want to separate and tease the differences between the word normal and the word common. If you’re over 30 years old, chances are greater than 9/10 that you have some active form of gum disease. From a regulatory agency, it says 97% of all the men, women, and children in the United States, 97% have some active form of active oral disease. Just because something is common doesn’t mean that it’s normal. Everybody has tooth decay, right? Well, it’s a disease, folks. It’s an active…It’s a dental disease. No, it’s not normal. It’s very common.
Dr. Conners
So what do you do about it?
Will Revak
We do provide a unique zone in the oral hygiene, oral health blogosphere, and the health and wellness sphere in that we’re a holistic oral health company. And that is an important consideration because our culture and clearly the industry has a tendency to over compartmentalize and separate the mouth from the rest of the body. And so to be able to effectively address tooth decay or gum disease, what we’ve found is it really requires a two pronged approach. Not only do we approach it from an in the mouth angle, there’s things you can do in the mouth definitely to protect and reverse gum disease as well as tooth decay, but there’s also a systemic, a whole body approach. So we really look from a global and a local angles in order to provide this. So from an in the mouth approach, oral hygiene plays an important role. The problem there is that most of us don’t revisit the subject of oral hygiene after the point of when we were like three years old when we learned to brush our teeth. Do you sign checks with a crayon? No, we revisit subjects in order to improve our skills.
And in this case, tooth brushing or flossing, in particular, flossing, plays a critical role in particular in the protection against and reversal of gum disease, as well as a whole host of systemic diseases that show up downstream from gum disease. We have not victimized ourselves to the myth that what goes in the mouth stays in the mouth that I think most other products on the market have. Most products on the market were formulated by people who have victimized themselves to this myth that if you just spit, it’s okay, it doesn’t go into the body. It’s a total myth. It’s not true. It’s been proven. Whether you’re talking about homeopathic medicines or a nitroglycerin for angina, you put it under your tongue, it’s absorbed through the mucosal tissue and it affects the whole body. There’s a lot of products on the market that are made with components that should not be going into the system because it undermines systemic health ostensibly for the benefit of oral health. But I don’t think that that’s a long view on your product formulation. Your product formulation, at least the product formulation that we go through and what we advocate and teach to our community is like, look, we don’t care if you use our products.
Our products are good. They’ve been born out of this holistic mindset, this holistic paradigm. But if you want to discern whether your oral health products were made from a holistic standpoint, you just have to answer a couple of questions. Number one, does it have any harm in the mouth? And number two, look downstream. What do the component ingredients do downstream? And there’s a lot of stuff on the market that is born, again, out of that idea of the mind frame that as long as I spit after I brush my teeth, it’s okay. The product formulators who made these products or the regulators who regulate these products being produced are under the myth still. It’s like they just believe something that we all learned as part of the cultural story that we inherited but it’s been disproven in science.
Dr. Conners
Will Revak
So there’s a disconnect. I mean, you’re in the forefront of this, I’m sure, with your work. There’s a disconnect between what the culture believes on one hand and what the science actually says on the other hand. What is the most important driver? Is profit the only driver? I think we all know that if profit is the only driver, that can breed a lot of hideousness.
Dr. Conners
It’s definitely going to.
Will Revak
For sure.
Dr. Conners
Well, that’s not your driver here making these products.
Will Revak
It’s definitely not.
Dr. Conners
This is a great one right here. Let’s talk about this first.
Will Revak
Yeah, Shine. Wouldn’t it be great if we had a product that helped people to avoid future tooth decay and protect against existing decay that didn’t use a product like fluoride that has no business in being downstream of the mouth? And the epiphany really came to us one day when I said, Well, our teeth are bone. It’s really the only place in the body – it’s a unique zone, if you think about it – where living bone is exposed to the outside world. It’s living bone and it’s a porous surface. We feel our teeth and they feel really smooth like glass, but they’re not, they’re porous. And so I said, Well, what if we made the central component of this new product solution a really clean source of a tiny, tiny, tiny particle size of quality bone powder? Well, let’s go see if it exists and research. And researched and we found something called MCHA, Microcrystalline Hydroxyapatite. It’s a big sounding word. Let’s break it down. Microcrystalline, simply really tiny particle size. Hydroxyapatite is the compound that our teeth are made of, that all bone are made of. And Hydroxyapatite is simply a molecule that is a certain number of parts of calcium with a certain number of parts of phosphorus with a little hydroxyl tied onto it.
And we found, lo and behold, that the research showed, Wow, it’s actually really impressive. I mean, it stands totally, if not in some research studies, a little bit better than fluoride as far as remineralization of the surface of the teeth. And it’s what our bones are actually made of. Whereas when chloride comes in contact with the tooth surface, it actually makes what’s called fluorapatite. It’s not hydroxyapatite. The chloride ion goes in there and attaches to the superficial surface of the tooth and creates fluorapatite, which some dentists have argued is actually harder. That’s the marketing pitch, but it’s also a little more brittle. And so there’s quite an under toe and undercurrent in the industry questioning whether or not chloride causes the teeth to be a little bit more brittle and prone towards what are called frictions or micro cracks in the enamel. And just to anchor it there, Dr. Conners, I’d like to tell a story of a lady. We got an email, we get testimonials. We’re blessed that we get testimonials every day. This one lady just really stands out for me. She wrote us and she said, Oh, I finally figured out why I’ve had tooth decay throughout my life.
I have an autoimmune condition that causes low saliva production. Make sense? You got low saliva production. Saliva is the primary vehicle that our bodies remineralize our teeth surface wise through the teeth. She went to the dentist one day, dentist said, you have 11 new cavities. It’s like, oh, my gosh. Okay, well, so that freaked her out enough. She went home, did some research, found us, bought our product, started using it. I don’t have the testimonial in front of me. It was either three or six months later. She went back to the same dentist and the hygienist first saw her and said, Where did you go to get the cavities filled? She’s like, What are you talking about? Obviously, she’s talking about Shine here. Shine is the remineralizing component here of our product solutions that we offer. All but one, the deepest cavity did not fully heal. The surface did remineralize, but the deepest cavity did not come back all the way. But 10 out of the 11 cavities that the dentist had previously diagnosed said, We need to get these filled, remineralized. That’s a feather in our cap, and I’m very proud of that.
But more importantly is how does that person, how does that woman now feel? She’s no longer a hopeless victim. She has a very acute awareness like, oh, wait, I can affect positive change in my oral health. That’s really what we’re here to do is to provide hope. You can affect positive change if you’re willing to take a look and learn, which is why we do all of our outreach that we do, write all sorts of articles, make educational videos, and provide the content that we do.
Dr. Conners
So the HealThy Mouth blend.
Will Revak
So let me back up and talk about both Shine and the HealThy Mouth blend, because I think that we’re really… This is part of the educational component of what we look to do. The mouth, the whole oral zone is a very, very diverse, complex environment. Despite what the culture or the research says, the experts say, we know very little about it still. We’re learning all the time. And thankfully, we have a lot of good research going on to explore different aspects. But suffice it to say that the way that we’ve approached this complex zone of the mouth is to address it on a biological side as well as on a chemical side.
Okay. And so if you look at our two main products, there are two spearhead products of the HealThy Mouth blend and Shine. The HealThy Mouth blend is looking to address it on the biological side, and Shine is looking to address it from the chemical side. Okay. So the HealThy Mouth blend is a blend of organic essential oils in an organic carrier oil base. It’s actually the only toothpaste alternative on the market. The only toothpaste alternative on the market that is made from 100 % certified organic ingredients, which I think we already covered that and why we consider that to be important. We addressed the biological component because the bottom line is, especially if we’re talking about gum disease, the bottom line is that gum disease is driven from a prevalence of pathogenic microbes or disease causing thug bugs, as we call them, dominating the mouth. Now, one of the things that we want to try to heal here in the global discussion, the global community, is this idea that has been very prevalent for several decades now that I think Listerine really pushed out strongest back in the day. This idea that we got to kill all the bugs in the mouth.
Bad idea. We wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for bacteria.
Dr. Conners
Yeah. The micro flora extends to every orifice of your body.
Will Revak
Exactly. And if we approach it like it’s a war zone, we’re going to harm ourselves. What the HealThy Mouth blend has done does is we dug into the research deeply and we found, for example, oh, wow, manuka oil. Manuka, we’re all familiar now in the alternative wellness sphere of manuka honey. That’s a honey that is from bees that harvest from the manuka plant. So this is not manuka honey, it’s manuka oil is one of the ingredients in our HealThy Mouth blend. Shows in the literature that it is the most effective plant compound to stop a couple of key pathogens. It effectively knocks down P. Gingivalis, which is one of the primary thug bugs and really lead drivers of gum disease and periodontal disease. And it is also one of the few plant compounds that can actually stop spirochete, which you’ll know from your lyme work that spirochete is an oral pathogen, but it’s not just an oral pathogen. And it is nothing good to do in the body. So the HealThy Mouth blend selectively looks to reduce thug bug populations while supporting the biome in general and allowing the probiotic species to gain the upper hand again.
In any biome, you’re going to have the majority which is in the middle of that Bell curve that are called commensals. And they’re basically neutral. And then you’re going to have probiotics on one side and pathogenic on the other side. So you got the ones that are very obviously for the health of the host and on the other side who are pretty arguably their thug bugs. They’re pretty darn obviously looking to destroy the host, maybe not so quickly because they rely on the host for health, but they’re definitely part of the decomposition process.
Dr. Conners
Their reproduction will damage us.
Will Revak
There you go, exactly. And that leads us all into the whole, how the correlation between gum disease and why we made the HealThy Mouth blend and the whole host of downstream diseases. Just as a side tangent here, I just want to make sure that your audience is on page with this. If a person has gum disease, let’s just say advanced gum disease, which is called periodontal disease, they are many times at greater risk for heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, low birth weight babies, Alzheimer’s disease. Recent research came out in 2019, a research paper came out, and the researcher was very courageous, I think, in making a statement. You read a lot of the research and they’re always talking about the correlation. Oh, there’s an association between this and that, but they don’t ever use the causation word. Well, this researcher came out and said, We’ve been barking up the wrong tree on Alzheimer’s. This whole amyloid plaque hypothesis is inaccurate. This person is putting forward, this researcher is putting forward in a fairly robust way and using the causal word, saying that periodontal pathogens, oral pathogens are the cause of the destruction.
And just like with the lipid hypothesis with cardiovascular disease, this researcher is arguing that with the amyloid plaque hypothesis that it’s like blaming the fireman for the fire. Back to our HealThy Mouth blend. We created the blend to help people manage their oral microflora better because see, what happens is when the thug bug populations build up and colonize enough, then the commensals start to lean in the direction and they’re like, Yeah, come on, the pathogens are winning, so we’re going to emphasize that. And it becomes a slippery slope. So if we can just help cool off the pathogens, it’s called the ecological plaque hypothesis, just knock them back every once in a while, just cool them off, then the commensals can come back up. And if the probiotic species are strong, the commensals can actually lean into the direction of the probiotics. And now you have a healthy balance in any biome you’re talking about because we don’t want to remove the pathogens because everything has its place. We just don’t want them to be running the show.
Dr. Conners
We have to keep them in balance. Exactly.
Will Revak
Which leads us really to one of our primary strategies, if we go back to this idea of an in the mouth approach to addressing, improving one’s oral health and navigating the path to greater oral health, is to become a good steward or a good conductor of the symphony of microbes in your mouth, is what we’re really doing. So we have to understand where the thug bugs live, what can we do to disrupt and disorganize them? We have to understand what to do to not disrupt our own microbiome? What can we do to support a healthy microbial community in there? What can we do to disrupt pathogens that are in the wrong place, that are colonizing down under the gum line? Because that’s where gum disease really gets going.
Dr. Conners
So how is this used in conjunction with the Shine?
Will Revak
The HealThy Mouth blend, one of the benefits of using the HealThy Mouth blend is what’s called adhesion inhibition. Now, what adhesion inhibition is, is it essentially means that we’re helping to create an environment on the tooth where the biofilms, the plaque are thin. What the research very clearly shows is that as plaque gets thicker, it becomes anaerobic, and an anaerobic environment breeds a greater environment for the pathogens. So one of the jobs as being a good conductor of the symphony of microbes in our mouths is to keep thin biofilms. And one of the ways we do that is the HealThy Mouth blend provides this benefit of adhesion inhibition. It makes it more difficult for thug bugs to attach or adhere to the surface of our teeth. So using the HealThy Mouth blend first, there’s a lot of ways you could do it. You could brush with the HealThy Mouth blend in the morning and use Shine at night. Or if you’ve got something really going on, you could use them both at the same time. If you really want to optimize it, my suggestion would be this. Learn how to use a Bass toothbrush. Our Bass toothbrushes, we were the ones that really brought this idea back into the wellness sphere.
Dr. Bass was actually a parasitologist that came up with this Bass brushing technique to help disrupt and disorganize the thug bugs along the gum line. So learn how to use a Bass toothbrush and using the bath brushing method. If you’re not sure what I mean by that, go to our website. There’s a couple of videos there that show you how to brush your teeth to reduce gum disease. And take your Bass toothbrush and put a couple of drops, two, three drops of the HealThy Mouth blend on the brush, and then Bass brush. That’s going to thin biofilms on your teeth. And then come back through and brush your teeth using Shine. Now, the Bass toothbrush method is more focused along the gum line because that’s really where the thug bugs associated with gum and periodontal disease hang out. And then coming back with Shine, well, Shine is for addressing tooth decay on the teeth. So let’s now brush on the teeth with Shine. So if you really wanted to optimize it, it would be a two-step like that.
Dr. Conners
Well, we want to get to our offer before we’re at the end of our time here. So these are my two favorite products. So this is what we’re going to have an offer on our store using a code that I’ll tell you in just a second. So if you’re going to buy this and this, you get another one of your great products that is a big hit by people who shop in our store is the tongue cleaner. We will get into that, but it’s pretty self explanatory with these wonderful directions on the back of it. We’ll give you this for free if you buy one each of these using the code ORAWELLNESSLIVE for Conners Clinic Live. ORAWELLNESSLIVE, use that code in shopping on our store and you’ll get that free. We’re moving into an era in health care that if you are not your own advocate, you are at a great disadvantage. You need to become knowledgeable. There’s no more Dr. Welby out there that’s really looking out for your care. So you need to be your own advocate out there. So Will, in closing, anything that a closing remarks that you’d just like to leave our listeners?
Will Revak
I’d like to broaden it back out. Again, because we are a holistic brand, and that’s really the heart of what we’re doing here. And our mission is to help spread healthy smiles worldwide. If we consider that what goes in our mouths is so important for our oral health and our whole being health as a primary focus, then let’s just have a little bit of fun and contemplate what comes out of our mouths and the impact that that has. Because if we choose to speak words of poison, if we choose to speak negatively to ourselves, if we choose to be the Debbie Downer of our world, we’re speaking words of poison. And unfortunately, it’s not just our cells and our organism that is negatively impacted, but everybody else in earshot. So I encourage us all to put a couple of doses of humility in there and remember that we’re all in this together. And in this modern culture right now, we’re all stressed out to levels that humans are not well adapted to handle, in my opinion. So be willing to laugh something off and give a word of praise because I think that in the end of the day, if we can be a blessing to ourselves and to the world around us, then we’re giving some type of contribution.
That’s a life worth living. That’s a day worth living.
Dr. Conners
Well, thank you, Will. Say hello to your wife, Susan, and I thank her for having oral health issues that brought you down this pathway. And we will have you back soon because goodness sakes, you are a wealth of knowledge to treat people.
Will Revak
We got to dig in further for sure. And thank you so much for having us on, Dr. Conners. It’s really an honor to be joining arm in arm with you to just continue to raise the bar and help empower people to make wiser choices for themselves.
Dr. Conners
All right. Thank you, everybody. Again, we’ll have the links to these products and how to get your product for free when you get both of them. And we’ll see you on the next episode of Conners Clinic Live.
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NOTE: All of the above statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This and any product(s) discussed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Dustin has been passionate about holistic health since he met his wife, Dr Mallory Ranem (Conners) 20 years ago. As the Digital Media Manager, he coordinates content across Conners Clinic’s large online presence, including written, video, and audio.