Class IV Laser Therapy
Deep Tissue Laser Therapy accelerates your body’s own natural healing process through photo-bio-stimulation. Laser therapy provides concrete benefits to your patients and your practice. Laser therapy is effective in treating chronic conditions, acute conditions and post surgical pain.
Tim Macre
ATC, CSC S Head Athletic Trainer for the Buffalo Sabres®
“I feel confident that the LiteCure laser has provided relief to our players through some painful conditions and has been integral in the rehabilitation process after injury. In addition, I believe it has accelerated the recovery time to several injuries that would have normally kept our players off the ice. The LiteCure laser has been very easy to use, has had no maintenance issues and has been an important asset to the team.”
Ed Lacerte
MEd., PT, SCS, L/ATC, CSC S Head Athletic Trainer for the Boston Celtics®
“The medical staff has made this therapy device ‘one of our go to’ tools when treating sprains, strains, and other muscular skeletal conditions. The ease of application makes the whole treatment very efficient. I am confident in saying that the LiteCure laser helped us get our players back on the court faster. It also helped us keep injured players in action through some painful conditions.”
What to Expect
Laser therapy treatments last between 5 and 10 minutes depending on the condition being treated. Laser therapy treatments must be administered directly to skin, as laser light cannot penetrate through layers of clothing. You will feel a soothing warmth as the therapy is administered.
Christie Rampone
Defender for the US National Soccer Team
“As a professional soccer player I am constantly managing aches, strains and pain. Since Dr. Santiago has started treating my hamstring injury with the Litecure laser, my recovery time has been really fast. I was skeptical at first, my time is valuable and I cannot be messing with some new fangled toy. However, the results were truly dramatic. I like the fact that it is non invasive and drug free. It has helped me get back in the game post injury in record time and allowed me to perform at my peak, as I am typically pain free after one or two sessions with the laser. I would recommend this treatment to any athlete looking to optimize healing time. The Litecure laser is my go to modality for serious pain relief.”
Michelle G.
“I had a tummy tuck surgery on May 24, 2007. After the procedure, a lump, hematoma, scar tissue, swelling and pain lingered below my breast bone. With just two treatments by the LiteCure Laser, my swelling and pain has decreased tremendously. I am looking forward to having one more treatment. There is no question that this laser was the best thing that has happened to me, because I avoided another operation just by having two treatments. Having had this experience I am able to serve my patients with deeper understanding and faith in this miraculous machine.”