Dr Kevin Conners interviews Brian Morgan of Evolv Health, the creators of one of our favorite and most-recommended supplements for patients with cancer when it has metastasized to the liver: Limitless. Evolv Limitless contains a targeted concentration of beet root extract—with “nature’s anti-inflammatory,” betalains—found to reduce inflammatory markers by up to 47% in a clinical study.
Evolv Limitless’ active ingredient is extracted using a patented process that leaves out all the nutrient-damaging, high-calorie sugar.
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Dr. Conners
Hello everybody, this is Dr. Kevin Conners. Welcome to another episode of Dr. Conners live. Today’s episode, we have Brian Morgan. Now Brian’s not a doctor, which is kind of nice. So it’s good to have some, pieces of advice from real people out there in the field that are living their life and trying to get healthy and seeing the results they’ve received, doing a healthy approach to life. So today’s episode is great. Brian Morgan is our guest. Again, he’s not a health professional, he doesn’t have a bunch of letters behind his name. But the value that he brings to this show is really his personal testimony and his experience with a few of my favorite products that we use in our clinic for our patients. And personally I use, that’s why I’m having him talk because I have a lot of personal experience with the products that he has. He also happens to be my cousin, and he was introducing me to his product line, because he knew that I’d be interested in it, and I know you’re going to be interested in it as well. So let’s listen to Brian. Also, don’t forget to hit the “like,” that helps us. It helps other people see our video as well. And if you’re on YouTube, make sure you subscribe and hit that little alarm notification button so that you don’t miss any new episodes. Thanks so much.
Dr. Conners
Again, this is Dr. Kevin Conners. Thanks for joining us Brian Morgan and Brian give us a little background on you. I mean, I’m very familiar with you obviously, but let’s hear kind of your story, how you got involved in nutrition and why you did.
Brian Morgan
Well, it’s interesting Dr. Kevin because I thought in my twenties that I knew quite a bit. In my forties, I learned that I didn’t know anything. You know, I was the guy who was in the gym four or five days a week and a GNC gold card member and buying the tubs of protein and gaining the muscle and thinking that that meant I was healthy. But the more I learned about the toxic chemicals and even these products are supposed to be healthy, the more I learned in my late thirties and forties, the more I was actually shocked at products that were out in the market space that truly are a product for profit as opposed to a product to help people. And, I kind of found that out.
Dr. Conners
Wait wait, I have to interrupt you mean you’re telling me that nutritional companies are out for profits and not the best interest of the individual?
Brian Morgan
Yeah. And of course every company has to have a profit or they can’t stay in business. But there’s a difference between bringing quality and bringing value to the market space to earn a profit as opposed to say, bringing marketing with very little value to the human being or to the end user is the big difference. And yeah, I was shocked that there weren’t more governing bodies or more quality control in nutrition. And like you said, for 20 years, I more or less participated blindly until I had more intelligent or more educated people in my life that actually informed me of what is of true value in the health and nutrition world, value in education and value in products as well.
Dr. Conners
Okay. So now you’re involved with a company, so let’s make that known. A great company. We use several of your products. Tell me a little bit about that.
Brian Morgan
So my wife and I were introduced to Evolve health and we’ve been really excited and really proud to be partnered with that brand for over seven and a half years. But it truly started out of necessity. So what had happened for me is, my background has always been a tradesman. You know, when I was young I fell in love with aviation and travel and I became a commercial jet mechanic when I was 20 years old. So I had an 18 year career commercial aviation and that career changed and, a lot of the U.S aircraft that legally had to be maintained in the U.S are now maintain all over the world because there’s no longer those regulations in place. But, don’t feel bad for me, when my career at Northwest airlines ended in 2005, I had already started a construction company. I was already prepared for that. And my construction company exploded in a good way. So I always had something to fall back on. Just having the ability as a craft person to work hard with my back with my hands, but working hard with my back and with my hands put me in a really tough spot. You know, when the construction industry imploded in 2008, 2009, I found myself as a mechanic in a steel mill in 2011. Great job, great benefits. But once again, I was using my back, my body, my hands to make a living and it took its toll. It took its toll in a big way. And all the inflammation in my body, all the injuries I sustained over 20 plus years of being a tradesperson, it took its toll in a big, big way, and it got to a point where I couldn’t even get through a shift of work without consuming 20 Advil every single day.
Dr. Conners
20 Advil a day just to decrease the inflammation from abusing your body. In a good way, a strong work ethic, wanting to provide for your family. But it takes its toll on your joints.
Brian Morgan
Absolutely. And I’ve met many people like me, craftsmen, craftswomen, that have given up our health for our careers. And I was going down that path, and my wife has been in health and wellness her entire life, so she was guiding me along the way. She had, quite an education, but even with the anti-inflammatory, low sugar diet, working aggressively with our chiropractor, I was getting acupuncture three times a week on my feet and ankles, cold laser therapy three times a week, and even went through three types of orthopedic inserts for my work boots. The last pair were $800, they were a custom cut for my foot and for my work boot. And all of those things we did didn’t lead me to any type of solution whatsoever.
Brian Morgan
It was still 20 Advil every single day for five months straight. But in addition to that, I should say for five months straight, it was my wife yelling at me every day because she knew sooner or later that was going to lead to something worse. Things that you know, Dr. Kevin, that I never knew is how a horrific say, an Advil, could be over time. What I didn’t realize is that an NSAID, a nonsteroidal antiinflammatory, what I learned is just one of them could increase a woman’s chance of miscarriage by 80%.
Dr. Conners
Yeah, well you’re doing your due diligent damage on your liver, that’s for sure.
Brian Morgan
Yeah so 20 a day. As my wife will yell at me, it’s kinda one of those things where, until until you hear something enough, you just don’t get it. And, as I got yelled at daily, I wasn’t getting educated. I was just getting yelled at. So I didn’t know how bad it was. So she did know how bad it was, and she was in an absolute panic because she knows what that could lead to. Obviously you have much more experience with it than I do, but I imagine when 20 Advil a day isn’t helping somebody anymore. For me, it was a situation where I was a mechanic in a steel mill and I had to do maintenance rounds every single shift. So I’d have to walk on concrete and I’m six foot four, 240 pounds, and all that pressure on my feet took its toll. But I was saving for my wedding, I was saving for my honeymoon and wedding rings. And, as anyone else, you give up that health for for more hours and more money.
And that’s what I did. But, fortunately my wife was, or my fiance at the time, my wife today was very aggressive trying to find a solution, reaching out to so many different friends across all of the USA. And, the solution she ended up finding was the anti-inflammatory and all natural. My wife is all about eating clean and natural products. And when she found a product that she thought might work, she brought it to our home. So this was seven and a half years ago and the product is Limitless and you might get into more of the science of that, Dr. Kevin or I could add some of it. But the bottom line was this was a natural product that my wife knew couldn’t hurt me. It was guaranteed to reduce inflammation by 47% within 90 minutes. And the studies had been proven on about that. And for me, 14 days into it I was getting ready for work on the 15th day of my wife says, “Hey, how do your feet feel today” and I said “they feel great.” She says, “did you take 20 Advil yesterday?” And I said, “I didn’t take any.” I just didn’t even realize it. Over 14 days, the inflammation decreased so much in my body and especially in my feet. That was my biggest challenge was my feet and ankles.
Dr. Conners
Well, let’s talk a little bit about what you discovered. So the Limitless is the brand name of a patented process on how beets are processed so that the enzyme, the betalain enzyme, is produced from the beets. And that’s the really active anti-inflammatory, very important to help heal the liver as well. We use it a lot for patients with any cancer that’s metastasized to the liver. Any cancer that’s causing pain because it’s such a strong anti-inflammatory. I know the companies really pushing it just as a straight anti-inflammatory for pain. And of course they’re trying to be very careful in making claims, which I really appreciate this company, they’re not making these extraordinary claims. But when you hear testimonies like this going from 20 Advil a day to zero, by taking a natural anti-inflammatory that’s also going to help your liver. A pretty amazing story right there. We should make anybody try this product that has ongoing pain of any sort. So you started taking this, you dropped your Advil consumption down to zero or next to zero. And that was how long ago, seven years ago you said?
Brian Morgan
That was about seven and a half years ago. And you know, what I learned is that that ingredient is Betalain and Betalain is in carrots, Betalain’s in red beets. There’s a few ways to get Betalain in your system. The challenge is, you have to eat a whole lot of carrots and carrots also have a lot of sugar. And the same with red beets. So to get the Betalain, that core ingredient that reduces that inflammation to get enough of it, you’d be consuming so much sugar, you’re doing yourself a disservice because whether it’s beet powder, beet juice, or just the natural organic beet, fantastic, you’re going to get some benefit. But Cornell University, it was a five year, $5 million study to find out what was nature’s number one anti-inflammatory, and it ended up being the Betalain ingredient. The challenge was the Betalain in the red beet also was attached with all this sugar.
And of course sugar increases inflammation. So what Evolv Health and their partners were able to do was to, as you said, have that patent, naturally extracted the Bealain ingredient from the rest of the beet, from the sugar. So in that capsule, just a tiny capsule, they say it’s 500 cooked red beets worth of Betalain without the sugar. And that’s the whole idea, it’s not what is the best antioxidant or anti-inflammatory in the test tube. The studies were on what was best in the human body. And I’m very thankful for that. So then what happened for me is that, because the inflammation released from my back and my ankles and mostly my feet, of course we can’t make medical claims, but I was battling what the medical industry would call plantar fasciitis. And, I mean, it literally was so painful in my feet that I was wincing in pain every step I took to do my maintenance rounds. So, of course, what happens then is, you’re less active. Well, when you’re less active, what happened for me is I gained 40 pounds of fat. Well now you had that 40 pounds of fat on to.
Dr. Conners
The weight on your feet again.Yeah.
Brian Morgan
Yeah. So then what happened, Dr. Kevin, because my feet felt better and, I had more natural energy again, I got back to be active, and over the next handful of months, I lost all 40 pounds of that fat. I have not had an Advil since. And, the nicest part about it is I’ve been able to maintain my health. I haven’t gained any weight back. I haven’t had any bouts with pain or inflammation since. So it’s been a phenomenal product for our family, for seven and a half years. And with that, our family has expanded and when our son was teething, my wife, with her background in health and education, she would just open up the capsule and put it in his milk.
So at any time possible, my wife was going to take the natural route. The challenge is sometimes a natural route, people don’t think it’s that effective. So what are the most effective natural ingredients or natural foods? And I know that’s what you spent 30, 40 years of your career on, Dr. Kevin, is finding out what are the most impactful natural foods, ingredients and solutions to people’s health challenges. But until people have someone in their lives, I mean, I think most people like me where they think they know or they kind of know some of the ideas of good health, but until they put experts in their life, like yourself or my wife or some of the other people that we’re blessed to be in contact with, we really don’t have any idea. And quite honestly, with all the information there is online, you think our country would be getting healthier. But from what I’ve read, the last three years in a row, our life expectancy has actually gone down in America.
Dr. Conners
Yeah. You touched on a lot of great points. Things like our life expectancy, like this generation is going to be the first generation in how many years that is going to have a shorter life expectancy than their parents. Pretty sad. And it is a lot of misinformation out there and partly, maybe a lot to do with the profit driven companies that are not really trying to produce something that’s really beneficial in the end game. It doesn’t have studies behind it. Your testimony and testimonials like this really help drive good nutrition. Because I do think there’s a lot of people that are misled and that they get, maybe a bad taste in their mouth, because something that they spent a lot of money I didn’t work. So when you hear great testimonials, that is a motivating factor. I appreciate all this. Brian, we got to have you on again to talk about some of the other great products that we use with Evolv. Since you have testimonies yourself or heard of testimonies from your CBD product and the Evolv Immune product and some of the other things too. Anything else you want to leave people with?
Brian Morgan
Well, I would just say, I was I think in my twenties, a friend just had pointed out that our brain is like a sponge and there’s only so much we can fit in that sponge, there’s only so much we could fit in our brain. If we try to do all these self studies ourselves, I don’t even think we have enough room in our brains for it. That’s why we put good accountants in our lives. That’s why we put good holistic doctors in our lives. That’s why we put good people that we can trust into education and information. And what I love what you and your staff are doing, Dr. Kevin, is exactly that. I mean, 20, 30, 40 years of rock solid experience and education and the best thing I’ve ever heard is there’s just no way for any of us to know everything. So pick those experts that are on your team that are in your corner, investing their entire lives to be educated in order to transfer that to people like myself. That’s what I would say is just put those great people in your life and, and actually do what they recommend.
Dr. Conners
Even if it takes six months for your wife to nag you right?
Brian Morgan
Right, right. Exactly.
Dr. Conners
Well, praise God that that all happened, that you’re back on your feet, and the inflammation is down. Great testimony. We’ll have you back on very soon. Thanks for the time that you’re giving us. I appreciate it. And we will talk again.
Brian Morgan
Thank you very much, Dr. Kevin Conners. It’s an honor and we’re excited to help people all over the world with you.
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NOTE: All of the above statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This and any product(s) discussed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Dustin has been passionate about holistic health since he met his wife, Dr Mallory Ranem (Conners) 20 years ago. As the Digital Media Manager, he coordinates content across Conners Clinic’s large online presence, including written, video, and audio.