Conners Clinic | Alternative Cancer Coaching

Point 4 for Cancer Success

Modified Citrus Pectin - "Nature's Chelator"

Point 4 for Cancer Success

10 Points for Cancer - Point Four: Assume you have Circulating Tumor Cells

You Are NEVER Cancer Free - Rife Conference | Alternative Cancer Coaching

Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs) can be lab-tested and there are more precise testing methods being developed every year. However, just assume that if you have had a previous diagnosis of cancer that you have CTCs. CTCs are the "seeds" that break away from the primary site of cancer and spread to other parts of the body trying to set up a home and raise a family. Understanding circulating tumor cells is critically important since it is the primary way that cancer spreads to other parts of the body and is very often responsible for the death of a person with cancer.

Historically, medical science has been focused on the primary tumor, attempting to destroy the growing mass. They assumed that if they could kill the cancer, they’ve won the battle. In my opinion, this assumption is foolish at best. Why did the tumor take hold and grow in the first place? Was it just aberrant cells in THAT specific spot or is there an imbalance in the cellular milieu that predisposed you to the process that could again predispose you to a similar process elsewhere in your body if not corrected? Let’s just use a little common sense here!

Point 4 for Cancer Success











You MUST treat your cancer as a SYSTEMIC condition!!!

In an illuminating study conducted with metastatic breast cancer patients, researchers compared the genetic composition of the cancer cells that had formed distant metastasis to the genetic composition of the corresponding cancer cells in the primary breast tumor. The findings were alarming—in 31% of the comparisons, the genetic composition of the metastatic cancer cells differed almost completely from that of the primary breast tumors (Kuukasjärvi et al. 1997). Amazingly, further analysis revealed that none of the pairs of primary breast tumors with its corresponding metastatic cancer were identical. Based on these findings, the authors remarked that "because metastatic cells often have a completely different genetic composition, their phenotype [biological behavior], including aggressiveness and therapy responsiveness, may also vary substantially from that seen in the primary tumors," leading to their conclusion that "the resulting heterogeneity [genetic variability] of metastatic breast cancer may underlie its poor responsiveness to therapy..." To further support the evidence that metastatic cancer cells can vary genetically from the primary tumor, two additional studies with breast cancer patients have demonstrated that CTC can be HER2 positive while the primary breast tumor can be HER2 negative (Meng et al. 2004; Wülfing et al. 2006).

This as well as other research suggests that directing treatment solely towards the cancer cells of the primary tumor can, in some cases, be "barking up the wrong tree". Standard medical treatments (chemo, surgery, radiation) designed to attack the primary tumor always fail to destroy the circulating tumor cells.

Please allow me to scream here: Treat the PERSON, not the cancer!!!

There are several natural supplements that have shown to be great ‘binders’ to CTCs and help stop growth of new tumor sites. See below:

How to Implement Point Four

The following several novel compounds have shown efficacy in inhibiting several mechanisms that contribute to cancer metastasis. It is especially important to consider these compounds during the perioperative period (period before and after surgery), because a known consequence of surgery is an enhanced proclivity for metastasis. I highly recommend:

  • Modified Citrus Pectin (MCP HERE): 3 scoops daily, in three doses through the day – continue with at least 5 grams daily throughout your life after you’ve beat the first round.  MCP comes in a powdered form (what I suggest – mix it into a small amount of orange juice or add it to a smoothie).
  • Cimetidine: 800 mg daily, in two divided doses (I don’t recommend this but research proves its benefits)
  • Coriolus versicolor, standardized extract: 1,200 – 3,600 mg daily - Coriolus versicolor is a mushroom that I love (but I like all the Asian mushrooms). Different nutrients, polysaccharide K (PSK) and polysaccharide-peptide (PSP), are being studied as possible complementary cancer treatments – I use a mixture of this and several other mushrooms in our OWN Medicinal Mushroom blend, OR, get our Coriolus alone in THIS product. Also, a newer, more specific polysaccharide made through a patented process is the product I use - called Evolv Immun, it gives the most powerful immune response against cancer in many individuals. Take 4-6 per day!
  • IP6 – has been shown help decrease adhesion properties of CTCs – consider taking 2-6 capsules per day (I use the product from Hope Science)

Bottom line: ALWAYS assume you have cancer attempting to go crazy inside of you and you’ll better manage it and keep it at bay for your lifetime.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Cancer Class 10 Cancer and Immune System Dr. Kevin Conners

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