Dr Conners once again interviews Dr Brady Wirick, this time they discuss not only the negative impacts of EMF radiation exposure from personal electronic devices like cell phones, laptops, etc. but also the positive uses (Rife, PEMF, etc.)
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Referenced Article: How electromagnetic fields can influence adult stem cells: positive and negative impacts
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Dr. Conners
Hello again, this is Dr. Kevin Conners and we’re interviewing Dr. Brady Wirick. Brady, tell us a little bit about your practice, where you’re located, and what kind of practice you specialize in.
Dr. Brady Wirick
Awesome. My practice is that of Intermountain regenerative medicine. We are in Idaho falls, Idaho, which is the South East corner of Idaho. We’re about three hours North of Salt Lake City. Our practice specializes in regenerative medicine and STEM cell therapy where we do injections for folks that have osteoarthritic joints and other inflammatory conditions that we help them get and maintain control of those regenerative conditions and help them avoid joint replacement surgery.
Dr. Conners
Okay, great. Well that’s very rewarding. I’m sure
Dr. Brady Wirick
It absolutely is.
Dr. Conners
You know, we’ve talked before you said that, you know, some of the other issues that you deal with is that you want to try to help a person holistically. They come in with knee pain or something like that. But the more that you could do from a nutritional standpoint, environmental standpoint, the better results you’re going to have. So today I want to ask you some questions about electromagnetic frequencies that are harmful to us, like personal phone, cell phone towers. Tell me, give me a brief overview of what those are and why we should be careful of those.
Dr. Brady Wirick
So electromagnetic field is a fancy way of saying radiation. Electrons given off by a source from things that, well, I’m not going to say they shouldn’t be giving off giving off these electrons, but they do. And they’re rated in sequence of how powerful of a radiation they admit. For example, it is common knowledge that an X Ray machine emits radiation and that radiation can actually cause cells to alter their DNA, damaging the cells and growing into tumorous problems. So people are intimately familiar with going to the dentist, getting x-rays and when they’re there at the dentist, they have had to put an apron on to protect. So that is on the far end of this electromagnetic radiation spectrum. Well there are a lot of things in our lives that are generally accepted as safe, even though they do still emit radiation frequencies. For example, we all carry one in our pocket. We all have one. Electronic devices, laptop computers, cell phone towers, five G networks, cell phone networks. I’m looking out the field here to the West of my office and I can see those big green electrical boxes. They’re going to be admitting some sort of EMF. The more electronics that we jam into our cars, the more EMFs are going to be present. And if these aren’t harmonized, EMFs, they’re actually very harmful because we are, we give ourselves a low dose of these things on a daily basis and people just aren’t aware of what’s going on and what they’re subjecting their cells to.
So this all, you know, I’ve known about this for a long time. I’ve been a big believer in putting devices on our phones and on our laptops and that will help us harmonize some of those electromagnetic frequencies. But it didn’t really dawn on me until, it was actually pretty recently that I came across a study talking about the effects of electromagnetic fields and STEM cell therapy because I was looking for information on, how can I help get my patients the best absolute best results? And I came across a paper that was titled “the effects of EMF and STEM cells” and it went into really good detail about what the harm and the good that they can cause. So when it comes to EMFs, there’s either harmful EMFs or there’s beneficial EMFs. So beneficial EMFs are going to come from things like pulsed electromagnetic field therapy, Bemer machines, etc. They’re going to emit a positive EMF that can actually help your own STEM cells to proliferate. Then there are other things such as your cellphone, your microwave oven, all these other electronic devices in our lives. They can admit a harmful EMF, which basically can lead to cell damage and cancer.
Dr. Conners
I saw interesting data recently that said, of all the research papers that are out there, because that’s the argument whether, you know, some people will say, “well these aren’t harmful. That’s a bunch of conspiracy theory,” but there’s hundreds and hundreds of research papers out there. And the interesting thing that I just read was 72 or 73% of the independent research that was done showed that 73% of those showed that cell phone radiation was harmful to the body and only 32% of the sponsored, meaning it was sponsored by a Verizon or AT&T or something like that. So they just didn’t publish the studies that showed negative effects. And that’s what you see of pharmaceutical companies too. They’ll send out their drug to be studied by 32 universities. Well, if 23 of them come back and say, “well, it didn’t work,” they just won’t publish those studies. Yeah, so you know, that’s how they protect themselves. And then they publish the studies that, you know, maybe the three universities that came back with very positive results and those are the ones that they said to the FDA for for verification and approval. And that’s what you were seeing, you know, is this pseudoscience. It’s a real science, but the problem is, is that when anything doesn’t, you know, fit what their agenda is, then it just won’t get published and it won’t get submitted.
Dr. Brady Wirick
Right. You get swept under the rug. So the particular article that I’m referring to, Kevin, is actually, it’s on my website. If you go to, imregen.com/resources, the very top article there is the one that I’m, that I’ve been referencing and it was, I think we could consider this one to be an independent study, where they looked at previous papers that had been written and came up with the conclusions based on those particular papers. But what really stuck out to me is at the very bottom of it, they put a note in there. It says at the very bottom of page 11 or page 10 says, as a side comment, “the number of cancer patients in our society is growing alarmingly, according to the environmental health specialists, besides chemical pollution, this condition may be triggered by EMF exposure, but further studies are therefore required to explore this phenomenon both in vitro and in vivo. We believe that EMF based therapeutic app applicants may be used in the future for regenerative medicine approaches as well as in the fight against cancer.” So you have these particular authors are very much in favor of using EMF as a regenerative therapy modality. But they’re also,
Dr. Conners
Let’s clarifying what that is. So when you’re talking about using positive EMFs, you’re talking about using pulsed electromagnetic field therapy, talking about using, Rife Therapy. And those are the positive EMFs that are sinked with your body’s frequency in order to help regenerate your body versus these damaging EMFs that are coming from cell phone towers or dirty electricity and power lines and your cell phone use, that are damaging and influencing your cells. And most people don’t realize that, you know, we all are simply energy that is vibrated at a specific frequency. So we could disrupt that with these, apparent energy sources that affect us negatively.
Dr. Brady Wirick
Absolutely. You know, the way I explain it to patients all the time is if you look at, you know, our entire body is made up of systems and those systems are made up of different organs. The organs are made up of different tissue. The tissue is made up of different cells, the cells are made up of different atoms, and what are the atoms made out of? They’re may out of energy. So if you take the therapeutic forms of energy and let’s use, we’re going to use Rife and we’re going to use PEMF for our example. If you apply those, then you can recharge the state of the cell and help them to grow, help them to puliferate, or if you use the wrong kind of energy or if you’re surrounded by this dirty EMF from cell phones, circuit breakers, etc, that can actually be detrimental to the cells’ DNA leading to cancerous lesions.
Dr. Conners
Yeah, very scary, isn’t it?
Dr. Brady Wirick
It is. Like I’m looking at this article again that I’ve referenced and at the bottom of page two, there’s a great schematic that says, it talks about the biochemical, the biophysical stimuli that is applied to a STEM cell. Now, I think it’s important here that we say that a STEM cell is your body’s own repairative mechanism. You and I both have, we all have STEM cells that your body holds in reserve to help you to regenerate throughout your life. But when we expose those STEM cells to different stimuli, if they’re good, they’re going to go down the green smiley face pathway, which leads to wound healing, regeneration, desire, differentiation, desiring growth and homeostasis. Or if we look at the abnormal EMF stimuli, they can go down the reds frowny face pathway that leads to carcinogenesis, which is cancer, pathological growth, undesired differentiation, teratoma formation and degeneration.
Dr. Conners
Yeah, that’s where you talk scary. We’re going to put a link to that article I’m looking at and I pulled it up as you gave me your website address there. It’s right on your website. It’s iamregen.com. And then you go to the resources under STEM cells and you’ll see that article, your first article, at least the first one you have listed there Boy, so you talk about trying to heal somebody’s knee and you’re, you’re using STEM cells to heal their knee and that they’re, you know, hyper exposed to EMFs via whatever constant cell phone use or dirty electricity in their house or smart, you know, a bake of smart meters, you know, right below them in their apartment building. It’s going to affect their healing ability and the benefit of those STEM cells turning into the type of cells that are going to actually heal that meniscus. Boy, it’s scary. I mean, what are some things people can do? I mean, you can’t move to, you know, a place that doesn’t have a cell phone service. I mean we are kind of tied to our cell phones. Over the last 10 years all of us have basically married our cell phones. How can you still live in this world and function and give some level of protection?
Dr. Brady Wirick
So the cheap, easy freeways are to spend some time away from your devices. For me personally, my cell phone cut off time is 9:00 PM, where my cell phone goes into a different room than the one that I sleep in and I will not look at my cell phone until, well into my morning routine.
Dr. Conners
Well that could be good for us emotionally as well. Right?
Dr. Brady Wirick
Absolutely. So it gives me a sense a break. The other thing is time outside. Grounding is a big deal. You know, where you go, the act of actually going out and putting your feet on the dirt and not with shoes, but actually grounding yourself to the earth is very, very beneficial. You know, the example I think of is, I’ll on occasion find myself in Santa Monica, I love the beach there and I love putting my feet in the sand just because you’re helping to, you actually ground yourself to the Earth’s resonance frequency. And if you want to go down another worm hole, look up Schumann’s way of, there’s more fascinating stuff there. But you can ground yourself that way. There are commercially available products that help harmonize the EMFs coming off your phone. There’s this commercially available products that can, they can neutralize EMFs in an entire building.
There’s a lot of things you can do. Um, you know, using rife as a therapeutic activity tool. Something you using PEMF is a therapeutic. The possibilities are endless. Yeah. I’ll give you a specific example, and I wish I would’ve brought it in here with me, but one of the products that we carry is called the home. Uh, the whole home harmonizer, I had a, um, a woman visit with me about her seizures cause every time her son would rev up an electronic device, this particular case, it was a, a remote control car. The EMF and admitted from that, from that car would send her into a seizure.
Dr. Conners
Oh goodness.
Dr. Brady Wirick
So we took this whole harmonizer and I did a little experiment. I brought it in. And, when she would walk into our office, she could feel the EMFs in our office. It was, you know, you’ve seen cases like this before, that the medical community just blows these people off. It’s crazy. But you know, it’s a real thing. So, I brought in one of the harmonizers and I just set it up by the front desk. I didn’t tell him. And then at the end of our visit that day, I just asked her, I said, do you feel something? You know what’s different? And she goes, something’s calmer in here. Anyway, long story short, she took that harmonizer, put it in her purse and she carries it in her purse everywhere she goes because it helps blocks some of those EMF frequencies for her to have more of a normal life. So there are products that are available that are very, very good at helping protect you from those EMFs.
Dr. Conners
Right? That product we use that same thing. That’s Hedron and they make a pendant, which is smaller than the home pole harmonizer. So people that are more sensitive to EMFs, I know there’s a gene, there’s four genes. If you have defects of those genes, you’re going to be more sensitive. If you have chronic Lyme disease or something like that, you’re going to be more sensitive. If you have a chronic illness, like cancer, you’re going to be more sensitive. So you need to take even greater precautions. But in order to prevent those diseases, you want to take greater precautions. So there’s things that you can do, put things on your cell phone, keep your cell phone away, turn your wifi off at night. Maybe try living without a wifi, just use plugin, you know, internet that could help. But it is, there’s a lot of real danger just because you, you know, you don’t necessarily feel it. It could cause disease and cause ill health and cause a decrease in healing ability and an increase rate of aging. Especially if you’re talking about dementia the rate of dementia increase and Alzheimer’s increases going through the roof for that, certainly a piece of it as well. So the more you could do to prevent that, the better. Any closing thoughts on EMFs? On what you, anything else you do with your patients?
Dr. Brady Wirick
You know, it’s, I think you’ve hit it on the head when it’s something that they absolutely ignore because it is a very… for 99% of people, it’s a very, you can’t feel it. You can’t sense it. Even when you put these devices on yourself or on your phone, you still don’t see a big difference. For some people it’s hard to, for them to accept that something’s actually helping them.
Dr. Conners
Right, exactly. Well, thanks so much Dr. Brady. I going to share your website so we make sure that people get to that. iamregen.com. You’ll find a load of information. You have a lot of great patient information there. And the article you’re referring to is how electromagnetic fields can influence adult STEM cells, positive and negative impacts. Of course, talking about the positive impacts with things like Rife and PEMF and the negative impacts like cell phones. We’ll have you on again. Appreciate it. Alright, bye, bye.
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NOTE: All of the above statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This and any product(s) discussed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Dustin has been passionate about holistic health since he met his wife, Dr Mallory Ranem (Conners) 20 years ago. As the Digital Media Manager, he coordinates content across Conners Clinic’s large online presence, including written, video, and audio.