Stop Skin Cancer with Vitamin B

Nicotinamide (a form of vitamin B3) reduces the incidence of nonmelanoma skin cancers (NMSCs) in high-risk adults, according to study results released May 13, 2015. The authors of the study are scheduled for a presentation at the American Society of Clinical Oncology’s annual meeting later in May.

Nearly 400 adults in Australia who had at least two NMSCs in the past 5 years were randomized to receive oral nicotinamide (500 mg) or placebo twice daily for a year. During the study, the average number of new NMSCs was significantly lower with nicotinamide (1.77 vs. 2.42). Significant reductions were observed for both squamous cell and basal cell carcinomas. In addition, the number of actinic keratoses, which can turn cancerous, was significantly lower among nicotinamide recipients as early as 3 months after supplementation began. Adverse events did not differ between groups.

Stop Skin Cancer with Vitamin B
The authors conclude that nicotinamide is “widely accessible as an inexpensive over-the-counter vitamin supplement and presents a new chemopreventive opportunity against NMSCs that is readily translatable into clinical practice.”

It is important to note that the BEST form of your B vitamins are from a natural source. Most over-the-counter B vitamins are synthetically manufactured from coal tar derivatives – NOT GOOD. We use Premiere Research Lab’s Max-B ND, a naturally derived B that is fermented in a probiotic base.