Taking Care of Dental Health

It’s no secret that unresolved and sub-clinical dental issues can lead to very serious disease. We recommend that all our members seek the services of a biological dentist to check for such problems that may be a root cause of a condition.

Now, Biocidin has come out with a phenomenal product to help with dental hygiene – Dentalcidin – Oral Care System:

“Everyone wants a beautiful smile. Beyond beauty, it’s a sign of good health – of whole-body health. Consider this – what’s behind that smile? A healthy mouth is the result of a balanced oral microbiome. But there’s more to it.

What grows in our mouth – healthy or otherwise – is swallowed and may go on to grow in our gut. In addition to its impact on gut health, research shows that oral health also sets the stage for systemic health. In essence, whole-body health begins in the mouth.

Mechanism of Action:

  • Supports Microbial Balance & Freshens Breath – Many of the botanicals in the system impact unwanted microorganisms and selectively enhance beneficial microorganisms, freshening breath and contributing to healthy oral ecology.
  • Biofilm Disruptor – The botanicals and essential oils work in five different ways to inhibit biofilms, eliminating the plaque that causes a majority of oral health concerns.
  • Immunomodulatory and Supports Healthy Inflammatory Response – Several ingredients in our Biocidin Botanicals Oral Care System support healthy immune activity and downregulate inflammatory pathways.
  • Antioxidant – Most of the ingredients have antioxidant (OPC) activity, which helps neutralize free radicals and repair gingival tissue.
  • Cleaning and Whitening – Gentle abrasive for superior cleaning, and absorbent for whitening activity.

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More than just toothpaste and mouthwash, Dentalcidin® and Dentalcidin® LS are Dentaceuticals™ – natural dental formulations that impact the health of teeth and gums. Biocidin® – our flagship, broadspectrum botanical formula – is the active ingredient in both products. With Biocidin’s ability to support healthy microbial balance, modulate immune activity, and maintain a healthy inflammatory response, it just makes sense.*

Biocidin® has been shown to balance microbial ecology without harming probiotic organisms.* And it disrupts plaque biofilms, leaving teeth feeling exceptionally clean.* Because it’s functional medicine for the mouth, we’ve coined the term “Dentaceutical™.” This is a revolutionary approach – a natural solution that delivers fresh breath, healthy tissue, and clean white teeth, all while preserving oral microbial balance.*

Now that’s something to smile about.