The Navarro HCG test was developed in the late 1950’s by Dr. Manuel D. Navarro, a renown oncologist in the Phillipines. The test detects the presence of cancer cells long before most people develop any degree of signs or symptoms. The test is non-invasive, inexpensive and is said to detect a growing presence of cancer cells years before they would be found through Western oncology screening methods.
The Navarro HCG test can be used preventatively to screen for active cancer in the body, much like a mammogram or PSA test. It can track the effectiveness of current treatment regimens by showing if the presence of HCG is rising for falling. And the HCG test can be used following successful cancer treatments to ensure the patient remains in a state of remission.
Although Dr. Manuel Navarro is no longer living, his son, Dr. Efron Navarro still runs the clinic and handles all of the testing procedures.
PLEASE NOTE: The Navarro Medical Clinic is requesting that patients NOT mail or send their urine extract for HCG cancer test to the Navarro Medical Clinic effective APRIL 3, 2022. Please visit their website for updates.
What is the HCG Test?
The HCG test is based upon a theory proposed by Howard Beard & other researchers, that cancer is related to misplaced trophoblastic cells that become malignant. Similarly to pregnancy, these trophoblastic cells secrete HCG. As a consequence, any measure of HCG found in the blood or urine is also a measure of the degree of malignancy in the body.
The higher the number, the greater is the severity of cancer.
How is the test performed?
There is no urine kit provided by Navarro to prepare the specimen. All necessary materials are household items and can be purchased from a pharmacy or hardware store.
The test is easily performed within the privacy of the patient’s home, there is no need to travel to a clinic or have a professional help with the process.
Why does the test require a urine sample and not blood?
In 1980 a research study conducted by Papapetrou & co-authors reported on the efficacy of using urine specimens as the preferred method for HCG Immunoassay testing. The report showed that in over 32 proven cancer cases, the HCG test gave 31 positive results using urine while only 12 positive results using blood.
The problem with blood samples is that when HCG molecules travel to the liver they undergo a biochemical process called Glycosylation. In Glycosylation, enzymes act upon the HCG molecules and fragment them. This process is problematic for testing because the reagent used in Navarro’s specimen processing is meant to detect the whole HCG molecule. If HCG is fragmented then the reagent might not be able to identify the molecules, which may cause a false negative test result.
With urine testing, however, HCG molecules do not undergo glycosylation, the kidneys are able to pool a higher amount of whole HCG molecules and the results will show a true positive.
How the Navarro HCG test differs from traditional HCG serum testing:
The Navarro HCG Test uses urine as the specimen. In serum HCG testing, blood is used, which is known to be less accurate by causing a false negative. Refer to the above section “Why does the test require a urine sample and not blood?” for further details.
Before Collecting & Creating Your Specimen:
Women must abstain from sex for 12 days
Sexual intercourse alters the results of the test because it takes at least 7-12 days for the female genital tract to clear seminal fluid. If a sample is taken prior to the 12-day waiting period it may cause a false positive result. One cannot tell whether the HCG is coming from the cancer cells or the seminal fluid.
Men must abstain from sex or ejaculatory masturbation for at least 48 hours
It takes at least 2-3 days to clear passage ways of seminal fluid. If a sample is taken prior to the 48-hour waiting period it may cause a false positive result. One cannot tell whether the HCG is coming from the cancer cells or the seminal fluid.
Stop taking any vitamin D for 1 week
This only applies to supplemental vitamin D, this does not mean avoiding time spent out-of-doors.
Do not collect or send specimen at all if pregnant
Do not send if taking:
Thyroid Hormones
Steroidal Compounds {example: prednisone}
Female hormone replacement therapy {Estrogen, testosterone or progesterone}
Materials Needed for Specimen Collection & Preparation:
100% Acetone
Nail polish remover is NOT A SUBSTITUTION, unless the ingredient list on the bottle clearly states that it contains 100% acetone
Ethyl, Isopropyl or rubbing alcohol
The higher the percent alcohol content, the better
Coffee Filter
White or Brown, it makes no difference
Plastic Sandwich Bag
It is best to use a plastic bag which fully zip-seals, rather than folds over like traditional sandwich baggies. If the bag is not fully sealed, it’s possible some of the sediment could fall out of the bag in-transit.
Glass Container/Jar/Beaker
Do not use plastic containers, the acetone will strip them and disrupt the test
Glass Measuring Cup
Do not use a plastic measuring cup, the acetone will strip it and disrupt the test
1 tsp Measuring Spoon
Metal Stirring Spoon
Do not use a plastic spoon, the acetone will strip it and disrupt the test
Optional: Colander or Flat Strainer
As pictured in steps 5 & 6
Preparation Steps:
Step 1. From first urination of the morning, take 50 ml {1.7 oz} of urine
Ideally it’s best to start preparing the specimen immediately after collection. However if time does not allow immediate preparation, you can let the urine sit for a few hours before starting.
If the urine is left for more than 12 hours without mixing, this possibly affects the testing status of the specimen. For best results, a new urine sample will need to be collected the following morning.
Step 2. Add 200 ml {7 oz} of acetone and 5 ml {1 tsp} of alcohol. Stir and mix well.
Note: 1 ml = 1 cc
Step 3. Let it stand in a refrigerator/cool place for at least 6 hours until sediments form.
Step 4. Shake the mixture and filter the remainder through a coffee filter, making sure all the sediments are on the filter paper.
Tip: Before pouring the mixture over the filter, dump off the top half of the mixture without disturbing the sediments which have settled on the bottom of the container. Then swirl the rest of the mixture until the sediments lift from the bottom of the container and mix back into the remaining liquid. Pour the mixture gently into the filter paper without causing the liquid to overflow.
There may be a situation when you will need to scoop up remaining sediments from the container. If so, use a sterile spoon.
Step 5. When filtration is over, air dry the filter indoors along with its’ sediments
Step 6. When dry, fold the filter in half with the sediments inside and place the filter into a plastic sandwich bag. Make sure to seal the bag completely closed, removing as much of the air inside the bag as possible.
Step 7. Mail the specimen FIRST CLASS INTERNATIONAL AIR MAIL w/USPS to Navarro Medical Clinic
{mailing instructions below}
Where to Mail the Prepared Urine Specimen:
Mail the bagged specimen FIRST CLASS INTERNATIONAL AIR MAIL w/USPS to the following address:
Navarro Medical Clinic
Dr. Efren Navarro, MD
3553 Sining Street
Morningside Terrace
Santa Mesa, Manila 1016
2 Forever stamps and a business envelope should take approximately 3 weeks to arrive at the clinic.
Once Navarro Medical Clinic has received the specimen, Dr. Navarro will confirm receipt via email and begin processing.
If after 3 weeks you have not received any response from the clinic, send an email to stating the date the specimen was sent, the patient’s name and mailing address. Make sure to also check your email’s Junk Mail Folder or Spam Folder, it is possible that the email response was accidentally flagged as suspicious.
SHIPPING UPDATE: We have received occasional updates from patients that when their specimen is shipped USPS it is not arriving to the Navarro lab within the necessary timeframe.
If this happens to you, another option is FedEx Express {not UPS}.
FedEx seems to bypass issues/delays at customs though, depending upon the service speeds available in your area, shipping costs are significantly higher. The benefit is that the specimen will likely arrive within 1 week, greatly expediting your receipt of results.
When Mailing Your Specimen, the Following MUST Be Included:
- A note with the patient’s Name, Address, Gender, DOB, Email Address, the Date the specimen was created, a brief Clinical History &/or Diagnosis.
- Copy of your payment {unless you are mailing a personal check along with the specimen, then no copy is required}
As of 2020, the cost for the Navarro HCG Test is $63.00 USD
Payment Options Available:
To place payment, go to the Navarro Medical Clinic website:
- Cashier Check
- Postal Money Order
- Personal Check {can be mailed directly to clinic along with specimen}
- Western Union
- MoneyGram
- Zelle
- Bank Online Bill Payment {Chase, Citibank, etc.}
- PayPal
Interpreting Your HCG Results:
With the HCG test, the higher the number means the greater the severity or presence of the cancer.
HCG levels can reach up to 10,000 International Units/IU or more {especially in testicular cancer, H mole and choriocarcinomas, and germ cell tumors}. However most other cancers have results anywhere from 50 to 80 or 90 IU.
When the Index registers +4, it means that the result is above 50 IU and is positive. But if the Index registers +/-3 it means that the result is below 50 IU and is essentially negative.
For example: If the results register an Index of 52.2, the Navarro clinic still considers such a reading to be “Doubtful”. However, from a preventative standpoint, such an Index might warrant a conversation with your natural healthcare professional to discuss lifestyle/dietary changes, how to manage any concerning symptoms, or whether additional preventative screenings should be considered.
NOTE: The HCG test cannot be used to stage the cancer or render a formal diagnosis. The test can only be used as a cancer marker to track the actual presence of cancer and to monitor progression/regression.
General Testing Recommendations:
The following frequency recommendations are general guidelines created by Conners Clinic to support both members and non-members in their healing journeys. These guidelines are not formerly researched are are solely intended to provide a basic testing schedule. If you feel you should increase or decrease your testing frequency, we honor your decision.
For non-members, we expect you are working closely with your own healthcare professional and are communicating with them to make the best decisions for your HCG testing needs.
Preventative Measures w/o Symptoms: If your HCG test registers an Index of 0-3 and there are no concerning symptoms present, Conners Clinic recommends performing the Navarro test annually.
Preventative Measures w/Symptoms: If your HCG test registers an Index of 0-3 but you have begun experiencing concerning symptoms {OR if your Index increases to a 4 but you still have no symptoms}, Conners Clinic recommends performing the Navarro test quarterly – every 3 months – throughout the course of a year in order to track any potential Index changes and establish a comprehensive baseline.
Once the year is complete, assess your current standing and work with your natural health practitioner to decide whether you should increase/decrease/maintain testing frequency.
Active Cancer Monitoring with Stabilized Symptoms: If your HCG test registers an Index of 4 or above and your symptoms are either holding steady or decreasing, Conners Clinic recommends performing the Navarro test quarterly – every 3 months – throughout the first year.
If after the first year your symptoms have not increased and/or your registered Index has gone down, you can choose whether you feel comfortable decreasing your testing frequency to every trimester – every 4 months, or bi-annually – every 6 months.
Active Cancer Monitoring with Unstable Symptoms: If your HCG test registers an Index of 4 or above and your symptoms are worsening or inconsistent, Conners Clinic recommends performing the Navarro test every 2 months to closely follow progress and the effectiveness of current treatment protocols. Continue at this frequency until either symptoms stabilize or your registered Index has steadily decreased over the course of a full year without rebounding back up.
For More Information and updates about Navarro HCG Testing:
Navarro Medical Clinic:
Anti-Cancer Mom:
Cancer Won’t Beat Me:
If you are interested in working with Conners Clinic, you can call us weekdays at 651.739.1248 or email us at