At some point in our lives, we will experience pain. Pain is the most common symptom patients seek medical care for and it plays an especially large role in chronic dis-ease states.

Pain can manifest in a multitude of different forms, speeds and intensities, some times coming out of nowhere and hitting hard/fast, and other times throbbing along at a low/slow grind. At Conners Clinic, we have found pain to be the most debilitating and life-draining symptom any of our members experience. We regularly find ourselves chasing after pain in the same manner which we chase after cancer, trying to understand where it’s coming from and how best to get it under control.

The more that we understand where pain comes from and how that interacts with each of our member’s unique history and chemistry, the better chance we have at finding comprehensive TrueRife frequency programs to assist the patient successfully combat their pain.

Though it may seem counter-intuitive, all pain actually occurs in the brain. Even when there’s an injury somewhere else in the body, the conscious awareness/perception of physical pain takes place in the brain by way of what are called “pain pathways”.

Pain pathways come from two main sources: nerve/neural pathways and tissue damage.

Nerve Pathway – Originating Pain

Nerve pathways are essentially electric roadways for communication. Made up of millions of brain cells, nerve pathways communicate by sending electrical signals from one region of the nervous system to the other. These pathways play a large part in our growth/development, our learned habits and our mannerisms.

For example, learning how to ride a bike is establishing a nerve pathway. The way we sign our names, the way that we walk, talk and hold a spoon, are all attributable to the development of nerve pathways.

Pain is perceived through the development of a nerve pathway. There does not need to be any active tissue damage or physical trauma in order to create a neural pain pathway. Instead, nerve pain pathways are activated by triggers such as fear, stress, or other emotionally, spiritually or mentally negative influences that happen to the person. These pain pathways are developed over time – ingrained into the mind – and can lead to the perception of physical pain.

Tissue Damage – Originating Pain

When a physical injury occurs, nerve signals are sent to the brain and the brain has to interpret what those signals mean. The amygdala – the danger center of the brain – along with other areas like the anterior singular cortex and the prefrontal cortex, interpret the pain signal as either dangerous or non-dangerous in order to determine its response.

In response to most injuries, the brain interprets nerve signals as dangerous. The interpretation of danger then creates the sensation of fear, which then begins generating a pain pathway. It is at this point that the perception of pain begins to develop and, with reinforcement of both physical and emotional neural signals, the pathway will be fully established.

Turning Pain Pathways into No-Pain Pathways

It is important to remember that the interpretation of danger signals and the development of pain pathways can be triggered by both physical injuries as well as emotional injuries/events (remember the “fear, stress or other negative influences” mentioned above). Research has shown that emotional trauma triggers the exact same danger-to-pain pathways in the brain as physical injuries or events.

Well, this certainly makes sense when it comes to cancer patients. Cancer, and the other insinuating circumstances which surrounds cancer growth, all contribute to pain pathways from tissue damage. But in addition to the physical assault, the presence of cancer brings a host of emotional triggers that can not only reinforce physical pain pathways, but also establish emotional, spiritual, mental and psycho-social nerve pain pathways.

In many regards, our emotional response to cancer can have a greater influence on our brain’s perception of pain than the cancer itself. Because even if the tissue damage were to heal, the emotional pain pathways could remain and persist. But the good news is that these nerve pain pathways can be halted by redirecting the pain pathway into what are called “no pain pathways”.

So how does a member begin to combat their pain? We must begin to combat pain by addressing BOTH the tissue damage AND the emotional damage.

We address the tissue damage through supplement/dietary protocols, lifestyle changes, customized TrueRife programming/usage and other therapy regimens.

We address the emotional damage through the use of the Rife machine and through supporting our members in the following categories:

  • Education – We want our members to be educated, and we use our courses, our books, our Member-Only Site and our resource/protocol binders to lay the foundation for understanding our philosophies on cancer and dis-ease states. We want our members to be empowered enough to be their own researchers and advocates, intuitive to their body’s needs and capable of communicating their goals and needs. The more you know, the less you’re dependent upon others and the less you’re a victim of your circumstances.
  • Behavioral Work – When people experience pain, the pain causes fear. Conversely if they are afraid of their symptoms, their fear reinforces their physical pain and it becomes a vicious cycle. By stopping fear-promoting behaviors, members can begin to take control of their pain.
  • Emotional Work – There are a variety of emotional and spiritual practices we encourage members to begin using to reduce the development or reinforcement of pain pathways.
  • Making Lifestyle Changes – This goes back to the same practices we use for tissue damage: supplement/dietary protocols, lifestyle changes, custom TrueRife and therapy regimens. These practices help patients reclaim their power, allowing them to trust their body’s ability to heal and overcome differing states of dis-ease.


Rife Frequencies for Pain

Using the TrueRife supports both emotional and physical pain pathways.

Some TrueRife programs may address inflammation, some may address emotions, some may address the nerves themselves as a means of healing damaged nerve endings.

All of the frequencies listed below may help reduce the presence/perception of pain, which is a fantastically non-invasive, non-toxic option to keep in your pain management “cabinet”.

TrueRife Frequencies Folder

  • Pain Bio 1
  • Pain Bio 2
  • Musclar Pain & Tightness
  • Injury Pain
  • Bio Basic
  • Back and Hip Pain
  • Pain_Scenar Emulation
  • Back PainV
  • Neuropathy
  • Nueropathy

Essential Oils Folder

  • Pane Away_Pain Relief
  • Relieve It_Pain Relief
  • Relieve It_Pain Reduction
  • Relieve It – Pain Reduction
  • PanAway – Pain Relief

Functional Rifeing Folder

  • Relieve It_Pain Relief

HyperDrive Folder

  • Bio 1 HD
  • Dental Pain HD
  • Bio 2 HD
  • Back and Hip Pain HD
  • Bio Basic HD
  • Back PainV HD
  • Muscular Pain & Tightness HD
  • Injury pain HD

Nature’s Pulse Folder

  • Dental Pain
  • Back and Hip Pain
  • Back PainV
  • Backache_1
  • Backache_2

Overnight Sets Folder

  • Back Pain Gulle Set
  • Back Pain_Sciatica
  • BackPain_Sciatica_v2

Ion Pro Wave Folder

  • Chronic Pain

We recommend starting with a few different programs and alternating them to see if any provide immediate or delayed benefit. If a program has been used for 3-5 days with no noticeable change, we recommend moving to other programs.

Additional Information on TrueRife, Pain & Cancer:

Don’t forget to check out our other blogs listing TrueRife frequency programs for STRESS, INFLAMMATION, or SWELLING, all of which can effect pain pathways.
