What’s a good Digestive Enzyme?
A good digestive enzyme can be the FIRST defense against ill-health. My favorite, Clear Digest, is comprised of a proprietary blend of digestive enzymes along with betaine hydrochloride (HCl) to support the optimal digestion of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Watch Dr. Conners’ video on Hypochlorhydria HERE
It contains the special protease dipeptidyl peptidase IV (IVDPP), which aids in the breakdown of the peptides gluteomorphin (from gluten) and casomorphin (from casein). Clear Digest also includes the enzyme lactase, which helps break down the dairy sugar, lactose.
The use of Clear Digest before meals may be helpful for patients who experience gas and bloating after eating, occasional constipation, or a feeling of fullness after eating only a small quantity of food. I suggest 1-2 before or with each meal.
NOTE: All of the above statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Dr. Conners graduated with his doctorate from Northwestern Health Sciences University in 1986. He holds AMA Fellowships in Regenerative & Functional Medicine and Integrative Cancer Therapy.
He is the author of numerous books including, Stop Fighting Cancer and Start Treating the Cause, Cancer Can’t Kill You if You’re Already Dead, Help, My Body is Killing Me, Chronic Lyme, 3 Phases of Lyme, 23 Steps to Freedom, and many more you can download for FREE on our books page.